Hello, my fellow Naley lovers!

I am finally back with another story – the first of three I've been working on. I think this story line has been done a few times, but I'm hoping my version is still different and most importantly, enjoyable. :) Right now, I have a time line mapped out for thirty chapters. Of course, that can always change as I continue to write; I don't think it will but you never know.

Please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing affiliated with One Tree Hill. This story primarily takes place in New York City so I obviously own nothing affiliated with or within the lovely state of New York.

October 10, 2012

Carrying her brown tote over her right shoulder, Haley strolled along the sidewalk and listened to the click the heels of her boots made against the concrete with every step she took. It was an almost hypnotizing sound – relaxing even, in a way. Her eyes immediately noticed a man with blonde hair, looked to be in his late twenties, walking towards her. He was cute – really cute but in an obvious kind of way. She watched as his eyes raked over her body, not bothering to do it discreetly either. He smirked then when they made eye contact. Haley blushed and smiled shyly at him as they crossed paths. Taking a quick glance behind her to get one more look, she saw that he was doing the same as well. She felt her insides heat up and couldn't deny how good it made her feel. Especially after the day she has had. Still smiling, Haley turned back around and continued on.

"Haley Bob, are you even listening to me?"

The voice interrupted her thoughts, and she sighed loudly. "Yes, Mom, I'm listening."

"You sound distracted." Lydia pointed out.

"I am distracted." Haley replied, matter-of-fact.

"Well, pay attention, sweetie." Lydia demanded. "As I was saying, did you hear about your sister?"

"Yes, I heard. Quinn called me last night."

"Isn't this so exciting?!"

Haley held the cell phone away from her ear and winced at the loud, piercing squeal the older woman let out. She really should have been more prepared for that; excited squealing was something Lydia James did best. Once the screaming died down, she placed the phone back against her ear and simply listened as her mother rambled on and on about her sister's engagement. As if that wasn't torture enough, Lydia immediately began to ramble about wedding details. Haley groaned inaudibly, knowing this upcoming wedding is going to be the main topic of conversation for the next ten months. Finally arriving at her desired destination, she walked into the building, smiling politely at the concierge and mouthing a "hello" in the process. Coming upon the elevators, Haley stopped suddenly when she saw an Out of Order sign.

"Good evening, Miss James." Michael, the maintenance worker, greeted upon noticing her. "The elevator is out of working order at the moment."

"I can see that." She responded, staring at the nonworking steel cage wistfully.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." He apologized.

"What inconvenience?" She asked rhetorically. "My apartment is only located on the tenth floor."

Michael laughed at the girl's sarcasm, knowing it wasn't directed at him.

She sighed, shaking her head. "Well, I better get going."

"Have a good evening, Miss James."

"Thank you. And for the last time, Michael, will you please call me Haley?"

The man nodded and smiled at the young tenant.

Haley returned the smile and then begrudgingly began trotting up the stairs. Her mother, not one to enjoy being interrupted, once again began to ramble – it was flowers this and dresses that, menu options, the perfect venues. Blah blah blah. This was the last thing Haley wanted to talk about right now.

"We're throwing an engagement party for Quinn and David next Friday night." Lydia informed her daughter. "Will you be able to attend?"

"I don't know." Haley answered as she began to search for her keys. "I have to work on Saturday and Sunday so I'll see about switching shifts with someone."

"You don't have to work on Friday?"


"And you don't have class?"


"Why don't you just come home Friday then?" Lydia questioned.

"Mom, I'm not gonna go all the way to Tree Hill just for a few hours. That's a lot of wasted time and money." Haley argued.

"It's your sister's engagement party, Haley Bob." Lydia pointed out.

"I am aware of that, Mom." Haley stated, rolling her eyes. "But this party is last minute. I can't just rearrange my schedule whenever it's convenient for everyone else. Besides, I'm sure...no, I know Quinn will be understanding if I can't make it. She knows, as well as I do, that this party...well, it's more about you than her. Isn't that right, Mother?"

Lydia sighed and relented. "I suppose you have a point."

Haley shook her head and let out a silent laugh.

"I can't help it. I am a mom." The woman began to defend herself. "My daughter's getting married. I just want to celebrate this wonderful news. Is that so wrong?"

