Hi, long time no see. I admit that I'm not watching any anime at the moment, I'm hooked to western series at the moment, but that does not mean I will stop dropping one shots here and there, so...

A/N: OOC might be here? And being the excited, lazy person I am posted this without re-reading, but I checked for major spelling mistakes, I swear!

After years of running and eventually fighting they were able to bring down the organization with minimal casualties and a lot of infrastructure damage. It does not only involve Tokyo specifically but also other parts of Japan and their underground branches in other parts of the globe. They worked with the FBI, Interpol, and even a small help from the military after knowing that it is a national problem and is bigger than they first thought.

But after all those months, even years of tracking, baiting, and risking their lives and everyone around them, they were able to bring every single one of the big fishes down and those who were able to escape the battle are sure to keep the secret that they were once a member of the organization.

Of course after all those ruckus there will be sacrifices and all secrets were laid on the table for all to know. Conan was fifteen when they decided that he should tell Ran everything, tell everyone important to him know who he really is. Haibara was not so convinced but knew that it was the only way to really keep those people safe, to let them know who they are going to deal with and will be prepared for it. It is much better to hurt than be kept in the dark.

They didn't die. They ended up with not so few stiches here and there, Haibara sported a cast on her right arm for a few months while Conan have to deal with a wheelchair after getting two bullets out of his shoulder and stomach. Ran always visited him, practically living in his hospital room just to keep an eye on him. Hakase, on the other hand, stayed with Haibara in her room. The kids visited them every once in a while with cards and company to entertain them.

Eventually, their wounds healed and everything is getting back to normal. Well, not all.

The antidote is ready but it is not a pure antidote. It could get them by a few months or years without shrinking back and is a good bet, Haibara could create more of these and they can just take another pill if they think the time is up. They could live as themselves again. No more hiding.

But Conan has another idea. He wanted to Conan, Shinichi died when Conan appeared.

"It is not fair to her" Conan remembered Haibara saying after his revelation. Conan looked longingly at Ran but it was not the same. They do not live in a fairytale that love is instantly there after their first meeting or even after a long time had passed and the distance of their hearts are still the same.

Reality is different.

You can meet a person and hate them at first sight, you will not even think about falling in love with them but you will. You thought that you will not find something similar to that person because you are light and they're dark but you will soon realize that you have more things in common than you first thought. You keep on running after the thing you love most that you didn't realize that every break you take there's the person you hate waiting for you with a water bottle in their hand and a towel on the other. That every clue you miss there will be that person backing you up. The least person you expected will be the person who is always there for you.

Ran understood this right when he told her his reason. She's always understanding and supportive that Conan felt sorry that he couldn't return her feelings anymore. But then Ran confessed something, she was always in doubt if Shinichi will ever return. She knew that knowing someone is waiting for him to return puts pressure on him and that pressure will surely force him to return even if he doesn't want to.

Ran was just glad that the pressure didn't force him to do what he doesn't want. She wanted to congratulate him for learning and for the things he taught her.

So Ran moved on.

She eventually found someone while studying in college. He was nice and Conan approved but he reminded Ran that if he ever breaks her heart she should remind her boyfriend that he knows how to hide a body well.

Conan was eighteen when he was recruited by Takagi as a temporary detective. He doesn't receive the normal salary but he always gets the best view when there are parades of his interest around the block, a few free meals or drinks, and all access to crimes scenes he comes by. Of course Haibara was there as his partner and they were inseparable. If one was there the other is not far away.

Conan was pretty sure when he imagined having a crush on Haibara it will be embarrassing as the woman will always tease her until he turns red. It was pretty amusing to think of but it's not what happened. Sure, Haibara teased here and there and whenever he returns with his own tease she always subtly dismisses that fact that he reciprocated. If ever their 'flirting' ran for too long, Haibara would just smirk at him and nod her head and that will be the end of their conversation.

He thought he was the one with problems, being dense and all, but it seems like the playful woman also has her own fault.

Haibara avoids too much emotions.

She avoids being intimate to another person.

Avoids intimacy.

Whenever Haibara is faced with emotional events or something requires her to give her emotional output she always clams up. She either nods, give a small smile, or just plain shut up. It's adorable sometimes especially if Conan was able to shut her up with a compliment and her forehead creases a little, a small pout on her lips, and a subtle blush on her cheeks.

He doesn't force her into anything just to get her to show him her emotions. She laughs more often after all the dark things that happened, although still very rare. She's more open to other people close to her and she often joins the detective boys with their pranks, yes, she's much, much older than them but she's unexpectedly a prankster at heart, and secretly baits Hakase with small chocolates and scolds him after he'd eaten it. Hakase didn't know it was her leaving those chocolates but Conan knew that her scolding was half hearted and she really loves Hakase that much.

