Hey guys... Been a while. I am very sorry to say this, but I am considering discontinuing this story, because I have begun to loose my 'fire' in the Elsanna ship, I still love it terribly as the fandom itself, but I just can't find the energy to write stories. I may continue to write for the story when I get the chance, but I also may not. If anyone wants to continue this by themselves, I would be perfectly alright with that, you don't need to ask. And if you guys can, like if you do continue the story, send me a link? I would love to hear how you guys want the story to go. This has been very fun and I want to thank you all for the journey, as short as it was. I love every one of you who Faved, Followed, me or the story if not both, if you reviewed then I am going to personally hug every one of you. The story wasn't very well writing and I am trying to improve my writing, so maybe in the future, I will try my hand at a few one-shots. Because who doesn't like a good one-shot every now and then? On another note, I may also write stories for The Carmilla fandom, as I ship Hollstien just as much as I ship Elsanna.

Thank you all again for the support, even if you just read the story. I love you all :) I hope to see you again in the future!