"No, it isn't wrong." Haley reassured, knowing her mother only had good intentions. "You are perfectly right in wanting to celebrate this, because it is wonderful news, Mom. I want to celebrate with you guys, too, so I promise to try and make it. That's the best I can give you for now. Okay?"

"Okay. But please do, sweetie." Lydia pleaded, the desperation evident in her voice. "I want you to come home – not just for the party either. I miss my baby girl, and I would love to have an entire weekend to spend with you. It's been months since you've been home."

"I know." Haley muttered apologetically. "Things have just been so crazy at school and at work."

"Uh huh." Lydia hummed in response. "And what about your personal life?"

Haley inwardly groaned at the question. It was just a matter of time before her mother brought this subject up, especially with news of her sister's engagement. She knew her mother was referring to one specific aspect of her personal life – her love life which, at this moment, was nonexistent. Lydia was always pressuring Haley about finding a guy – getting married and having kids, settling down. The pressure was only going to increase now. Quinn's engagement meant one thing – Haley James was now the last of her siblings to be single. Even Taylor was married – this was a girl who made it her ultimate goal in high school to sleep with the entire student, most likely teacher as well, population. Lydia would never let this subject die down. Haley understands her mother; honestly, she does. And it isn't as if she doesn't want that for herself – she does. She wants to get married and have kids. But it's not so simple. First, she needs to find a guy – the right guy who makes her world stop. Haley is not going to settle, especially with something as serious as finding a husband just to be married.

"Well," Lydia prodded, snapping her daughter out of her obvious daze, "is there any chance you may be bringing a guy home with you?"


"I know what that means." The woman sighed, shaking her head. "Haley Bob, you don't want to be single for the rest of your life, do you? Coming to holidays and family gatherings all alone. Having to see all of your other siblings with their significant others and their kids. You'd be...alone. All alone. You don't want that, do you?" She asked and heard the deep breath her daughter expelled. "I'm not saying this to upset you, Haley Bob. I just want you to be happy. You're not getting any younger."

"I'm twenty-two, Mom." Haley argued, her frustration building quickly. "I think I've got some time before I need to freak out. Quinn is twenty-five, you know, and she's just now getting engaged."

"Yeah, but your sister has been in a committed relationship with the same guy for four years. She and David are basically already married." Lydia pointed out. "You, on the other hand...you're not even dating anyone, sweetie."

"Mom, can we please stop talking about this?" Haley pleaded as she pinched the top of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger. She could feel the headache sneaking up on her.

"We can – if you promise to at least bring a date to your sister's wedding." Lydia said casually, trying to bribe her youngest daughter. "Ten months, Bob. Surely, that gives you plenty of time to find a boyfriend."

"Fine." Haley grumbled, succumbing to her mother's demands – if only to get off the phone. The older woman let out another squeal of excitement, causing her to roll her eyes as she pushed open the door leading to the floor she lived on. "I'm on my floor, Mom. I have to let you go. I'll call you about next weekend, okay?"

Through her excitement, Lydia nodded and happily replied, "Of course! I love you, Haley Bob!"

"I love you, too. Give dad a kiss for me."

"I will. Bye!"


After ending the phone call, Haley tucked the device into the pocket of her dark-washed, skinny jeans and then continued to dig around inside her purse for her keys which was proving to be completely unsuccessful. Within her careless haste, Haley tripped over her foot and yelped loudly in both pain and annoyance.

"This is ridiculous!" She griped while tugging, with great difficulty, her boot off and throwing it at the door which created an echoing sound throughout the building. She fumbled down to the ground and dumped the entire contents of her purse out as she searched through the mess. "How hard is it to find one single set of keys?!"

The sound of a door opening caught her attention. She glanced up at the apartment across the hall and saw her neighbor standing, leaning sideways against the door frame. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants that hung lowly on his hips. Her eyes couldn't help but gaze quickly over his muscular bare chest. She was human after all – it was only natural to look, especially when he stood there unabashedly displaying his perfectly sculpted body without a care in the world. Settling on his face, she saw that trademark smirk of his.

"Problems?" He questioned with a tone laced with amusement.

"Not now, Nathan." She warned, focusing her attention back to her pile. "I can't find my keys."

He laughed and said, "Well, maybe if you didn't carry around so much junk." She shot him a quick glare, and he held up his hands in mock surrender. "Just making an observation."

