It's been a year since Elena went missing, I still refuse to believe she just up and left without so much as a goodbye. I strongly suspect foul play but the police refuse to do anything since she apparently left a hand written letter bequeathing everything to Coping Together and various children's charity. The handwriting expert I hired could not find anything wrong with the letter; it was her writing and doesn't appear she wrote it under duress.

I am losing my mind here, I know something is wrong and yet a year of investigations yielded nothing. Even my mom has accepted the idea that Elena doesn't want to be found.

Worst of all I haven't had a sub in over 11 months. Susannah had been my Sub for just over 5 months when Elena disappeared. Two weeks after the disappearance she started misbehaving, at first I enjoyed it because it allowed me to severely punish her, taking out my frustrations on her. But I soon realized she was doing that because she believed with Elena gone my finding a Sub would prove difficult and therefore give her more of a relationship. Yeah right, you should have seen the shock on her face when I told her to fuck off.

Unfortunately she was right finding a Sub proved far more difficult than I had anticipated. The only reputable club I could risk going to, I found had been sold. To whom I had no idea as much as Welch tried we could not make any heard way in to ascertaining who the buyer was.

I am literally jolted to the present when I shake the hand of one of the hundreds of students I'm handing diplomas to, fuck me she is stunning just my type. Before I can even comprehend what's happening she's gone. I can't take my eyes of her.

With the rest of the diplomas handed out. I make my way over to her. My purposeful strides keeps everyone out of my way, shit I don't even know her name.

"Hello." She turns to look at me and I am taken back by her glare. Yes I interrupted her conversation, doesn't she know who I am. Most people here are wishing I would interrupt their mundane conversations.

"Yes." Her tone matches her glare.

"I am Chris…"

"I know who you are, what do you want?" This girl is asking for a spanking and not the pleasurable kind. She looks at me as though she knows what I'm thinking. It's unsettling.

"I was…"

"I'm not interested." Count to 10 Grey. Count.

"You don't even know what I'm offering." I bark. For the first time she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"How about this. I'm not interested in being tied up, whipped, spanked, flogged, belted or caned followed by you fucking me senseless. Does that cover it?" With that she turns on her heels and leaves me standing there with my jaw on the floor looking like a complete idiot.

It's not possible, that shouldn't have happened. It can't…I don't recognise her, but she looks familiar, is she related to one of my former Subs, that must be it, there's no other… fuck, I don't even know her name. Welch, that's who I need, he will find out who she is, she will sign an NDA if she knows what's good for her and possible agree to be my Sub. God knows I will take a deal of pleasure in making her beg. I feel my cock stir just at the thought. I take out my phone to get a picture of her when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

This is not the time for anybody to try and kiss my ass. I turn sharply to rip the idiot a new asshole. "Taylor."I growl, he looks over my shoulder and I turn to see what he's looking at.

This is far worse than I thought possible.