Chapter 1.

It was a cool and beautiful April morning, the smell of light showers littered the atmosphere as flowers that were once dead now dominated the landscape painting it a many different shade of colors. The sea was calm and blew a salty breeze through the air throughout the city on the coast. The Kingdom of Arendelle was flourishing, the economy boomed as trade and demand increased across Europe. In the castle, a young blonde woman of only twenty one closed her eyes and took in the atmosphere using all her senses.

"What a beautiful day." She said opening her cerulean eyes. Her blonde braid whipped behind her as a breeze blew in. After being locked away for thirteen years, it felt so beautiful to be free and enjoy the outdoors. She frowned at the memories of her childhood, so full of fear and isolation. No, she wouldn't hold onto the past like she used to. She was free now. Behind her, another young woman with long brown hair silently tip toed into the room. She silently snuck up behind the blonde woman and thrust her hands forward.

"BOO!" The brunette girl yelled scaring the life out of the blonde.

"AHH!" The blonde screamed as she jumped and placed her hand over her heart. "ANNA!"

"Gotcha Elsa!" The brunette named Anna said giggling at her older sister's reaction. "Your face was priceless!"

"That's not funny!" Elsa responded as her heart slowed down its beating. Elsa silently thanked God she had control of her powers, she might have accidently frozen Anna again.

"Watchu doin?" Anna asked.

"Just enjoying the view." Elsa said. She had visited numerous kingdoms in the past year since her coronation but none had the view her castle did. talk about location. "Could use a little more snow."

"I think we have all had enough snow for one year." Anna giggled.

"That reminds me, when does Kristoff finish training?" Elsa asked.

"Three days, I'm so excited to see him!" Anna said. "Especially in that uniform!"

"I'm sure he'll look quite handsome." Elsa said. Ever since the Queen could produce ice on a whim, Kristoff decided that ice was no longer his calling in life. He joined the Arendelle Navy much to Anna's dismay. Aside from the chances of him getting hurt, he also would be gone for months at a time. Anna eventually decided it wasn't right to stop him from doing what he wanted. Besides, absence made the heart grow fonder.

"Is he an officer or enlisted man?" Elsa asked.

"Officer, he is going to be captain of a ship!" Anna said excitedly.

"That's great! Its a lot of responsibility." Elsa said.

"He'll do fine." Anna said.

"Queen Elsa, Princess Anna." A man dressed in royal court attire asked as he bowed.

"Yes Charles?" Elsa asked turning to face her royal adviser.

"I bring news from the west." Charles said. "The Americans wish to open trade with us."

"Aren't they in a war?" Elsa asked. The American civil war had been raging for nearly five years now. It had been the talk across Europe but Elsa had more important duties to her own kingdom than listen to foreign news.

"The war has ended just the other day milady." Charles said. "It was quite a terrible conflict, 600,000 dead."

"600,000?" Anna said shocked. "That's horrible!"

"Much of the southern United States has also been destroyed, some cities have been completely leveled." Charles continued.

"How terrible!" Elsa said. "No wonder they need trade, they must have exhausted a lot of supplies."

"Their ships should be arriving the day after tomorrow." Charles said.

"Will President Lincoln be joining us?" Princess Anna asked. The royal sisters had heard much of President Lincoln and greatly admired the man he was.

"Afraid not, he has to rebuild the whole nation." Charles said. "General Ulysses S. Grant will be serving as ambassodor."

"Very well, you are dismissed Charles." Elsa said as Charles bowed and left the room.

"Have you ever met an american before?" Anna asked her sister.

"I have bumped into a few on my travels." Elsa said.

"What are they like?" Anna asked.

"Based off the ones I met they have vulgar language and can be loud." Elsa said harshly. "But they are very friendly and down to earth."

"What was their war about?" Anna asked.

"If I remember correctly it was over slavery. The south needed slaves for their plantations and the north believed it was immoral." Elsa said.

"They used slaves? How awful." Anna said.

"We are not without fault either, slavery existed here until twenty years ago." Elsa said. Her parents had abolished slavery in Arendelle.

"Yeah i guess." Anna said as her stomach growled ferociosuly. "Guess I better get something to eat."

"I'll join you in a moment." Elsa said as Anna got up to leave. A devious grin crawled across Elsa's face as she aimed her hand at her sisters rear end and fired a shot of ice.

"EEEP!" Anna yelped as she felt the cold substance strike her butt. She turned and saw her sister laughing.

"That was for scaring me earlier." Elsa said as Anna joined in with her laughter.

Across the atlantic ocean, a fleet of fifteen ships sailed across the sea. The flagship, the USS Monitor II, was in the middle of the formation. The Monitor II was an ironclad warship and named after the Union ship Monitor which was lost at sea three years ago. Surrounding the ironclad ship were fourteen sail ships. Of these fourteen only four were armed as the rest served as cargo ships in order to bring back badly needed supplies. All ships bearing the stars and stripes of the United States. Upon the deck of the Monitor II, Union General Ulysses S. Grant puffed on his sixth cigar. General Grant was an avid smoker and often went through fifteen to twenty cigars a day. Not that one could blame him, he had been very stressed during the last few years due to the war. He had lost many men and won many battles. With the future of the United States at stake, it was no wonder he was very stressed and needed some form of relief. The nicotine within the tobacco doing just that.

"How far out are we?" He asked the second mate.