"Noted." Haley replied, bemused.

"Why do girls always pack their bags with so much shit anyway? What do you even need with all that?" Nathan asked, gesturing towards the mess on the floor.

She shrugged, still searching. "You never know when you'll need something. It's better to be prepared than to be surprised."

"Even better than spending an hour looking for your keys?" He challenged, smirking.

"Haha." She deadpanned before heaving out a loud, drawn out sigh of exasperation. "God, this day sucks! First, my alarm clock didn't go off this morning so I was thirty minutes late to class. In my rush to get to the building, I spilled hot coffee on myself – burned the heck out of my thigh! I was also starving most of the day since I didn't actually eat a thing until about two hours ago. Then, I get here and the stupid elevator is out of order. I had to walk up ten flights of stairs – in heels! My feet are killing me! Oh, and along the way, I was also subjected to listening to my mother go on and on about my pathetic love life since I am now the last of the James clan to be single. She just loves to point out that I'm not even close. And now, I can't find my damn keys!"

Nathan jumped slightly when she hurled what looked like a bottle of lotion at her door. He watched as she fell to the floor and slouched her body against the wall while expelling a deep breath of what he deduced was defeat. "You're not gonna start crying, are you?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "Cause I don't do well with that – girls crying and all."

Haley narrowed her eyes and glared heatedly up at him. "Was there something you wanted, Nathan?"

"You're the one out here making a ruckus." He countered, sending her a pointed look.

"I know." She groaned, puffing out her bottom lip and pouting in a child-like manner. "I'm sorry. I'm just...having a very bad day."

Laughing, he stepped further out into the hallway when something caught his eye. "I believe these..." He began, smiling as he leaned down to grab the object before standing upright once again, "...are yours." He dangled the keys up in the air while smirking smugly at her.

Growling almost, she nodded and mumbled a barely audible "thank you" as her neighbor gently tossed the keys to her. She caught them effortlessly before sticking them securely in her pocket with her cell phone. She then shifted onto her knees and began to repack everything into her purse.

"You're welcome." Nathan said.

"So, what have you been up to today?" Haley asked, her mood brightening slightly, as she glanced up at him.

"Oh, I..."

"Nathan!" A high-pitched, female voice interrupted from inside his apartment.

Haley rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Of course."

Nathan smirked. "Don't be like that, Hales. I'm just getting rid of my tension." He told her while extending his arms out towards her and waited for her to take his hands before he helped her to stand once again.

"Thank you." She said, slinging her purse securely over her right shoulder before crossing her arms across her chest as she stared at him. "Why don't you just...I don't know, lift weights or go for a run or something else to release your tension?"

"I did those things earlier." He replied, winking at her. "But thanks for the suggestions."

"Oh, you're so very welcome."

Nathan smiled, shaking his head as he laughed at his neighbor. Haley James was so damn amusing – her quirky personality always puts a smile on his face. Hearing feet shuffling, he, along with Haley, whipped their heads towards the entryway of his apartment. The tall, slim brunette stood there, wearing nothing but his white, button-down shirt which stopped high up on her thighs. The first couple of buttons were not fastened all the way, letting the fabric dip low into her cleavage. With the light, thin material, her nipples and the dark area surrounding them could be seen clearly. Nathan couldn't help but both smirk and roll his eyes – who would actually come to the door like that?

"Oh." The girl muttered with an even tone as her eyes settled on the petite brunette. "Hi, Haley."

Haley smiled tightly. "Carrie."

Nathan glanced over at his neighbor and smirked. He knew the two girls held deep disdain towards one another. He knew why Carrie hated Haley – she was threatened by the girl, by his closeness to his pretty neighbor. Of course, it probably didn't help that he never once reassured Carrie that he wasn't attracted to or interested in Haley. It was intentional on his part, though. Haley, on the other hand...Nathan didn't exactly know why she hated the other girl. From the first time he brought Carrie back to his place, Haley had no problem voicing her dislike of his latest "fling". He assumed her feelings were due to the type of person Carrie was and nothing more.

The two girls couldn't have more different personalities if they tried.

