Okay so I came up with this idea a few weeks ago and I'g going to give it a try.

There's no BDSM in this story
CG and Ana are OOC
Ana is 24
Christian is 27

That is some basic info through out the story I'll be posting more :)

better summary:

They met as Rose and Christopher is the beautiful Island of Puerto Rico. They had a beautiful fling they both will never forget but they new that whatever they had was going to end since neither of them were staying long in the island. After they left they meet again in Seattle as Anastasia and Christian. Can they pick up where they left off? Can they keep up with their romance in the real world? What happens when both discover something that neither of them saw coming, something that can tear them apart?

Two months. That's the time I had to spend in Puerto Rico. Trying to keep myself safe. These are the consequences of being part of a family that are either scam artists or killers.

That's right.

I have a dysfunctional family.

Many people do but unlike them I can't love them. How can I possibly love them when all they care about is making money? I haven't been able to live a normal life due to who I'm related to its hard to travel or even work because anyone would want to take revenge on my family and I'm usually a target. Well I'm the target to those that find out they Stephen and Carla have a daughter. I'm not part of their lifestyle. I have no idea what goes on in their "business" but I still end up being a target.

The only time I have ever felt safe and normal was when I went to live with my uncle Ray for a few years. But even then I had to watch my surrounding.

Uncle Ray has been living in England for the past year. Why?


He was a target.

Last year he was held hostage and beaten almost to death. When he was able to escape he ran. I don't blame him, I should have gone too but I was too stubborn.

Now here I am. Living in Seattle for three days already. I swore that after having to leave Long Island, NY to Puerto Rico for my safety I was never to return. I even changed my last name from Morton to Steele. I rather have uncle Ray's last name. Stephen and Ray are step brothers and Stephen has been my step dad since I was 4.

I'm also thankful people mainly new me as Annie. Not Anastasia.

The one good thing about having to escape to Puerto Rico was meeting Christopher.

He knew me as Rose.

We both new we gave each other fake names.

The time we had together had an expiration date. We both knew it. We both weren't staying long there.

It was a short fling.

A wonderful memorable fling.

We both were extremely attracted to each other and had many nights together. But last time we had sex it was different. He made love to me. Not fuck. He cherished me our last night.

Our adventures in the beautiful island will be a fun memory. What we had was something wild and spontaneous. But now back to the real world.

I've been telling myself that if what we had was real and not just a fling he'll be a part of my life again.

I'm sitting in an office for an interview for a PA position to Ros Bailey. The second in command for this company.

As I answer he last question she gives me a smirk.

"You know what?" She starts. "I'm hiring you on the spot. You have a great personality and attitude and we might just get along."

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief.

"I sure am, just sign here and you'll start Monday. You'll have a whole weekend to get ready." Still not being able to believe I got the job I sign to where she points to. Her phone lights up with a message and she groans.

"The boss will be in here in a few minutes I don't like seeing his grumpy face this early in the morning." She says and I can tell she's joking around.

A few minutes later there's a knock on her door.

"That must be Mr. Christian Grey" she say. "COME IN!"

The door is open and in comes in the person I least expected to see.

"Hello Grey, what can I help you with?" She asks him but his eyes are on me.

I'm frozen in my spot.

Faith has a funny way of working I never would have thought my Christopher would be CEO of HEH, Christian Grey.

"Hi, I'm Anastasia Steele." I introduce myself giving him my hand. He takes it and shakes it lightly.

"Christian Grey" he says. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm guessing you're Ros' new PA?"

"Yeah, I am."

I really did want to see him again but I don't think it'll be easy now. But the again this is the real world. What we had was a spontaneous living in the moment decision. We can't have that now, or can we?

I'm sure I'll find out.

Christian POV

I've been back in Seattle for only a week and the only thing on my mind is my beautiful Rose. If only I could have gotten her real name so I can look for her again but I never asked. She never asked for mine. What we had was amazing and I wish I was still in Puerto Rico with her. It was nice to be in a place where no one knew who I was. I felt free.

