The official last chapter for this story, like always i hope you enjoy (Especially the end) and please don't forget to review.

Chapter Forty-Two: For a Better Future

It had been two weeks since Mathias returned to Arendelle, and the castle was already bustling with life as voices of laughter filled the halls from Elsa's study. Despite her attempts to finish her work she couldn't help but laugh at Mathias' antics as he held Christian in his arms playfully pleading with the child to convince her to take a break from her duties. The baby couldn't talk but with the faces the two gave her she finally conceded, setting her papers aside for another time. Mathias smiled ruthfully and shifted the baby in his arms looking down at him triumphantly.

"Looks like we finally got your Aunt Elsa to take a break and spend time with the two of us." He said and the baby gurgled in delight, wriggling about in his arms. The young queen laughed at the sight before her as she stood up from behind her desk as the two quickly fell silent looking her knowingly.

"What would you boys like to do today?" She asked them playfully as she walked around and sat on the edge of her desk watching them intently, opening the palm of her right hand to form some snowflakes. Christian gurgled happily watching the snowflakes dissipate in the air giving Elsa an idea as she smiled at the two.

"Follow me." She said as she got off her desk, walking toward the door with Mathias and an eager baby in tow. They arrived in the ballroom, the doors softly shut behind them as they looked around. With a slight motion from Elsa's hand it began to snow in the room causing Christian to gurgle loudly in delight as he tried to grab a few snowflakes in Mathias' arms, who was watching Elsa as she turned the room into a wonderland. With the room covered in snow Mathias gently set the baby down watching in amusement as he crawled around almost burying himself. Elsa chuckled behind her hand was her nephew tried to crawl out of the snow and walked over to him. Both her and Mathias knelt down to Christian helping him out of his predicament.

"We wouldn't want to lose you in there young one." Mathias said jokingly as he gently pulled the child out of the snow and on his lap facing Elsa. She smiled at the two as they played around, seeing Mathias with her nephew made her wonder how he would be one day with children of their own. The thought warmed her heart as her smile broadened catching Mathias' attention as he looked at her in curiosity.

"May I ask what it is that's on your mind?" He asked her catching the young woman off guard as she blushed in embarrassment. She tried to answer but no words came to mind as to what she was thinking. Seeing this Mathias reached over and gently grabbed her hand causing Elsa to relax at his touch. The sounds of the baby began to fade away as the two looked at one another as if they were in their own little world, a world of fire and ice. It was at that moment that Elsa was able to gather her words.

"Would you want to have children?" Elsa asked hesitantly, the moment she asked Mathias' expression went blank as the room became deathly silent as Christian quieted down almost like he was feeling the tension in the air. His blank expression changed as he raised a brow at her almost confused.

"Elsa.. are you with child?" He asked her concerned and she laughed making him even more confused.

"No I'm not and I believe you would have known by now if I was." She said between her laughter as Mathias slightly glared at her till the laughter died down.

"The reason I asked was because i've seen how wonderful you are with kids and it just warms my heart thinking how you would be with our children if or when the day comes. I just wanted to know if you want them." Elsa said with a small smile as Mathias began to relax ending what was left of the tension.

"So you think i'm father material? This is a unique turn of events, especially with me being...well me so to speak." He said gesturing to his current human state but Esa knew what he meant, he was a titan, a destructive force of nature which made him a monster to many people but not here. Despite what some people may think of him there are many that see good in him, that believe that he was here for a reason, a purpose that no one is able to realize or see.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts as the two of them got up with Mathias holding Christian in his arms. Elsa opened the door revealing Jonathan as he waited patiently, his eyes darting toward Mathias as he came to view.

"Your majesty, may i borrow Mathias for a moment?" He asked her. She didn't need to reply as she took her nephew out of Mathias' arms hold him close to her.

"This shouldn't take long, we'll finish that conversation when i return." Mathias said before he kissed her cheek then proceeded to follow Jonathan down the hall. The two men have been busy since Mathias got back, both had wondered how Hans was able to get in the castle to deliver the spell that had affected her and now it seems that the guard has a fresh lead.

The two men walked in silence till no one was around them till Jonathan stopped.

"I believe I found out who it was that started it all, I don't think you will like it." He said to Mathias as the taller man crossed his arms over his chest. He nodded his head gesturing his old friend to continue.

"I was able to piece it all together since i had one of my men guarding the room that night. He was paid to leave his post by Allen Grodford, he told the guard that he was only grabbing documents that Elsa already signed." He said and Mathias growled in annoyance as his anger started to flare up.

"That bastard...i can personally assure you that there were no documents in the room, Elsa always keeps such things in her study but only on rare occasions would she take a few with her and would give them to Kai to return them after she was done." He said through gritted teeth as Jonathan nodded.

"I've already talked to him he said something similar." He said to Mathias as his eyes narrowed knowing what was on the man's mind already.

"We need to confront him now, every minute he is here he'll become even more of a threat to the royal family, it's time we cut off loose ends to insure this won't happen again." Mathias told him and Jonathan took a deep breath.

"He is currently in his office do you want me to send some men to retrieve him?" He asked his friend but Mathias nodded his head."

"You and I will go in and confront him first, I want your men ready outside the door in case things get out of hand." He said and the two hurried down the hall towards Allen's office.

Allen sat behind his desk enjoying a glass of red wine when he heard a knock at the door. Before he could say anything Mathias and Jonathan walked in one behind the other, both of their expressions were unreadable making it hard for him.

"Hello gentlemen, please have a seat." He said gesturing to the few wooden chairs in the room, they quickly grabbed the chairs moving them in front of Allen's desk as if wanting to have full view of him.

"So tell me what brings you two into my office?" He asked them but they remained silent for a moment.

