Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

I sat down at my desk with my half empty bottle of beer in hand to look out over the feast of junk food that covered my tiny kitchen table. It was excessive, but customary when it came to my anti-Valentine's Day celebration. Everything was in place except the one person I had always celebrated this most hated night with.

Where are you?

It was the same text message I had sent out five minutes ago only to be curtly reminded that he was on his way. The one thing I had definitely learned about Edward Cullen in our five years of friendship was that he hated being nagged.

I grinned as I listened to his exasperated groan while my front door flung open. The heavy metal door bounced off the dry wall behind it with a loud thud announcing his arrival.

"Still snowing?" I asked him even though I knew the answer to my question. I had been snowing for hours before he ever made his attempt across town to celebrate our non-date night. I watched him shrug off his winter jacket that was covered in the fresh falling snow before he turned towards me red faced from the cold while wearing a bright grin that I had come to count on to brighten my days.

"You could have stayed at home, you know," I offered with a smile that made him laugh.

"As if I would miss a night with you," he laughed breathlessly as he kicked off his shoes before handing me a bag. I didn't need to peer into the bag to know what it held. It was the same thing he would gift me with year after year. A six pack of the raspberry wheat beer from a local brewery that I loved followed up with a bottle of cheap champagne that we toast our failed love lives with. It was a Valentine's Day tradition for us.

"Oh, Edward," I cooed as I grabbed one of the bottles of beer from its cardboard holder to open before offering him one as well. "You remembered."

"As if I could forget anything about you," he laughed as he took the bottle of brew from my hand before taking the bag back so he could put the remaining ones in the fridge.


Hey everyone! I hope you don't mind if I start posting this story. As always when it comes to my stories, this is just me playing around with an idea. If I follow the outline it will be around 30 chapters give or take depending on how many sex scenes I cut from it. Yes, this one will be a bit more smutty than The Lost. Thanks to anyone who might be interested in taking the ride with me : )

