"Stupid HUMAN!" Zim screeched as he struggled to stand up from some random kid in the hallway who knocked him over. "Prepare yourself to feel the wrath of ZIM!"

The child just looked at him and slowly backed away.

"I hate this stupid planet." Zim muttered to himself. He made his way to Mrs. Bitters' classroom, he was almost late. The bell rang the second before Zim was in the doorway.

Mrs. Bitters looked up from her desk. "Zim, you are LATE." she hissed. "What's the excuse this time?"

Zim widened his eyes. "Oh it was HORRIBLE! Just horrible!"

"What was horrible, Zim?"

"Oh nothing." Zim shrugged. He walked over to his desk and sat down.

Mrs. Bitters cleared her throat and began to bore the class with her lecture of how the government is secretly run by pigs.

Zim made his way down to the base using the small elevator-like machine. He was exhausted from the boring day at skool and was looking forward to taking his mind off of it. "Time to work on my next evil plan." he thought out loud to himself. He spotted Gir on the floor rolling around.


Zim rolled his eyes. "Gir?"

"Yes?" Gir sat up and looked at his master.

"What are you doing? Get up! We have work to do!"

Gir's eyes turned red. "Yes, my Lord!" He saluted Zim and began to follow him further into the base.

Zim halted at his computer screen. "Computer!"

A loud intercom-like voice echoed through the base. "What?"

"Call the Tallest. I need to inform them of my next evil plan!"

The big monitor in front of Zim and Gir turned on and flashed the Irken symbol, signaling that it was trying to find the Tallest's main form of communication. Suddenly both the leaders flashed onto the screen. Tallest Red was the first to speak. "What is it now, Zim?"

Zim saluted his leaders. "My Tallest, I wanted to give you an updated report on my progress so far on this FILTHY planet!"

Tallest Red sighed. "Go on then."

"The mission goes well but I'm sure you expected that from me. When you first assigned me this planet I wasn't sure it was going to be useful at all. But the humans are even dumber than they look."

At this point Tallest Purple was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

Zim took notice of this. "My Tallest, may I ask what is so funny?"

Tallest Purple suddenly turned serious. He looked at Tallest Red. "Should we tell him?"

Zim looked confused. "My Tallest, tell me what?" Zim turned to Gir who had stopped playing with his moose toy and was now listening intently. Zim had never seen him do that before.

Tallest Red sighed heavily and shook his head. "We might as well." He looked at Tallest Purple. "You already told him that we have something hiding from him." Tallest Red now looked at Zim. "Zim, you're not really an invader. Your PAK still has you coded as a food drone on Foodcourtia. We didn't even expect you to find this planet, we were just hoping you'd get lost in space."

Zim's ruby-colored eyes went wide. "But...but..." he stammered. "My Tallest, surely this is some sort of joke?"

Tallest Red shook his head. "No Zim, it's the truth."

"But you even gave me my own SIR unit!" Zim protested. He looked at Gir, who had stopped paying attention and was now banging on his head with his own fists.

"Zim, your SIR unit is a defect." Tallest Purple explained.

Zim looked from the Tallest to Gir and back to the Tallest. He could hardly believe it. His leaders had lied to him.


Zim looked up at Tallest Purple. "You are not my leaders." he stated.

"What are you talking about?" Tallest Red looked confused.

"My real leaders wouldn't have lied to me." Zim continued. "I want no further part in the Irken armada or Irken society at all."

Both the Tallest looked at each other, shocked. "What do you mean?" Tallest Red asked.

Zim looked at the floor. "I mean I will live the rest of my life here on Earth..as far away from you as possible. Goodbye." Zim disconnected the call.