Haley is kind-hearted and considerate, generous and sweet. She was that typical girl-next-door with an infectious, megawatt smile and the most adorably contagious laugh. She works hard at her weekend bar job. She's smart – earned a scholarship to New York University where she's currently in her final year. People love Haley. His friends, they love Haley while openly admitting their own dislike towards Carrie.

Carrie is a model, not in the least big surprising if you ever saw her. Like several others in the spotlight, she craves the attention. She is self-centered and sanctimonious, rude, outspoken, inconsiderate and ungrateful. She is talented, though, and works equally hard at all of her jobs. Carrie books modeling gigs based on her looks and her talent, but her reputation...well, it leaves little to be desired.

Nathan met Carrie at a photo shoot two months ago. There was an instant attraction between them. The night they met, they went out to enjoy dinner and drinks before ending the night back at his apartment. They've been "together" ever since. Neither of them were looking for anything serious with each other so they agreed their time together would be nothing more than the occasional hookup. It worked for them as both their jobs involved so much travel. This way, they could enjoy each other's company without any strings attached – none of that messy, complicated relationship drama.

He knew it was too good to last, though.

Lately, Carrie has been "subtely" pushing for more between them. Unfortunately, Nathan has no feelings for her. He has always been upfront and honest with her about his lack of feelings. He told her with as much sincerity as he could, not wanting to hurt her. But she knew the deal from the beginning. Nathan knows he needs to end things with her completely before any more emotions get involved, but Carrie doesn't exactly make it easy to end things.

"You coming back inside or what?" Carrie asked Nathan.

Nathan tore his eyes away from his neighbor and looked behind him, nodding. "Yeah. I have plans tonight that I have to get ready for. Feel free to use the shower if you want and then see yourself out."

Carrie let out a huff, glaring at both him and Haley for a few seconds before stalking back into the apartment and slamming the door behind her.

Nathan chuckled as Haley flinched slightly at the loud, echoing sound.

"Seriously, Nathan," Haley began as she looked at the NBA player, "why you continue to...do what you do with her, I'll never understand."

"I think you know the answer to that." Nathan pointed out, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I get that. I just don't get how you can stand her. Five seconds and I wanna punch her in the face."

"Oh." He smiled, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "I'd love to see that."

"Shut up." She said, laughing.

"I'm serious, Hales." He continued. "I would pay good money for that. I'm talking thousands of dollars here."

"Is that right?"

"Uh huh."

"Hmm...maybe some other time." She said, smiling at the expression of disappointment on his face. "I am exhausted – gonna go inside, pour myself a big glass of wine, and soak in a hot, bubble bath."

"Sounds like a plan." Nathan stated as she nodded. "Or you can come with me. I'm going out to dinner with Lucas, Brooke, Jake, and Peyton in an hour. You wanna come? I'll even pay."

"Ooh, that's incredibly tempting." Haley said. "But I'll have to pass for tonight. With the day I've had, I like my plans much better."


"Tell everyone I said hi, though."

Nathan opened the glass doors and stepped into Keen's Steakhouse. He walked up to the hostess and smiled kindly at the pretty red-head while inquiring about the rest of his party. Learning everyone was already there and waiting for him, he followed the girl through the busy restaurant. He really loved this place – one of his favorite restaurants in the city. It costs a pretty penny to dine at this upscale restaurant, but the food and the ambiance was always worth it. Besides, Nathan didn't exactly blink twice when receiving the bill given his wealthy status.

The first couple he noticed at the table was Lucas and Brooke.

Lucas Scott is Nathan's cousin with only three months between their age. Having grown up together, the two of them are not only cousins but the best of friends as well. Lucas attended Columbia University on an academic scholarship where he studied English literature. He is now a well-known author. All three of his published books have been on the New York Times Best Sellers list, and he is currently working on number four. Lucas married his high school sweetheart nearly five years ago.

Brooke, formerly Davis, Scott is a beautiful brunette with the most amazing hazel-like eyes and dazzling dimples as well as a killer toned body. Physically, she could almost be described as perfect. She is a vibrant, young woman with a vivacious personality. Like her husband, she has also found great success. Brooke created a clothing line during her senior year of high school with the help and encouragement from her best friend and mother. Clothes Over Bros, often abbreviated COB, is a multimillion dollar company and only continues to flourish each and every year.

The second couple sitting at the table was Jake and Peyton.