Then there're the murders. Of course his week wouldn't be complete without one of those.

They always manage to close the case the same day they stumbled across it, sometimes days after it and rarely months. Often small cases of everyday people, rarely bog cases involving public figures.

This was one of those rare times.

The crime looked simple, someone killed the woman, mid-thirties, blonde, slim, and her clothes were of the normal people, and dumped the body in a dumpster behind of the cafe they loved near the school. The manner of which the victim died was confusing at first, there were multiple stab wounds on her torso, a large wound on the back of the head which indicates blunt trauma, and a definite shape of rope marks on the neck. Autopsy revealed that the wound on the head was cause ante mortem, this was where the attacker probably knocked her out. The stab wounds were also before her death, what really killed her was the strangulation after. A pretty brutal way to kill someone. Time of death, ten to twelve last night.

The victim, as it turned out, was not ordinary after all. She was the wife of a senator. Of course this case was quickly picked up by the media and it was all over the news before they even started shedding light on the case.

The suspects were the husband, an ex-wife of the husband, and the current 'other man' of the victim. The ex-wife had a solid alibi of being in the cafe at the time of the murder and they don't have any motive for her except that she still loves her ex-husband. The 'other man' of the victim was not so clear in the alibi. No one witnessed him but he kept on insisting that he's just in his apartment sleeping, they were supposed to meet in front of the bar on the other side but she didn't show up so he went back home. The husband didn't have any solid alibi either. He said that he was sleeping and thought that her wife was out partying with her friends and will probably return in the morning or midnight, he didn't thought about her getting another man because he reasoned that she was so sweet and caring and looks at him like he's the only man in the world. Well, he'd been tricked.

"It feels like I'm missing something" Conan cupped his chin and started to go over his notes, the clues, the testimonies, and the alibis. His face settled in a small frown and his shoulders slumped. They are currently chilling out at Hakase's while waiting for the eureka moment to come at Conan and just magically solve the case.

"Well, when it comes to murders like this it's always the one that loves the most who always does it" Haibara commented from the sofa where she's currently watching the tv, flipping through the channels after every other sentence the announcer says. She looks at Conan, who is on the other sofa beside hers, before returning her gaze to the screen.

"Well, I need to know who is it or this whole case will just... I don't know, bother us?" he leaned back on the couch, his head leaning on top of the back rest.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"You expecting visitors?" Conan looked at Haibara while standing off the couch.

"No, you?"

"None" he approached the intercom near the door. "Who is it?"

"Edogawa-san? This is Ketsuha Kabo, TKY TV reporter. I-"

"Shit, I knew they would come her sooner or later but I didn't expect it so soon" he quickly released the button the moment the person said 'reporter'.

Haibara barely glanced at him and continued changing the channel without any interest. Conan flopped back on the sofa he was occupying a few minutes ago.

"They come with the job" she changed the channel again and this time she watched the show longer than others. "Big names always have the spot light on them, win a trial you earn trust, do something good you earn fame, fail one time? Everything will be gone in just a snap" the character on the screen jumped off the cliff and Haibara changed the channel again.

"Are you saying that the husband didn't do it?"

"He can always hire someone to do it but not having an alibi seems to make that useless, doesn't it?" she picked up her mug filled with a still steaming coffee and took a sip.

Conan leaned back on the couch, running Haibara's words in his head.

"Do you think the other man did it?"

"The husband could have hired him" Haibara suggested in which Conan snorts in disbelief.

"That's impossible, it's even ridiculous to even think about. There's no indication or clue that says they are connected in other ways than the victim."

"If he said that he went back home after she stood him up there must be a footage somewhere but he's probably in a car so identifying the plate is not helpful for his alibi but there must be a person who noticed him."

"The bartender did not see him come in for a drink, seems like he was really standing outside," then a thought struck him, "the bouncer at the gate didn't notice him, what was his name again?"

"Takehara Ishi"

"Yes, isn't that the maiden name of the ex-wife?" Conan picked up his notes and flipped the pages. "Yes, it is"

He quickly ran to Hakase's computer and searched for both person. He was able to confirm that they are siblings and that the bouncer needs to be questioned again.

They went to the said club the next day, it was Sunday so no classes, and inquired about Takehara-san.

"That's me, what do you want?" the muscular man, who is bigger than the two of them combined, said in a rough voice.

