A/N: After being a member of this fandom for about six years, I've realized that I love it too much to not write some fanfiction. So, here it goes.

Disclaimer: All credit to the Study Series to the brilliant Maria V. Snyder.

Part One

The freezing winds tinged with the drizzling rain which is common to the cooling season whipped against the bare skin of my hands and face as I pulled the hood of my cloak closer to my face, blocking the elements. Through my effortless mental link with Irys, I sensed that her displeasure with the weather equaled mine. The dreary atmosphere halted me from beginning our discussion until we reached the shelter of our tower. We were nearly there, returning after an intense and long council meeting which we had been in from midmorning to late afternoon discussing my future in the wake of the Fire Warper's demise.

Reaching the Fourth Magician's tower, we entered and slammed the door shut against the wind and slumped against it. Irys sent me a steady glanced and smiled, "Well, Yelena. What do you think?"

"Ugh," I pushed myself off the door and walked further into the circular room. "Could you…?" I gestured to the empty fireplace.

"Mmm," Irys nodded and a blaze sprung up. I watched her with mild curiosity. As Irys used her magic, her soul lit up. It was something only I could see. Interesting.

I shook off my cloak and leaned towards the fire to dry my hair that now curled around my ears. With a sigh I moved around the room, lighting lanterns with a match, "I am surprised at best. The council never decides anything so quickly." A quick glance at her assured me that I hadn't said anything out of line. As the new liaison, I would have to remain neutral on anything related to the council.

"No, I understand your surprise. The council has always been cautious in making their decisions. But," She quirked a smile at me, "I believe that you have gained their trust, so their decisions in relation to you have become easier." She sat on the couch closest to the fire.

"Perhaps," I conceded and slumped next to her, cradling my head in my hands. "But that doesn't make up for the fact that every negotiation over my liaison position had to happen in one six hour interval. My head hurts."

Irys laughed at me. "If you're going to have trouble remembering the details of your contract, I'll get a copy for you from one of the scribes."

I grunted my appreciation and shivered as the door to the tower flicked open for a moment. Even though my back was to it, I knew the only person who would dare enter the residence shared by a Master Magician and a Soulfinder was exactly the person I wished to see.

Irys rolled her eyes, "Why don't you come in, Valek?" With a sigh she stood and faced him. "I'll leave you two alone, I've some errands I must do any way." She swung her cloak around her shoulders and fastening it she spoke to Valek, "Please relate my thanks to the Ambassador for her involvement through this period. I'm pleased with how Ixia and Sitia have managed to corporate over Yelena's position as liaison. I hope this relationship will continue once the delegation returns to Ixia."

Professional, Valek responded, "Of course. It's a message I will also tell to the Commander."

With a final nod and smile, Irys swept out the door, leaving me alone with Valek. As I groaned, he fluidly moved to the couch and pressed his chest to my back, pulling me to his lap. He traced his hands up my arms slowly and pulled them from my head and kissed my knuckles. "What's wrong, love?"

I pushed closer to him and pulled our now linked hands in front of me, "I forgot how soon you were leaving. You've been here ever since the battle but of course I missed you, being trapped in the Fire World."

Valek sounded skeptical, "I know I get upset after parting from you, love, but we've been separated before. We always return to each other though." He paused to analyze my body language. "That isn't the only thing bothering you."

"No, there is something else." I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders and I clasped his forearms. I hesitantly spoke the next words. "I wanted to properly introduce you to my family."

"Oh," Valek tucked my head under his chin and he slouched over me, our tangled arms sliding down. "Must we? I've already met them over a season ago."

"You might have met them briefly, but I wasn't there," I grumped at him. "I don't want to upset you because of this," I closed my eyes. "But Mother forced me to promise before she left the Citadel that once the situation calmed and before I began my liaison duties that I would visit the Zaltana homestead and that I would bring you with me."

Valek shifted in discomfort behind me. "Valek," I teased him, "Does that make you uncomfortable?"

He huffed at me. "I'm not sure I'd behave. I hardly get along with Leif and Zaltanas are known for their stubbornness. And I doubt my reputation would go over well with the other hundred-odd relatives you have."

"Oh please," I joked, "You get along with Leif better than I do."

"That is true," He grunted. He angled his head toward mine and began to feather light kisses against my temple. An old sadness crept into his voice. "I have been without a family for a while, love."

I realized the true reasons for his discomfort then. I slowly twisted in his embrace and pulled him so we were on the same level. His sapphire eyes held my gaze. Valek's sadness reflected on my features. "I honestly did not intend to upset you." He nodded, and nudged his nose against mine. I pushed our fore heads together, "You have me, Valek. I am your family."

His eyes crinkled into a small smile, "And I love you for that, Yelena." His lips brushed over mine and I cupped his jaw. "And, for that I will go with you, to make you happy."

"Thank you," I whispered, and lay back on the couch, pulling him gently with me. "No doubt it will make my mother happier then it will make me." I sighed and sensing Valek's confusion, I answered. "They will want to know how we met and how we grew close." Another sad sigh, "So I'll have to explain everything about Brazell's orphanage and why I became the food taster." I buried my face in Valek's neck.

He embraced me tighter, "You are strong enough, love. I know it."

I gave a dry laugh, "You would think that with time and the new challenges that I've overcame that it would not seem so difficult."

He grimaced in understanding. "It always seems that our first difficulty scars us the deepest, doesn't it, love?"

"But our first love heals us the most, huh?" I whispered to him. Our eyes locked and we kissed again, deepening it and savoring our time together. When we broke apart, I pulled him close, and we held onto each other. Both of us remembered the pain of our pasts and gathered the comfort of our present love to smother the unwanted feelings into submission.

Hope you enjoyed it. I want as much fluff as possible because we hardly ever see the soft side of this couple.