Peyton Jagielski graduated from high school with Nathan, Lucas, and Brooke eight years ago. She has been best friends with Brooke since grade school, though. Obsessed with music, Peyton created her own music label right here in Manhattan, Red Bedroom Records. A lot of well-known artists are signed to her label, making her career an extreme success. She met her husband, Jake, at New York University; she was a freshman while he was a junior. They married six years ago and already have two daughters: Jenny, five-years-old, and Ellie, two-years-old. Jake is currently a pediatric resident at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Nathan smiled again at the hostess and thanked her, watching as she grinned and then turned to walk away. The others had politely stood upon his arrival. After shaking hands with Lucas and Jake, he kissed both Brooke and Peyton on their cheeks warmly before they all sat down.

"Haley couldn't make it?" Brooke inquired, glancing behind her cousin to make sure she didn't miss the petite brunette.

He shook his head. "No. She was tired – wanted to stay home for the night. She says hi, though."

"That's a bummer." She remarked and then looked at her best friend. "We need to do another girls night soon."

"Definitely." Peyton agreed, taking a sip of her wine.

"I ordered you a beer." Lucas informed his cousin who nodded his thanks in response. "How did the shoot go?"

"Good." Nathan answered. "The video game should be out to buy in a couple of months."

"You gonna hook us up?" Jake asked, smirking.

"Of course." Nathan said and then smugly and jokingly added, "I'll even autograph them for you guys."

"I'd prefer it if you autographed the check after you pay for all of our dinners tonight instead." Brooke countered teasingly, winking.

They all laughed.

The waiter came by just then with Nathan's beer and jotted down the four of their orders: the Prime T-Bone Steak and a Baked Idaho Potato for both Nathan and Lucas, the Pan-Seared Arctic Salmon for Brooke, Lobster Salad for Jake, and the Prime 8 oz Filet Mignon and Boiled Baby Potatoes with Parsley and Butter for Peyton.

"No kids for the night?" Nathan questioned the married couple sitting to his right.

Peyton smiled and shook her head as Jake answered, "Nope. They are with my parents for the next couple of nights."

"Thank goodness because mama needs a break." Peyton said with a sigh. "I love those girls with everything in me but...God, they aren't easy. Well, Jenny more so. She is in that 'me me me' stage right now. Some days, I just want to beat the attitude right out of that her."

"Peyton!" Brooke scolded, mortified.

"Oh, don't judge me, Davis." Peyton replied with a pointed glare at her best friend. "You just wait till you have kids. Then, we can talk."

Everyone laughed as they all simultaneously took sips of their drinks.

"Well," Brooke began, licking her lips, "no babies from us for a while. Right, Broody?"

"Right." Lucas said, agreeing wholeheartedly with his wife.

"You guys need to get on it." Petyon said, looking between the couple. "My kids need some other little ones to play with. I'm just saying..."

"We're thinking...two, maybe three more years before we start trying." Brooke informed them as Lucas nodded.

"Are you guys thinking about having any more?" Nathan asked Jake and Peyton, joining the conversation.

"Actually, we are trying for number three right now." Peyton answered.

"Really?" Brooke asked, surprised. "Why the hell didn't you tell me, you bitch?!"

Peyton laughed and shrugged. "It's not like it's a big deal. We already have two. I figured I'd just say something when I'm actually pregnant."

"A baby is always a big deal, Peyt!" Brooke disagreed. "This is awesome!" She then lifted her wine glass. "Here's to Jake and Peyton, my dear friends. Hopefully, you get pregnant with your third one as easily, and not so unexpectedly, as you did with the first two."

"Thanks." Peyton said, smiling.

"Cheers!" The five of them all exclaimed as they clinked their glasses together.

"Well, it looks like we have a lot to celebrate tonight." Brooke stated as her friends looked at her confused. She turned her gaze onto her husband and rubbed his forearm gently. "Tell 'em, honey."

All eyes were now on Lucas.

"I finished my book. Sent the final copy to my editor today actually." He revealed.

"That's great, Luke!" Nathan was the first to praise with the others quickly following.

Their waiter arrived in that moment with their perfectly timed meals, placing each of the gorgeously presented dishes on the table surface in front of the correct person. He took that moment to refill the water glasses, he also asked if any of them wanted any refills on their alcohol. Assuring he would be back momentarily, he left the table to get the requested drinks to which he did return only a couple of minutes later.

