Alby swore as he hit the ground. Next to him landed Newt, Gally, Minho, and Chuck.

"Ouch," Newt said.

The five boys stood. And looked around their surroundings.

They were in a room with couches. And on the couches was names. Their names.

"Are these seating arrangements," Gally said in disbelief.

"I think so," Alby said.

The seating arrangements went Alby, Newt, Minho, Chuck, and finally Gally. But there was a space in between Newt and Minho, and in between Minho and Chuck.

"Who the hell is Thomas and Teresa?" Minho asked.

The other boys shrugged. As if on cue, a bright white light shined. And a teenage boy and girl landed on the floor.

"Bloody motherfucker," the boy shouted.

"Thomas and Teresa," Alby said.

"Yeah," they said unison.

When they stood up. The group of five got a clear view of them. They looked around 16.

"Who are you?" Teresa said kind of hiding into Thomas.

"I'm Alby," Alby said.

"Newt," Newt said.

"Minho," Minho said.

"I'm Chuck," Chuck said with a happy grin.

"I'm Gally," Gally said.

Thomas looked at Newt.

Woah Newt's beautiful Thomas thought to himself.

When a book fell from the ceiling. Well more like 4 books.

Thomas picked the note that came with it.

"Dear gladers. You were sent here to read a series of books about you. After you read the books. You will decide either to change your fate or forget this ever happened," Thomas said.

"Is it signed," Newt said.

"No," Thomas said.

"Well if we have to read it than lets read it," Alby said.

Alby picked up the first book.

"The Maze Runner," Alby said.