"You said that you didn't see Hasegawa-san, the one who claimed to stand here for hours, and I wanted to know if you don't really see him" he gave a side way glance to Haibara and the woman rolled her eyes before stepping before him.

"We know you're related to Mako-san, the ex-wife of the senator. Tell us, did you really not see him or were you told not to tell anyone?"

Takehara-san looked everywhere but them, his arms were still crossed in front of his chest and stood his ground without moving. Haibara continued to give him a stern gaze and Conan could see that the man was starting to sweat.

"The man was standing here until midnight," he finally confessed, his tough act crumbling in an instant "He'd been seeing the senator's wife for a long time and they always meet here"

"When did the man arrive?" Conan quickly questioned the man.

"Uh, maybe around eleven? A quarter to eleven- I don't know. Many people pass through here during that time and I can't remember the exact time" the man looked genuinely sorry that he could help more after lying to them.

Haibara put a hand on his arm to reassure him, she gave him a small smile.

"You did well, Takehara-san, thank you" relief broke through the gloomy expression the man had and he returned the smile with his own.

Conan couldn't help but thank the gods that he had Haibara in his side to calm the witnesses after. He's not just good at dealing with those kind of things.

They bid goodbye in the next second and decided to dine in a cafe, coincidentally, it was the same cafe where the ex-wife was on the time of the murder. They took the seat beside the window.

"So the other lover is out of the picture leaving the husband the only suspect we have" Haibara sipped her iced coffee and traced the handle of the cup.

Conan followed the movement with his eyes, "Yeah, but I feel something is off here"

"Is it because the senator's not standing alibi?"

"Yes, you said it already, it's weird to hire someone to kill his wife but not have an alibi. Maybe we're missing something here..." Conan, now lost in thought about the case, failed to see the waitress come over with their slices of cake.

"Excuse me," Haibara called the waitress as she was leaving, she quickly pulled a picture from the back pocket of her jeans, it was the picture of the ex-wife, and showed it to the waitress. "Do you remember her coming here around ten?"

The woman squinted at the picture before smilng in recognition, "Yes, yes, I remember her, it's impossible to forget her. She entered just before ten and there aren't many people here during those times."

"And what time did she left?"

"Oh, a few minutes after eleven. I remembered because she kept on looking at her watch and it also made me do that too" she played with the edge of the menu she's holding.

"Did she meet with somebody or did she just sat here drinking coffee?" Haibara continued.

"No, just her. I also thought that she was waiting for someone but, no, no one."

"Thank you, I appreciate you cooperation" Haibara noddd at her.

"Oh, it's nothing" she waved her hand in front of her, "Sometimes I tend to keep an eye on some costumers, you know, when they stand out"

This caught Conan's attention, she turned to the waitress, "In what way did she stand out?"

"She had this dark red hair, it looked almost brown but it was red when the light strikes it at a certain way. I was staring at her hair for a long time before she shot me an angry glare for staring" the waitress subtly blushed at the memory.

"Red hair..." Conan looked at Haibara and she instantly knew what he was thinking. They abruptly stood up, thanking the woman furiously, and quickly dashing out of the cafe. They need to talk to the husband and confirm something, this is the final clue to the puzzle.

"Ishioka-san, Ishioka-san!" Conan continuously pressed the doorbell at the senator's house. The housekeeper answered, obviously annoyed.

"Where is Ishioka-san, we have important information regarding to the death of his wife but we need to ask him a few questions first"

"He's not here, he left a few minutes ago" the housekeeper sounded tense, maybe the urgency in Conan's voice or something about mentioning the death of the wife.

"Where did he go? Tell us!" Conan shouted at the intercom.

"The media had been on his back since it all started and he said he's going to end it, that they have to leave him alone..."

"He's going to kill himself" he told Haibara even though he already knew the woman already got the meaning.

"He didn't tell us he just said that everything will be fine and he just wanted to disappear-"

"Damn! Thank you though" Conan released the button and started pacing back and forth.

"Where will he 'end' is the question" Haibara stood calmly before the pacing Conan, "A gun"

"Highest possibility but wouldn't it be easier if he'd done it in his house where no one will see him? He wouldn't just go in some random establishment or alley carrying a gun, if he's broken enough he won't even hide it"

"So slitting the wrist is also easier at home and probably also out of the picture"

Conan nodded, "he's hot on the eyes of everyone so I don't think he'll find another place to commit suicide"

"He did want to disappear though" Haibara absent mindedly said.

Conan didn't stop pacing and Haibara was worried that he'll dig a hole on the asphalt ground. Conan stopped after a few minutes and sighed in defeat, he looked at Haibara and asked.

