Chapter 1:


If you don't know the summary of High School Musical, then shame on you, but here it is for you unlucky fellows anyways.

Basically, it's about a girl and a boy who meet and like each other. They find out they go to the same school. Gabriella is a nerd, and Troy is a jock. They shake up the school, defying their friends' expectations by participating in the school musical.

Yes, there are actual lyrics from the movie in here, but I'm not sure if I'll do all of them. Yes, the lines that the characters say are pretty much exactly from the movie. I skipped over some unnecessary lines, or rewrote them in my own words, but for the most part, this fic will be a near replica of High School Musical.


Canada/Matthew as Gabriella

Prussia/Gilbert as Troy

England/Arthur as Taylor

USA/Alfred as Chad

France/Francis as Sharpay

N. Italy/Feliciano as Ryan

Hungary/Eliza Hedervary as Ms. Darcy

Spain/Antonio as Jason

Austria/Roderich as Kelsi

I will add more characters as I remember and/or decide on them. Honestly, I thought my character choices were pretty spot on (or with more exaggeration, like France) with the characters in the movie, and that's why you'll have to disregard how some of it might not be accurate. Such as their relationships, France and N. Italy are brothers (though France does say Big Brother…) I could have had Alfred and Matthew as Sharpay and Ryan, respectively, but I didn't. I fit the characters, not the relationships. If anyone has any ideas as to who should play the remaining characters, definitely drop a hint.

And, I guess I should say here, that obviously I do not own High School Musical, or Hetalia, or any characters or ideas it might produce. Also, I'm very sorry if someone else has already done this. So... yeah. Please enjoy.

Best Wishes,