The group, starving, immediately dug into their dishes. They all moaned in satisfaction, voicing their compliments out loud with one another as they continued to eat and chat about their personal lives for the next twenty minutes.

"How's that new musician of yours working out?" Lucas asked Peyton.

"Really well." Peyton gushed with a broad smile.

Two months ago, Peyton discovered the hidden talents of Mia Catalano. The eighteen-year-old was the keyboard player in another band Peyton was in the process of signing. Jason, the lead singer, was an arrogant guy. One night, she heard Mia playing and singing. After approaching the young woman, Peyton learned that Jason had been stealing her songs and using them as his own for years. It didn't exactly take long for Peyton to realize that Mia was the real talent behind the group.

"Mia is really beginning to come out of her shell." Peyton continued to explain with such pride. "I booked her her first show next weekend. At your mom's club actually." She said as Lucas smiled. "Karen is absolutely thrilled. Mia...well, she is a little more than nervous, but she's gonna do great."

"Well, you tell that girl that we will all be there to support her." Brooke said as Lucas, Nathan, and Jake all nodded their heads and agreed. "I can't wait to hear her live. Peyton let me listen to a sample of one of her tracks – she is wonderful."

"And what about you, Brooke?" Jake asked, turning the attention on the brunette. "You have a fashion show coming up. How are the plans coming along?"

"Stressful." Brooke replied with an over dramatic sigh. "Things run smoothly until Victoria intervenes."

"Bitchtoria is in full force then?" Peyton stated as she, along with Jake, Nathan, and Lucas, laughed.

The brunette nodded. "You have no idea. Thank God I have Millie by my side. I would completely lose my mind if it wasn't for that girl. And you." She said, smiling at her best friend. "Peyton, here, has booked The Noisettes for the me. Which is...so fantastic! First of all, it's one less thing I have to worry about. And secondly, I love them! So thank you, my very best friend."

"Any time." Peyton winked.

"Everything is approaching fast." Brooke continued. "Mark the calender, friends. February 11." She then looked towards her cousin. "You're coming, right? Because I checked your basketball schedule and you have no games lined up. So, I don't wanna hear any pathetic excuses."

"Yes, I'm coming." Nathan answered.

"You better. Besides, I already conned Haley into making sure your ass is there." She informed him.

He, as well as the others, laughed. "Of course you did."

She shrugged unapologetic. "What can I say, I cover my bases."

"Well, don't worry, Brooke. I will be there." He assured her.

"He's only going to see the models." Lucas commented with a chuckle.

"That definitely played a factor in me deciding to go." Nathan smirked.

"Typical." Brooke scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"That's the only reason why Jake's going, too." Peyton teased, smiling at her husband.

"I wouldn't say that...but I won't go as far as saying that isn't something I'm looking forward to watching either." Jake stated with the same smirk Nathan had.

"Jerk." Peyton playfully shoved him as they all laughed. She shared a look with her best friend. "Typical boys."

The waiter came by their table again. "How was everything tonight?"

"So delicious!" Brooke praised.

The others added their own praises.

"That's wonderful to hear." The man replied. "Any room for dessert?"

"Oh, no." The dimpled brunette answered, rubbing her stomach for overall effect. "I am stuffed."

"May I order something to go?" Nathan asked.

The waiter nodded. "Of course. What can I get you?"

"A piece of the New York Cheesecake please." Nathan requested.

The man wrote the dessert order down and made sure nobody else wanted anything before smiling and leaving them.

"Cheesecake?" Lucas questioned with raised eyebrows. "I thought you didn't like cheesecake."

"It's for Haley." Nathan explained, downing the rest of his beer. "She had a rough day today. I thought the cheesecake might cheer her up."

"Haley sure does love her sweets." Jake commented, chuckling.

"That she does." Nathan agreed, laughing with his friend.

The five friends paid for their meals and said their goodbyes before leaving the restaurant.

There it is – the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and please let me know what you think! I think the ending felt a bit rushed, but for the life of me, I just couldn't find the words to end it. Haha! This chapter was primarily a small introduction into our favorite couple and the people within their lives.

I hope to have another chapter posted soon! It will either be (I'm hoping) Friday or next Monday. :)