"If you wanted to disappear what would you do?"

"Well, I would have skipped town but I guess that's not in the options for him," Conan nodded, "So I would choose a fast death, since we're talking about a possible suicide here, I would shoot myself or just take another poison"

"Logical but no... something is nagging in my head, something I can't put my finger on" he started pacing again.

"I think I prefer you kicking a ball around rather than pace back and forth, if you continue to do that you might dig a hole and fall" Haibara glared at him and Conan suddenly stopped.

"Fall..." then everything clicked "That's it, I know where he went!" Conan didn't wait for a question or a confirmation before running back to the cafe.

Haibara gained speed and was able to keep up with Conan.

"Where is he?" she asked between inhales and exhales of breath.

"He's at the bridge, he's going to jump off" the skidded at the corner, some people shrieking at the two but they continued to run. "The best way to commit suicide and hide your body without anyone discovering it easily is by jumping off a bridge. The tides will carry the body and and it could end up anywhere and even out of the country, identification will also be hard after the body is submerged in the water for too long."

"Tohto Bridge" Haibara said.

"Tohto Bridge" Conan confirmed.

They were right, the senator was standing at the edge of the bridge ready to jump off. Conan was able to get close to him, the senator didn't budge a bit after all the talk Conan gave him. It was too late, his name was already tainted and he will not be able to live without accusing stares and judging eyes. It's not just the murder he's worried about, it's about everything this scandal brought.

"No, don't jump" Conan was an arm away from him and the senator scooted away from him. "You can still regain your dignity, you'll rise from this. If you jump of this bridge it will only prove what those people are thinking about you. We know you didn't kill her, your ex-wife did, she and her twin planned everything. She killed your wife while her twin created an alibi for her, they thought the simple difference in hair color wouldn't be noticed but real brown hair and dark red are different colors under the light"

Ishioka stopped, it seem to get through him. He looked at Conan with new hope.

"Yes, we'll help you. I'm Edogawa Conan, people trust me, and when I say that you're not guilty they will believe me just, please, climb back here"

"You will really help me?" the senator took a step closer to him, his careful steps sure not to miss the ledge.

"Yes" Conan reached his hand out.

"Kudo" Haibara called.

"Haibara, it's alright, he's coming-" Conan grabbed the senator's hand.

"Kudo, gun!"

Conan looked over his shoulder and saw the ex-wife, or the twin?, fighting for the gun with Haibara. Of course the latter was able to throw the gun away and subdue the woman but Conan did not expect the twin to show up and pick the gun. It was pointed at the both of them and Conan doesn't know what to do at that moment.

Sirens were heard closing by and a loud gunshot was heard, looks like she was taking lessons on how to shoot a gun because Ishioka-san was hit on the shoulder. His sudden realization and the shock his body felt was enough to numb him and drop down to the water below. Conan looked back at the ex-wife and her twin, there were uniformed officers holding them and Haibara was running towards him. A split second decision was made.

Conan jumped over the railing and jumped down on the water.

He could hear Haibara shouting his name while falling down before the loud splash and pain numbed his body.

Conan didn't know how long he was swimming, his arms burned from the strain of swimming for minutes or even hours, Ishioka-san was still alive but they won't make it out alive if he won't reach any dry land soon.

Fortunately, a fisherman was able to retrieve them and call it in. It seems that they were searching for them for hours now, it was already dark when they returned to the docks, and found Hakase and Haibara waiting with the uniforms.

Conan rarely saw Haibara show deep emotions, he knew that she doesn't do well with showing emotions. She was scared. But that moment, the moment his hug with Hakase ended and their eyes met all he can see are guilt, worry, and relief in her eyes. Without any words, she hugged Conan as tight as she could burying her face in his neck. He could feel the desperation in the hug, making sure that he's still in one piece and alive. Their hug lasted long than should be and when Haibara pulled back Conan was sure she was about to cry.

Then, in just a second, her composure snapped right back. The crease on her forehead and the furrow of her brows disappeared, her watery eyes that looked like ready to drop the tears looked dangerous enough to kill him, her subtle pout was replaced by a grim line.

Conan recognized it, it's her defense mechanism.

"I'll see you tomorrow" then she turned and walked away. Conan heard her faintly say to the paramedics waiting, "Take care of him" before disappearing in the crowd of officers and bystanders.

"Why do you think made her do that, I don't understand" Conan thought out loud while sitting on his couch. He decided to call Hakase over than talk in his house where Haibara can hear them without them knowing.

