Merry Christmas, as a present I've written a new chapter for EVERYBODY - and some NEW STORIES! Cause God help me, the new stories just keep coming and coming and I'm drowning...

Well, I have to say it guys, I've really sucked at sticking to my posting plan. But, my New Years resolution is that I'll stick to it. But I can only do ONE story at a time. So we're gonna have a little contest! There will be a poll on my page with all the sorry titles on it. But in also going to create a rule that each REVIEW, and only a REVIEW, (from a guest or not) will count as a vote for that story. You can follow and favorite to your hearts content, but it won't count. Thank you! Please review and vote! Will be open until the 9th of January.


Izz: Only own me, of some things would be different in those movies...

Chapter- Making New Friends


Suddenly we were pitched around with no warning, I screamed as everything shifted around us, sparks were flying and I could heard metal clicking. I moved Shane out of the way of the window and watched as the old rust seemed to peel off of Optimus, and a blue and red paint job was revealed.

"That was insane," Shane crowed happily,"It was awesome, but it was insane, right?"

I sighed and leaned back in the seat,"Yes, Shane... Very interesting.

and now:

Optimus drove us for a good few hours. Making sure to not speed as we passed a few highway patrol men every now and then. I had been smoothed between Tessa and Shane, with Tessa sitting by her father. I'm sure it was the only way we could keep the peace in Optimus. Optimus chose to go off road and I was pitched forward because I was unprepared. The others were better able to hold on, and my seatbelt tightened it's grip, and I felt a hand reach out a stabilized me. Which freaked me out because everyone else seemed to be worrying about themselves. I turned hoping to see something, but saw nothing. I leaned forward in my seat the rest of the drive.

We didn't see anyone, not for a few minutes, until a loud booming voice echoed across the landscape, "He's back! He's alive! Optimus is here!" I looked out the window to see a large green autobot shoot rounds into the air, and I bit back a smile. There wan another loud screeching noise and I turned to see dust using from another rock formation and a electric blue helicopter swooped up over the formation. I was afraid for a few seconds before I realized that it was an electric blue helicopter, we were fine.

We drove a little way more, almost three football fields, the green autobot running besides us most of the way. Optimus pulled to a stop and Cade opened the door, as the Autobots shared a few words, "Yeah. Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted," said the slimmer green male.

"We got your warning," the blue male, said as he bowed his head, " We've been waiting."

"Hell, yeah. Boom time," the more robust green autobot said, "We got the gang back together." I turned as a black and yellow car pulled up and transformers revealing himself to be Bumble Bee, a well known autobot. I was surprised he was still alive. He would probably be high up on someone's hit list.

Optimus quickly transformed, crossing his arms over his chest with an authoritative air, "Humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well, the rules have just changed."

"Human beings, bunch of backstabbin' weasels," the routes male snorted, tossing his large gun to the ground and causing a large tremor to rush up my legs. I tightened my grip on Tessa.

"Hound, find your inner compass," the blue male said, his tone more level that the others, "Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation."

"What the hell are you saying?" Hound thundered, turning to the other autobot.

"It's a haiku," he snorted.

" - Cut the crap, before I drop a grenade down your throat!" Hound threatened pushing and pulling the blue autobot this way and that.

"Try it," the bot sneered back pulling out his weapons, " you'll be dead."

"Please pull it," Hound begged, clearly ready for a fight, " Please do it."

"You know what," Bumble Bee said, using his radio to speak, " it'll save us so much time."

"Well, raise your hand," The other green one stated taking a few steps forward as he spoke, " if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little pleasant Earth vacation," his giant metal body suddenly snapped around as he turned on his heel, his gun raised straight at us, his voice turned threatening, " So, who's the stowaways?"

I squeaked, pulling Tessa towards me and taking a step towards Cade- barely having time to register the fact the father stepped forward, closer to the gun and looked directly at Optimus, " Whoa, hey, what's with the gun?" My hands started to shake, and my breathing became raged, those memories begged to come up again. Zzz and Shane both looked at me concerned. Hound moved to have his gun ready as well but Optimus quickly snapped into action.

" Stop. Hound, both of you," he ordered reaching out to Hound, "They've risked their lives for mine. We owe them."

The bots relaxed and I took a deep breath, trying to keep the conversation going so I wouldn't fall back into my old memories. I looked up at all the robots, "Well, now that we got that squared away, why don't we introduce ourselves. I'm Izz. This is Cade, Tessa and Shane."

"hi there," Shane said awkwardly and waved at his name.

While Tessa also saying her own, "Hello."

The blue autobot knelt down and offered us a bow, " I apologize for the others my name is Drift." hound muttered something about a suck up, but the slimmer green one stepped forward.

I nodded and slowly each Autobot introduced themselves. "Names Crosshairs." said the one who had become aggressive, holstering his gun.


"Bumble Bee, call me Bee!" Bee said through his radio his voice very happy.

Optimus sighed in relief and looked at all of us, "Let's set up camp."

thank you for reading- please review and VOTE! Merry Christmas.