Naomi smiled at Seiko and opened the door for them both. She ushered Seiko in first.

Dinner was great for them. Seiko seemed to get along well with Naomi's mother (a little too well for Naomi's comfort), and afterwards they got into the bath.

"Naomi, you're going to get cold if you don't get in soon!" Seiko said with a grin, since she was already in the tub.

"I wouldn't be so cold if you hadn't have stripped me completely." Naomi grumbled.

"Don't make me come over there and get you." Seiko said slyly.

Naomi blushed and sheepishly stepped into the tub. Letting the warm water ease her inhibitions, and remembering what happened at Heavenly Host, she decided to make a big move. "Would you like me to wash your back?" Naomi asked, grinning.

Seiko smiled and said, "Oh, yes please!"

As Naomi thoroughly washed her back, Seiko made strange noises. Naomi grinned a bit and said, "Oh ho ho, is someone ticklish, perhaps?"

Seiko smiled and said, "Alright, ya got me."

Naomi laughed maniacally and replied, "Well then it's a very thorough washing you shall get!"

Naomi attacked Seiko with the soapy cloth, tickling her most ticklish places. After a few minutes, the girls calmed down. Seiko began staring st Naomi. Seiko followed her line of sight then blushed, "Hey there, what are you staring at?"

Seiko continued staring and replied, "Just your collarbone..."

Naomi tried to cover her chest, but then Seiko decided to make a move. "I can't take this any longer! Come here!" Seiko lunged for Naomi's butt, and did not miss. Naomi blushed wildly, and smacked Seiko across the cheek.

Later as they were in bed, Seiko stared at Naomi. Naomi noticed and wondered, "What's up? Is something wrong? I didn't smack you too hard, did I?"

Seiko smiled and replied, "No I'm fine. Really. I'm just really happy to be here with you."

Naomi smiled and watched as Seiko went to sleep. When she heard the deep breathing, she closed her own eyes and said quietly, "Its so warm. It's kind of nice."

"It does feel nice, doesn't it?" Seiko said.

Naomi popped up, "you could hear me?"

"Yup!" Seiko replied, "I can hear you even in my deepest sleep."

"Huh. Interesting." Said Naomi. Naomi layed back down and faced Seiko. But Seiko looked down at her hands.

"Is there something wrong Seiko?" A concerned Naomi asked.

"Can I tell you something? Something very serious?" Seiko suddenly asked.

"What? Of course you can. What is it?" Naomi replied.

"Well, you promise we'll still be friends afterwards?" Seiko asked.

"We'll be friends forever Seiko. I promise you that." Naomi said and smiled.


"Yes. Really."

Seiko closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You can do this she thought to herself. "Ok. Here is goes. Naomi, am in love with you."

Naomi sat up and looked at Seiko, shocked. "What? Are you sure?"

Seiko looked in Naomi's eyes and said, more confidently, "Yes. I am very sure. I am in love with you Naomi."

Naomi looked down, and began crying. She thought of Heavenly Host once again, and how lost she felt without Seiko. Then she remembered her own words of love towards Seiko. She looked back up at Seiko, who had a look of hopelessness across her face. Naomi then suddenly hugged Seiko. "Don't leave me Seiko! Please, don't ever leave me again!" And continued sobbing. Seiko grasped Naomi as tightly as she could and began rubbing her back gently. She comforted Naomi as best as she could.

"I won't leave you. I promise." For what seemed like an eternity, they sat there comforting each other. Then Naomi sat up, looked into Seiko's eyes, and kissed her right on the lips. Seiko was surprised at first, but she sank into the feeling of euphoria this long awaited kiss gave her.

Naomi pulled away and said to Seiko, "I love you, Seiko."

Seiko suddenly broke out in tears of happiness. For years, she had wanted this to happen. She had waited patiently. She had been there for Naomi. And now, she was finally getting what she so desperately wanted. This time, Naomi comforted Seiko. After they both were done crying, they realized how tired they were. They both layed down in the bed and face each other. As Seiko fell asleep, Naomi gently pulled her closer until Seiko was curled up against Naomi's body. Naomi slowly ran her fingers through Seiko's hair. She never noticed this before, but Seiko had really soft hair. Naomi enjoyed the feel of it. Naomi smiled as she caressed Seiko's head, and eventually she found herself sleeping. That night Naomi did not dream about Heavenly Host Elementary School. That night, she dreamed about possible futures with Seiko. At one point in her dream, Sachiko appeared. Instead of resenting her for the trouble she caused Naomi, Naomi smiled and thanked her for helping her realize her feelings towards Seiko. With that, Sachiko disappeared. Naomi was finally at peace with what happened, and she was happy. She knew Seiko was happy. And she hoped she and Seiko could stay like this, forever.

AN: Let's get some things straight. First things first, yes they are both girls. But I totally ship them. They are so freaking adorable together. Secondly, Seiko is a bit of a pervert. So if it seems like it at times, that's exactly how it's meant. Third, Corpse Party (which I do not own, just to get that out there) is a very gory game/manga/anime. So if the whole death part seems disgusting, it was way more graphic and detailed (especially in the game and anime) so be happy I didn't go that far. Last, this is only what I wished would happen. Sadly, Seiko is dead (at the moment anyways, hopefully she'll get risen or something at some point cause that broke my heart). Some of the scenes in this fanfiction are based off of actual scenes or places in the game, For example the bathtub scene. But yeah. This is my Corpse Party fanfiction. I hope y'all like it. Reviews are appreciated :)