This is probably going to be a short-chapter story which I will regularly update on. Just some ideas I needed to get out of my head and write down. Let me know if you like it or not.

A normal friday after Glee club, and I'm walking Santana home like always. We don't say much, but it isn't needed. Santana is the kind of friend I can have comfortable silences with.

Our hands swing and occasionally touch eachother. Everytime I look up.

She doesn't.

It was so weird. I always feel so good around her, and I know that she does too, otherwise we wouldn't have been best friends for so long. But lately, something's changing.

I feel like she's pushing me away, and I just seem to need her more and more everyday.

Our hands touch again. This times she does look up at me.

I smile and she hints a smile back.

''Are you okay?'' I ask her. She nods ''Yeah, why wouln't I be?''

''I don't know ..'' I mumble, and we walk further in silence.

As I look up I see that we're almost at her house. I used to come in everyday after school. We would eat all the snacks we could find, watch some funny youtube videos or dance around in the backyard.

I miss those times.

I walk with her to the front door.

''Well, I'll see you soon then '' she says, and she pecks me on the cheek and disappears in her house.

I stay still at the door and sigh.

She doesn't even ask me to come in anymore.

Just six words.


I wait for a minute or two, hoping she might change her mind.

But .. nothing.

I look down and step off the porch.

I didn't feel the eyes following my every move.

Thoughts? Should I continue this or not?