Yay! This is a FemGonXKillua fic. A small one. I got the idea just like that… *smile* Sorry if there are some silly mistakes i left...

Disclaimer: I do not own Hunter X Hunter

Hope you like it.

'…A pair of hands stretched out from the shadows and grabbed the long black haired girl who was too shocked for a moment to react. However, the time when she realized that she was being dragged backwards, it was too late as a piece of cloth thick with chloroform was over her mouth and nose. Darkness then embraced her…

"I got her, Boss" the man smirked evilly. "What do we do now, Boss?" he asked.

The Boss just exhaled a long breath lazily on his sofa, obviously bored. "Do whatever you want with her. We still have a lot of time until we get the money."

The man got up from his sofa and stuffed both of his hands in his pockets, "Geez, this job is way too easy and boring. I'll go find myself another distraction. I'll be back later." With that said, he turned to leave. "One thing more-" he stopped in his tracks to glance sideways at his accomplice, "don't damage her too much."

"I'll do my best, Boss" he saluted his retreating form.

"Time to wake up, sweetie" the kidnapper whispered near the girl's ear. The still dazed girl shivered a little as she felt his breath on her neck. The man just chuckled in excitement causing her eyes to snap open. Her eyes widened on seeing the man on top of her and she tried to push him away using all her force but in vain. That man was at least twice or even thrice her size! In this short moment of panic, she kicked him in his groin. The man blinked, surprised for a moment then smiled.

"fufufu, I'm pretty hard down here, so that little kick won't do anything."

"Get off me, you bastard!"

"You're not an easy one, huh? Just the type I like to tame." Grabbing both of the girl's hands while she kicked relentlessly at her aggressor, the latter just laughed and flung her across the room and she rebounded from the hard wall.

Clutching her throbbing head, her vision became blurry and she felt suddenly dizzy. Meanwhile, the kidnapper stomped his way across the room to her.

"No. Don't come near me! NOOOOOOOOOO!" the girl shouted, while backing away from the man but the latter cornered her and grabbed her hair. Hands gripping the front of her blouse, he yanked-'


"What?" the white haired teen said nonchalantly.

"Why did you do that?" Gon glared at him, angrily.

"What did I do?"

"Why did you switch it off?" Killua shrugged. "Put it on."

"No, Gon." Killua said sternly. You can't watch that, Idiot!


"The movie is boring" and totally not suitable for you to watch, he continued in his head.

"Give the remote control back!" Gon lunged at him in an attempt to get the item back. Killua just dodged her lunges at him calmly; one hand in one of his pocket and the other holding the remote control over his head.

"Go to bed, Gon. It's late."

"No, I want to know what happens next!" Gon shouted stubbornly while making another attempt to snatch the remote control back from the boy.

"Don't be stubborn, Gon. You cannot watch this. I totally not permit you."

"Why?" Gon asked him, with a very cute confused look.

Don't look at me like that, Idiot! Killua screamed in his head. Killua felt like melting chocolate. Awww I can't bear it! "GON!"

"What Killu-hmpf" Gon fell face down on the floor as she lunged at Killua again.

"Go to bed!"

Knowing that she would not be able to win against him, she got up on her feet and stormed into their bedroom, both of her hands balled into tiny fists at her sides.

"I'll watch it when you're asleep" Gon muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!"

BANG Gon slammed the bedroom door.

"Fiouffff" Killua let out a relieved sigh as he sunk into the sofa. He could not contain his stoic expression anymore. Once he made sure that the girl was back in their bedroom, he pulled down his expressionless mask. Rubbing his face with the palm of his right hand, he tried to calm his red face.

"Geez, where did she get that movie?"

~earlier that day~

"Killua~ Killua~" Gon rushed in, waving her hands. "Look, look" she showed the DVD to her friend.

Killua just raised an eyebrow questioningly at her.

"The Man Fighter" Killua read the cover.

"Where did you get that?"

"Ne, Killua, can we watch it? Can we watch it, together? Can we? " Gon asked, totally ignoring him while jumping up and down on her feet, excitedly.

Killua sweat dropped. With her in this state, it's impossible to calm her down. She's so insistent and…cute.

"Okay" he answered in a daze.

~back at the present~

I can't possible let Gon watch this movie. It's too….violent and….Killua let out a big sigh. She's too innocent to know things about that...

Taking out the disc from the DVD player, he put it back in its thin rectangular box.

"I should have said no," he said to himself as he read both the front and back cover carefully. Damn that irresistible cute face of hers! Sure, the front cover had an amazing picture suiting the title 'The Man Fighter' but at the back, the summary explained it all and it said 'NOT SUITABLE FOR LESS THAN EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD!' in a small corner.

Why is the warning written so small?!

"Knowing her, she surely got interested because of the title." She's such a tomboy, Killua let a small smile crept onto his face.


"What are you-?" Killua called out to Gon but stopped when he heard a crash, like a glass breaking.

Fearing the worst, Killua jumped over the sofa and landed in front of the door. Banging it open, he looked around the room and saw Gon's bed totally empty with her rumpled bed sheet, blanket and pillow stacked on the floor beside her bed and not far, an empty broken glass.

In the opposite side of the room, where his own bed was found near the window, he found it wide opened, with the curtains blowing madly inside the room.

Looking at the small piece of paper which had flown onto his face, "SHIT!" he cursed.

Hehehe, did you like it or was it shit?