"Son, please, just go inside and stay inside. You've caused enough trouble today" Stoick the Vast sighed, massaging his temples. The mountain of a man didn't even make eye contact with his runt of a son, who was feeling smaller and smaller by the minute.

"But dad I-"

"Just go Hiccup!" Stoick boomed.

"I said I was sorry…" muttered Hiccup, as he turned and walked away. He looked back only once, seeing other villagers giving him glares and rolling their eyes at him. Even his uncle looked fed up with him.

Hiccup hugged himself, and glared at the ground. As he made his way up the hill his house rested on, he found himself kicking stones in frustration. It was hardly his fault! Snotlout was the one who pushed him! Of course his cousin escaped before blame could be pinned to him, but at least his dad could trust his word right? Hiccup was many things, but he wasn't a liar.

The boy chuckled a bit. Who was he kidding? Why on earth would his dad listen to him anyways? From what he has heard, Hiccups nothing but a burden and annoyance to his dad that he 'has' to take care of.

Sub-consciously he knew his dad did care for him, but the rest of him was failing to believe that. Over the years his father's smiles started to fade, and were no longer pointed towards his son. Hiccup seemed ok with constantly being annoyed by his sarcastic comments and small jokes. But as months of being looked down on and being made fun of passed, Hiccup found himself slowly slipping into his own mind.

He felt more isolated, and was quite depressed. Many people started to notice the crescents forming under his eyes, and his quieted mood. Gobber, his mentor, noticed these changes right away.

The usually chatty apprentice now preformed his work slower and quieter, and his once high quality workmanship began to lower over a few months. Pretty soon his swords were crooked, and his swords and axes off balance.

When Gobber tried to break through to Hiccup, the kid responded with a very out of character shout to 'leave him alone'.

That was a red flag for Gobber, who knew the usual curious, docile boy would never snap at him. Hiccup was usually skilled in hiding his emotions, with only a few people who could see past his mask. Gobber was one of them. He knew the boy was finally suffering from all the downpour of negativity from the village.

Gobber tried to talk with Stoick, but was shocked when the chief rolled his eyes and called it a 'phase'. It went right over his thick skull.

"Stoick" He had reasoned. "Have ye seen the kid? He rarely speaks anymore, he refuses to make eye contact with anyone, and he locks himself up in his room for hours!"

Stoick had thought for a minute, then sighed. "I'll talk to 'im. But at least now he's stayin' outta trouble"


Hiccup entered his house, shutting the door behind him. Inside the room glowed orange from the dying flames of the fireplace, and his father's big chair sat by it.

He pattered up the stairs, and into his room. His walls were covered in different drawings of various people, places, and things. His bed was a mess, from many nights of tossing and turning. Hiccup was always to tired to make it though, so it was always a tangled mess.

Hiccup stepped on his bed, and looked out the window. He watched as a group of Vikings cleaned up his mess. He had accidently set half the forge on fire, because he had started to doze off and forgot to put out the hot fires.

Despite all the yelling and insults he got, he still found it funny how stupid he was. Gobber said you always had to aware of your surroundings and wide awake, just like a warrior had to in a forge. This meant no falling asleep in front of blazing hot fires and red, blazing metal.

And it didn't help that when he woke up, Snotlout decided that was a good time to push him into the wood pile and onto the floor and furnace, and the wood immediately caught the flames. Such luck he had.

His frown returned though, as he recalled the annoyance and embarrassment on Stoicks face as he simply sent away him. He felt like a pest, just living in the chiefs house and eating his food sometimes.

"That's all I am, am I?" He wondered out loud, to the stars starting to appear in the sky. "Even with all the work I do. I try, but to they care? No."

"Heh, I must be insane. Talking to the sky about my personal problems. Well at least they listen huh? Not like some other people I know…" He carried on. "You know, I could be burnt to ash and the village would throw a party. My dad would rejoice, most likely" He added bitterly. The fishbone of a boy stepped on the headboard of the bed and lifted himself onto the windowsill, not minding the chill of the night time breeze.

His feet swayed back and forth, bumping against the side of the house. "But I bet the village would spiral into chaos once Snotlout becomes chief." Hiccup laughed to himself, making fun of the meathead of a boy known as his cousin.

He sat in silence for a bit, as torches started being lit to light up the night. He could tell that everyone was preparing for a possible dragon raid. With their harsh winter over, it was fact that the attacks would start becoming more frequent.

"I wonder if it's possible for the dragons to destroy more than I do…" Hiccup frowned. Ok, making fun of himself and predicting his death was not the best way to deal with his current mental state. Hiccup was very smart for his age, his mental ability surpassing many adults in his village. He knew he was becoming more depressed and closed in, but by this point he thought, if no one cared about it, why should he?

Hiccup hugged his knees to his chest, biting back any more questions for himself. It was hard, knowing your dad didn't give a cods head about what you were going through (he thought). Hiccup always looked up to his dad, but now, he didn't really see him as an idol. He thought of Gobber as more supportive these days.

"Just a pest. Just a runt." He whispered. "No one cares?" Sure Gobber was the first to ask him about it, but after a sleep deprived Hiccup yelled at him, he ceased his interrogation. Those who didn't resent him always gave him pitied looks, like Mulch and Bucket. The two farmers always babied him and tried to tell him positive things, but Hiccup knew it was all just out of their pity for him and a bit of kindness.

Kids his age avoided him like the plague, and any person who didn't want their chickens let loose or house somehow exploded didn't even acknowledge the 'pest'.

Hiccup sniffed a bit, and angrily wiped away his tears. He glared at his boots, as he sadly thought of all the disaster he had burdened his village with.

"Yup, just a pest." He concluded with a shaky voice. With that, he jumped back down on his small bed and curled in on himself. He closed his watery eyes, squeezing them shut.


Ooook self. So you want to write angsty Hiccup? Alright, that's cool. But sad.

Alright, so this is basically a continuation or something leading up to my one-shot 'So much has Changed' where Hiccup is the villain of the story.

I hope this is a good start…please let me know and leave a nice review :) I like criticism 'cause it helps me improve my writing :). Random note: I listened to Ghost by Blue Foundation while reading this. It's a pretty cool song, check it out :D

See you next chapter?