"About four hundred miles, we should be arriving tonight or early tomorrow morning." The second mate said.

"Dammit, we need to get there now. We NEED supplies." Grant said. "Can't we go any faster?"

"It all depends on the wind sir." The second mate said. "Since the Monitor is a steamship she could go faster without relying on windspeed but we don't have enough coal to feed the fires and should we run out we need to be nearby the supply ships for more."

"Very well." General Grant said as he threw his cigar butt into the ocean. On the sailship USS Bunker Hill, the mood was much brighter. Sailors, soldiers and Marines all talked and laughed.

"I hear the queen is quite a beauty." A young sailor said as he secured a line on the sail.

"The princess is also quite a looker." Another sailor said.

"Norweighan ladies in general are damned gorgeous." A soldier named Elijah Robertson yelled. "We might even get ol Samson here a gal."

"And just what is that supposed to mean Eli?" The man known as Samson yelled. Corporal Marcus Samson was a young man, only eighteen years of age. He had long blonde hair tied into a pony tail on the back. He was not heavily muscled and was more slender than most men but was very toned and surprisingly strong for his size. He had been a soldier for only a year and had only been in one battle where he barely saw combat being in the back ranks.. He hailed from Illinois and was often the butt of jokes being so young and inexperienced.

"You have no charm at all is what it means." Elijah said again. "A sick bull has better charm with women than you do."

"Yeah tough guy?" Samson called out irritated.

"Calm down lad we are just messin with ya." Elijah said ruffling his hand through Samsons hair. "We are all gonna work together to get you a girl!"

"I don't need help I can get a girl easily on my own!" Samson protested.

"Really? What about that gal Elizabeth?" A soldier sharpening his dagger called out.

"Hey she was geniunly interested!" Samson replied.

"Yeah until you wet yourself!" The soldier responded causing a roar of laughter to erupt across the deck.

"Damn you all." Samson muttered. The soldiers hadn't meant any malicious intent on Samson of course but Samson was still irritated by their teasing.

"Hey its nothing personnal righ-" Elijah began to say before he felt the back of his head explode in pain and fell to the ground. The deck went silent as the ships captain walked on deck. Captain Peggy was his name due to his missing limbs. During the war a few years back a cannonball fired from a confederate ship tore through his deck and sent hundreds of large wooden splinters at him which shredded his legs and his left hand. He had two wooden pegs beneath the knee on both legs and a hook where his left arm used to be. He looked like a pirate to say the least. He was very cold and strict and devoid of emotion.

"It I catch ye scallywags slacking on the job again I will send ye to Davy Jones' locker!" He threatened in a very hoarse salty voice. The deck quickly returned to work as he grabbed Elijah by the back of the neck.

"Causin trouble on me ship I see." Peggy said.

"Sorry sir!" Elijah yelled.

"Dont apologize! Just don't do it again!" Peggy yelled as he threw Elijah to the ground and walked back into his cabin. The deck was silent for the rest of the trip.

Night fell in Arendelle as the moon rose from the horizon. Soldiers were relived by night patrols as the city prepared for bed. Within the castle, Elsa sipped from a cup of hot tea and melted into her chair. She was tired from today and was happy to be able to finally relax. Being queen was not all it was cracked up to be. When she was a child she though being queen just was telling everyone what to do but she had to attend court, counsel with her advisors on issues throughout the kingdom, speak to foreign ambassadors, place orders for trade and much more. As stressed as she was she thought of President Lincoln who had to deal with a civil war. Elsa knew war of any type was bad but civil wars were the worst as it was brother against brother. She prayed she would never have to live through that. After finishing her tea she heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Your highness, your bath is ready." A servant girl said bowing. Elsa never really liked how people had to bow to her. She was no different than they were, minus the snow powers of course.

"Thank you Hannah." Elsa said as she made her way to the bath room. She stepped inside as a guard stood outside the door. After shutting the door she took off her robe and undergarments. In a strange way, it felt good to naked, it felt like a sort of freedom. She put her foot in the water and immediately pulled it back with a shriek.

"Are you okay your majesty?" A guard called from outside.

"Yes, water is just a little hot." Elsa said embarrassed. She took her hand and waved it and shot a small stream of ice into the water cooling it down. Although cold water had no effect on her, hot water was preferable as it soothed the muscles. She slipped into the tub and zoned out everything as the water soothed her tense muscles. After finishing she got out and grabbed a towel to dry herself off. She looked at herself in the mirror and examined her body. She was by no means vain about how she looked but wondered why no man ever seemed to approach her. She had been told numerous times she was very beautiful by many people, yet no man ever came close to her. She would be lying if she said she wasn't a little jealous when she saw how happy her sister was with Kristoff. The two of them were so in love and Kristoff took such good care of her. She immediately pushed these thoughts out her head, she should be happy her sister found someone. She sighed as she put her robe on. She walked outside and her guard greeted her.

"Good night your highness." He said.

"Thank you, what is your name?" Elsa asked.

"Tobias." The guard said.

"Tobias do you," Elsa said hesitating. "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Your majesty?" The guard said nervously. "Is this a test question or something?"

"No." Elsa said realizing how awkward she made this for him.

"Yes, I do your highness." Tobias said nervously.

"Thank you." Elsa said with a hot face ashamed that she put her guard in such an awkward position. She practically ran to her room and shut the door. She crawled into bed and covered herself in blankets. She wished she could find some one.