Haruhi PoV

I'm scared.

I know something has happened, something has changed within me, I can feel it and I can see the changes. I hate it, and it scares me.

Kyoya PoV

I looked around the club room, everyone was here, except for Haruhi. She's late again. Probably lost track of time in the library again. She better be here soon.

"Hey Kyoya, when are the guests arriving today?" Tamaki asked.

"The doors open in 7 minutes." I replied.

"Should someone go get Haruhi?" He asked.

"No, she doesn't have any clients until half way through." I answered.

"Really, she's usually booked." Kouru said.

"Yes, it does seem like she may be slipping." I answered as I took note in my book.

Haruhi PoV

I looked at my watch I would have a client soon.

I looked around, I couldn't see much I opened a door into a dark supply closet and that's where I broke down.

Get your barrings together.

I walked quickly to the club room.

Kouru PoV

"Good bye Ladies!" I said as my first clients left. "Hey, Hikaru, has Haruhi seemed off to you?"

"No. Why?" Hikaru replied.

"I don't know, it's probably my imagination."

Haruhi PoV

I silently walked into the club room, put my bag in the back and started to prepare tea.

"Haruhi, you're late." I told her.

"Sorry, Kyoya, I lost track of time in the library." I replied.

"You've been doing that an awful lot lately." He said as he poured some tea.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to be on time tomorrow." I left before Kyoya could get another word in.

I walked over to my table, set the tea out and waited for my guests. I didn't see them anywhere. I looked around the room and saw that my regulars were with Mori today, less clients for me to worry about.

I waited and waited and soon enough the club had ended and my clients didn't show up, but it's whatever. I don't think I have the energy to put up that facade anyways. I got up and started to put the tea away.

"Haruhi I need to talk to you before you leave." Said Kouru.

"I need to have a few words with you as well Haruhi." Kyoya said.

"Okay." I said softly. I finished washing the mugs used today and then I went to wait out in the front room.

"Hey Haruhi." Kouru said quietly.

"Hey." I replied.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking me over.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure, you're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Nothing, it must be my imagination." Kouru said as he walked away.

"Haruhi." Kyoya said.


"You have slipped in performance."

"I'm sorry."

"Is your..." Kyoya started.

"I'm quitting the club." I said.

"Haruhi?" He asked. "What do you mean your quitting the club?"

"Eclair payed my debt. I'm free to go." I said.

"Yes, but, you're part of the club." Kyoya said, his glasses glinting.

"You said yourself my performance has slipped. I'm done." I said as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door holding back tears.

"Haruhi!" I heard Kyoya yell.

I walked faster.

Disclaimer- I do not own OHSHC