Emma was in the stables tending to Moon her unicorn when Regina came racing and grabbed her and the unicorn and took them to the war room where Emma's parents were waiting along with their most trusted friends.

"Mamma what's going on?" Emma was curious the only times she was ever allowed in the war room was when it concerned her.

Snow knelt down in front of her daughter.

"Baby something bad is going to happen so all of us here are going to have a spell placed on our memories so when this bad thing takes us from here we will still remember who we are."

"Can I bring anything with me?" Emma was desperate not to be separated from her loyal animal friends.

"Regina's going to make sure that your furry, feathered and finned friends come too." Snow smiled warmly at her precious little girl.

"Snow we don't have much time, the dark curse is coming upon us fast I need to do this now." Regina said with urgency.

With a nod from Snow Regina cast her spell and then purple smoke engulfed them, Emma had closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was surrounded by trees.

"Mamma? Papa? Red? Regina? Where are you?" Emma called out but only received silence as her reply.

Then a twig snapped and Emma turned her head and saw none other than Moon and her other animal friends they all surrounded her and rubbed up against her to comfort her as they could tell their princess was distraught.

Regina was looking for Snow when she heard a howl come from the forest and headed towards it, about two hours later she saw Emma.

"Emma!" She cried out when she laid eyes on the sweet little girl she cherished more than anything.

"Regina! You're here." Emma said as she ran towards Regina then flung her tiny body at Regina and wrapped her arms around Regina's neck and hugged her while burying her face in the crook of Regina's neck as she cried.

"Shhh it's ok little one I've got you're ok." Regina murmured to Emma gently.

After Emma had calmed down and she had stopped crying both her and Regina along with Emma's animals went to look for the rest of the group that were in the war room when the curse hit.

Soon everyone but Snow and David were found, then Emma's wolf let out a howl and took off bringing back with him Snow And David.

"Mamma! Papa!" Emma squealed when she saw her parents.

The three of them hugged, David scooped Emma up and carried her back to the rest of the group with Snow by his side.

"Let's make sure that we are never separated again." Snow said and everyone nodded in agreement.