At first I was pissed off with that fact that I had to stay low and go into hiding in Puerto Rico. But having to leave the country was the best thing that ever happened to me. I just hope to cross paths with Rose once again.

I bet you're wondering why I had to remain low for a while. After many threats and two failed attempts of murder I had to run for my safety. All of this is happening due to Elena Lincoln sick obsession with me. She's always had a thing for me but she gave me the creeps. When I started dating she would scare the girls away. She used the fact that she was friends with my mom to get to me and ruin my life. Then mom came to me one day to talk about Elena and how she wanted to start a business and asked if I can help her. At first I wanted to say no but then I thought about the fact that if I help her she might get of my back.

How wrong I was.

Doing business with her was the worst mistake ever. She would call me for any small thing and show up at my office for "business". I gifted her, her business since it was stable enough to run without my help so I can wash my hand from her.

Now that's when things went so wrong. She started stalking and threatening me. Security of course got tighter.

First attempt to kill me was at a bar. I stopped by to get a drink before heading home. Apparently she was following me and caught up. Taylor, he's head of my security, noticed her running my way with a knife in her hands while I was making my way back to the car. He caught her before she reached me. I was immediately taken home and I upped my security. Taylor had told me how she kept saying if she can't have me no one can.

Second attempt was in the parking lot at GEH. I was walking with Taylor when Elena and two other people approached with guns. Luckily there's cameras everywhere so security came running down and it turned into a gun party with shots flying everywhere. When Taylor shot one of her accomplice on the leg a car came by and they all go in. Running away. Sawyer, another one of my security men, followed behind trying to catch them but lost them due to traffic.

I had asked Taylor how they even managed to get in since you need a code to get in and he said they used a device to break in. That's when it was decided I had to get away from Seattle, the state, even the country. After two months it was okay for me to come back. Of course security is really tight and I could still be in danger but we're all taking precautions. We're still looking for Elena and her accomplices.

I'm on my way to Ros' office to pick up some paperwork. Thanks to her I'm not behind in anything. Having to work all the way from PR was a bit hard but with Ros' help everything went by smooth with my two month absence.

I knock on her door and step in as soon as she scream for me to come in. As soon as I step in my eyes lock on the beautiful lady in front of me.

Holy fuck, its my beautiful Rose. In my company.

"Hello, Grey. What can I help you with?" Ros' asks but I can't even turn my attention to her.

"Hi, I'm Anastasia Steele" she gives me her hand and I shake it.

"Christian Grey." I say "Pleasure to meet you. I'm guessing you're Ros' new PA?"

"Yeah I am"

"Well, welcome to the company." I smile. "Ros I need the paperwork for the deal with just finished with" I finally turn to Ros and she hands me a folder. "See you later Ros, I'll be seeing you soon Miss Steele." I leave her office and head to the elevator slowly hoping to catch Rose, well Anastasia, when she walks out the office.

Luck is on my side because two minutes after I step out she steps out. When she walks up to the elevator I can tell she's trying to hide her smile. When the elevator arrives we both step in.

"So your name is Christian? And you're a CEO? Never saw that coming" She presses the button to the first floor. "Well I see where you got Christopher from.

"You never called me Christopher, just Chris. So it always felt like you were saying my real name. Where did Rose come from?"

"It's my middle name" She smiles.

"Anastasia Rose Steele, beautiful name. Goes with you."

"Wait what floor is your office?" She asks.


"So you'll be going all the way down then back up?"

"Worth it" I smirk and she giggles.

When we reach the first floor she steps out and turn to me.

"Chris" She says as a goodbye.

"Rose" I reply and she smiles once again. I have never been excited to have a beautiful lady working in my company and now I can't wait till Rose starts. Can we even have what he had in the island?

I guess I'll have to figure that out.

Okay so here's the first chapter. I'll probably post two more chapters before the new year. Let me know what you think! :)