"Well, there are many factors, one that she's mad at you for jumping off the bridge, two is because she realized that she was showing too much and was embarrassed about it. I know now that she's the one leaving those chocolates lying around, she's even embarrassed to give the chocolate personally. She doesn't want people to see her vulnerable side, that's how she kept alive for years and it's not easy to forget"

"Yeah, I know, I just can't... I didn't even think about anything when I jumped, all I can think about is Ishioka-san drowning if no one will jump after him."

"You can talk to her about it, just tell her your reason and I'm sure she will understand" Hakase gave him a knowing look and he sighed, tired of everything that happened that day.

"I'll go" he stood up, before he exited his house, he looked over his shoulder and glared at him, "Don't interrupt or anything" then he walked out.

Hakase let out a hearty laugh at how adorable Conan looked, with his cheeks suddenly gaining color and the warning glare.

Oh, he won't interrupt alright.

Conan stopped just before the basement door, his heart was pounding like a wrecking ball trying to crack his rib open, the metaphorical butterflies felt like a buffalo stampede and he felt his breakfast and the small cup of coffee he took earlier climb up his throat. Suddenly the room felt like a freezer, he rubbed his hands on his arms to produce heat but it only added to his shiver.

He took a deep breath, he needs to do this now.

He knocked thrice and turned the knob, Haibara was facing the computer but instead of having formulas on the screen there are pictures and a few texts that suggest she's surfing the net. The room was lighted, which surprised Conan, and started to speak.


Haibara stopped clicking and slowly turned her chair to face him, she gestured to the stool so Conan grabbed it and moved it in front of her to sit on.

"Here" he handed her a small chocolate box, "I wanted to buy that silly trick box you secretly wanted but I thought you might hate me more if I surprised you by a bouncing clown, so..."

Haibara traced the name of the chocolate, she looked at Conan "It's my favorite"

Conan sighed, he knew Haibara was waiting for him to start what they needed to talk about.

"Look, I'm sorry that I worried you, that I jumped off the bridge but Ishioka-san would have died if I didn't. I'm sorry, I know I should have thought about my parents, Hakase and the kids, thought about you. Heck I didn't even thought about myself until I was falling and heard you shouting my name. All I can think about was Ishioka-san and that I'm the only one who can save him that time. I'm not sorry for saving his life but I'm sorry that I didn't-"

Conan wasn't able to continue his speech when Haibara surged forward and engulfed him in another rib shattering hug. It took several seconds for the moment to sink in before he wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug as much as she gave.

"I'm still angry at you" she whispered on his neck and Conan's breathe hitched. He didn't end their embrace yet but buried his face in her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo mixed with her natural scent, the smell after a heavy rain and strawberries and Conan found it soothing.

"I know"

"I'm sorry that I... gave you the cold shoulder earlier, I have troubles..." she pulled away from their embrace and looked away. It seems that Haibara knew about it as well, she's aware that she pulls back every time she allows herself to be vulnerable.

"I know, I'm a detective remember?" Haibara sighed and looked at him. "I may have been dense, once upon a time, but I learned my lesson"

"Well Mr. Know-it-all, I'm still adjusting so..." she stopped.

"I didn't learn what I needed to learn on my own" Conan said and Haibara caught on to what he was trying to say.

"I don't need your help" she stubbornly said and she rolled her chair back to put some space between them, Conan felt the air around him cold for a split second and wondered if it's the air-conditioner or the fact that Haibara moved away.

Conan gave him a 'Really? You're really stubborn, aren't you' look with a raise of his brow. To Conan's amusement, Haibara blushed a little before looking at him, her face stoic as ever but the color of her face betrays what she really feels.

"I'm scared" Haibara admitted and Conan smiled in relief. That's a first.

"I am too, to be honest" it not only surprised Haibara but also himself. Their eyes meet again and everything feels different, they are both learning something new and starting something completely out of their zones. It terrified and excited them both at the same time.

Conan was one of the few people who was privileged to see behind her mask, to see what she really feels and wants. One of the few people who really understands her and not just easily fooled by her defense mechanisms.

Their weirdly intimate moment was cut short when Conan's phone rang. They both glared at the vibrating and glowing screen of the offending object.

"Answer it, I'm not going anywhere" then she rolled her chair back in front of the computer, the charged atmosphere dispersing but it left with the heavy feeling he's feeling inside and he feels calm.

Conan finally decided to answer his phone, it was detective Takagi.

"Haibara, there's another case six blocks away, want to tag along?" he asked as if he's just asking her to accompany him to the convenience store.

"You don't even have to ask"

A/N: So anyone recognized where the idea was from? Haha, thanks for reading!