"Why did you do it?" Mathias asked him brows beginning to furrow, there was venom in his voice but he didn't yell and Jonathan noticed this, realizing that he was doing everything in his very being to remain calm. Allen kept his composure raising his glass to his lips sipping his wine before setting it back down.

"I have no idea what it is your talking about Mathias, what exactly is it that you think I've done?" Allen asked him and before Mathias could reply Jonathan stepped in with his evidence.

"One of my men stationed at their room that night told me that you had paid him to leave." the older man said and the head council member raised his brow.

"I wouldn't know about paying him but I did tell him that I was getting some documents that the queen had signed that day, it seemed she simply forgot to send them off due to her activities that night with the young man here." He said gesturing to Mathias who was already clenching his fists, his knuckles turning white.

"Well, I can assure you that there were no documents in the room before we left. So care to lie to us again?" Mathias fired back his arms crossing over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. Allen quietly laughed and looked at Mathias with an amused expression leaning forward on to his desk.

"Even so what exactly would i have gained from an act of treason against Arendelle and her majesty?" He asked causing both men to smirk.

"Mathias here believes that you've been working with Hans and what he offered you was power and wealth. You see with him being around as long as he has it seems as though he has more understanding of us and from his point of view i can honestly see it especially in you." Jonathan said as the old guard looked at his friend to continue where he left off.

"Do you know what sins drives you humans?" He asked and Allen looked at him in confusion but before he could answer Mathias raised his hand silencing him.

"It is greed, it drives you to attain more whether its in war, politics even land as long as you have it and think its yours." Mathias said and Jonathan noticed not one but three rows of blue light appearing up his friends back.

"Not again.." Jonathan thought to himself as both the head council and Mathias stared each other down. But Mathias was surprisingly calm as he took a deep breath.

"Allen Grodford you are under arrest for treason against Arendelle and its people and attempted murder of the royal family." Mathias said as the guards came through the door grabbing the counselor by the arms his eyes flared in anger as he glared at Mathias.

"How dare you! No one will ever believe you not even the queen when she hears of this!" Allen yelled at him causing both men to smirk down on him.

"You're right she won't, there's a ship leaving this afternoon to France, you will be escorted there by these guards and the sailors will make sure you don't misbehave. I heard that it's wonderful this time of year especially for the homeless. You are now stripped of your title, your riches and property, the only thing that you will own is the clothes on your back, Guards take him away and please keep him quiet." Mathias ordered as Allen was escorted out of the room. The muffle shouting could be heard but it started to turn to silence leaving the two men alone in the room.

"That was fun." Jonathan said as the old guard looked up at his friend who stared off into the distance, his breathing heavy as if he ran and his spine still glowed blue but in a blinking manner almost in rhythm to his heartbeat without Jonathan's knowledge there was a storm retreating further into the sea. A few flashes of lightning revealed a three headed figure in the shadows revealing his rival Ghidorah as they flapped their mighty wings disappearing into the horizon before Jonathan looked out the window in confusion.

"What's with the light show?" He asked Mathias as the blue light on his back dimmed down to nothing as his body visibly relaxed. Without a word Mathias left the room to find Elsa with many thoughts racing in his mind but they all came to a halt when he entered the ballroom, Elsa remained there with Christian oblivious of what had transpired outside the room, his mind relaxed as he approached the two forcing a small smile as she looked at him patiently once she noticed him. Her expression quickly turned to concern when she noticed how pale he was despite his best effort to smile.

"Is something wrong? You looked like you have seen a ghost." She asked him and he remained silent not knowing how to tell her that he has to leave again.

"I can sense the change in the air, but Ghidorah still hasn't made any moves not ones that would cause any serious problems yet which makes me wonder what they are waiting for…" But the words had already came out and her heart sank once again.

"You can't, not again Mathias… i need you here, i want you here with me." Elsa said and Mathias looked down in shame knowing that the news hurt her especially after everything that happened in the Southern Isles. When he looked up there were tears in her eyes.

"I understand that you are able to be your true self again but you can't just leave every time you think the world is in danger, think about it if they really wanted to do something would they have done it while you were still weak and wounded? Maybe this is what you needed…" She said her words trailing off to silence causing him to look at her confused.

"What do you think it is that i needed?" He asked her and Elsa bit her lower lip hesitant so say what she intended.

"Maybe it's time you have done so much in your life Mathias but the world doesn't need you now, i do.. I don't want you to become that monster again not after what i witnessed, i just can't go through that again. The images of how angry you were and how destructive you can be still frighten me to this day even after finding out what you did to the Northern Isles and Wesleton." She said and every word pierced his soul, he had never realized that she was scared of him the real him and he never wanted that from her, he never wanted her to be scared of him but he thought he loved her for who he was and that had hurt him more than anything. With a heavy sigh of defeat he looked at her with a small smile.

"I won't become that monster again Elsa, if you wish i never turn to it i will respect it. You are right i am needed here and i want to be with you no matter what it takes. Together, you and i will create a better future." He said as he kissed her cheek and they continued the rest of the evening in silence. When night fell the two made their way to the bed chamber both looking solemn from the conversation that afternoon. Mathias was the first to climb into bed emotionally drained but noticed Elsa froze looking out the window, her eyes shined from the reflection of the moon as she scanned around.

"Are you alright Elsa?" He asked her concerned causing her to jump out of fright and she looked at him confused.

"Did you hear that?" she asked him making the man confused, he is a titan and has good hearing which he can listen to all the things going on in the world but it was silent for the most part and nothing seemed off which made it strange.

"I haven't heard anything, it is all quiet for the moment." He said but it seemed she was troubled but crawled in the bed laying her head on his chest relaxing as sleep started to take over. Mathias watched her for a few moments before drifting to sleep. When all seemed quiet the same sound echoed calling to Elsa to venture into the unknown.