Summary: How Harry Potter became Hyperion Malfoy. A tale of love, betrayal, loss, and how one reaches their next great adventure. OMC/HP, Slash, light bashing, and possible MPREG later.

Word Count: 314


He remembers dying. The sharp, edged pain of betrayal as the green light consumes him and tears his very soul from his body. It hurts, but he is not for sure which one hurts worse. Then he meets an ancient being that takes him into its arms. He is soul now and does not have a body, but the being still seems to hug him as if he did have a body. He was not for sure if he should trust the being. After all the last people he trusted betrayed him. He doesn't know their names, but flashes of red hair and freckles appear in his mind before he sees the mess of honeyed-brown hair in the corner of his vision. He remembers that they were friends; He remembers that he loved them more than anything in the world, but yet they still betrayed him. It stings his very soul and for a moment he feels utterly broken because he knows that this is not the first time he has been betrayed. The being that has no name just seems to stroke his soul like one would a cat to comfort him; it feels good and he wonders if this is what a mothers touch is like. The comfort is welcome and the being seems to always be there for him. This is stability; something he has never known, but always craved. The being is his world in this place that has no smell, so sound, and no sight. Sometimes the loss of his senses scare him and he hyperventilate in way, but the being seems to almost mutter words to him. It is not like speaking… it is more like just knowing what the being wants. Sometimes when the worries pass and the being just holds him, he wonders if he will stay here forever… If this is the next great adventure.

Author's Note: Please review!