Tecna POV

"Ger ready for a thrashing of a lifetime Trix!"

"Ready Winx?" Bloom asked.

We nodded.

"Digital strike!" I yelled.

"Neptune's sting!" Layla yelled.

"Music Kick!"Musa yelled.

"Lava jab!" Bloom yelled.

"Blinding ray!" Stella yelled.

"Spring banner!" Flora yelled.

We all attacked at once but the Trix only staggered back holding up their shield,"Wall of Ice!"

"Ice Bolt!" Icy yelled aiming the attack at us.

"Sonic Mirror!" Musa yelled as she put her shield around us along with me, "Virtual Protection!"

"Nature Punch!" "Morphix Kick!"

Both Flora and Layla blasted rays of power at stormy and Darcy who fell back but got back up quickly. I don't know if it's even possible but the Trix have got stronger.

"They can resist the power!" I shouted.

"Dark Tornado!" Stormy attacked.

"Shadow Tentacles!" Darcy shouted.

They sent attacks our way aiming at Stella and Flora who fell back but were cushioned by Layla's morphix," Morphix Cushion!"

"Tecna and I will go after Darcy!" Stella yelled as I nodded at her.

"We'll go after Stormy!" Flora said to Musa.

"And that leaves us for Icy!" Bloom said Layla agreeing.

"Ice Storm!" Icy attacked before we could even split-up.

"Gaia's Defense!" Flora yelled. "Dancing Flames!" Bloom yelled. Both shields covered us and the attacked surged back to Icy which she managed to block.

"Diamond of Light!" Stella yelled catching them off guard.

Stella and I both headed towards Darcy's way.

"Ready Stell!" I asked nearly reaching Darcy.

"I was born ready!" she replied grinning while flipping her hair back.

"Let's do this thing!" I yelled as we high-fived and done this handshake.

"And kick some ass!" Stella fist punched the air.

"Well it won't be mine. Hypo Wave!" Darcy shouted.

"Golden disc!" Stella yelled shielding us.

"Light Diamond!" Stella yelled once again causing Darcy to fall but quickly recover.

"Neon Splice!" I yelled hurtling an attack towards Darcy while she was distracted.

"Shining Punch!"

"Techno Punch!"

"Light Diamond!"

We sent numerous attacks in Darcy's way weakening her and she fell back. But we knew it wouldn't be long till she got back up.

"Are you tired Tec? Because boy am I tired!" Stella moaned.

"So am I Stell, so am I," I said.

"Not to mention I think Darcy may or may not wake up soon, and we only have enough power for one super strong convergence,"

"How about I get the others while you focus on trying to find the witches weak point? Then we can converge an powerful attack altogether, hopefully that'll be enough to take them down,"

"That's a great idea! Speaking of which I wonder how the girls are holding up?"

Bloom POV

"Spreading fire!" I yelled sending a misty beam of fire towards Icy.

"Ice Prism!" she yelled forming a diamond-like shield around her.

"Naiad's attack!" Layla yelled.

"Dragon Kick!"

"Morphix Punch!"

We had been fighting Icy for a while now sending our best attacks towards her and it was slowly weakening her! Yes! But on the bad side we don't have much energy either.

"Igneous Protection!" I yelled.

"Morphix Barricade!" Layla yelled.

Icy had just broken her Ice prism so she saw a herd of attack coming her way but it was too late for her to prevent them. I watched as she fell back a few metres away knowing that it wouldn't be long before she was up and running again.

"Bloom! Layla! We've got a plan!" Stella yelled fly over to us.

Musa POV

"Tornado!" Stormy putting her hands together, sending a tornado hurtling our way at lightning speed.

"Sonic Mirror!" I yelled shielding us hitting back at the tornado.

"Lotus Flower!" Flora said attacking Stormy causing the tornado to disappear.

"Percussive Hit!" I yelled attacking Stormy off guard.

"Nature Punch!" Flora attacked just as Stormy tried to get up.

"She isn't the only one who is weakening," I said to Flora.

"Wall of Sound!" I clapped my hands together attacking Stormy.

"Together! Petal Hurricane!" "Deafening Chord!"

The attacks we sent at Stormy managed to knock her down weakening her energy by quite a bit.

"I don't think that was enough," Flora said just as Stella came along with Bloom and Layla with Tecna who was busy working out something on her mini laptop.

"Musa, Flora we've got a plan!" Stella exclaimed.

"We are going to have one big super powerful convergence and hopefully that will be able to knock them out!" she said loudly.

"Shh! Would it kill you to announce it a little quieter?!" Layla said.

"Yeah cause I soo wanted to tell the whole world," Stella stated sarcastically causing Layla to roll her eyes and scoff.

"Well would it hurt to stop fighting this is the last thing we need," Bloom said causing Layla and Stella to snap their heads at her.

"Just saying!" she shrugged holding her hands up in surrender.

"No need, I realised where they are feeding their energy off from, that pendant in Icy's grasp which just need to lose her focus and then take it from her grasp," Tecna said joining the circle.

"Just on time, seems like Sleeping Beauty has woken up," I said motioning towards a murderous Icy who was coming our way.

"What about the convergence?" Flora asked quietly.

"Only in case of an emergency, we'll have it as a Plan B," Tecna whispered.

"Let's go!"

Icy came out to us with a devious smirk.

"Blizzard!" she screamed attacking us with her best spell catching us off guard. Well that's just great! Note the sarcasm.

We fell to the ground landing hard from the impact. As I was getting up Darcy shot an attack at me but I quickly rolled over on my side. I began to fly up when she attacked me again and I had no time to put up a shield.

That is until Tecna jumped in front of me, "Logic Net!"

I sent a thankful smile to her before we flew up to join the rest of the girls battling. Just as we were about to put our plan into action I realised.

"Where did the pendant that Icy had go?" I asked confused.

"Oh this old thing," Icy smirked," it's worthless!"


She destroyed it in the palm of her hand.

The girls all shared knowing looks. They began to circle around the Trix.

"Voice of Sirenix!" Musa yelled. She let out a strong wave of music as she began to sing beautifully.

"Flower of Sirenix!" Flora attacked letting her power flow as she held her hands high above her head.

"Tide of Sirenix!" Layla yelled summoning all the Morphix possible. She let the attack out, a purple wave of energy.

"Light of Sirenix!" Stella yelled as the whole area around her grew extremely bright. There was a blinding ray of light surrounding her.

"Aura of Sirenix!" Tecna yelled as she began to glow a bright green. She held her hands together in concentration before letting out tremendous energy.

"Fire of Sirenix!" Bloom yelled as flames danced around her and in her eyes, which were full of determination. Even her hair was on fire.

"Sirenix Convergence!" they all attacked letting all their energy flow through their veins, their eyes shut in concentration, their minds focused on just this one spell.

A strong wave flew across Gardenia's entire atmosphere. The specialist ,who were had being fighting Darkar and Baltor, stopped to watch in amazement whereas Darkar and Baltor watched in horror as their alias were defeated. They knew they had to get out of there or else they knew it would next be them.

"Let's get out of here," Baltor said quickly to Darkar opening a portal.

"No, wait I was just about to defeat them!" Darkar said confidently.

"If you don't leave now, I'm telling you you're next!" Baltor said before escaping into the portal.

"I can handle them; I'm so much stronger than all these weaklings. I'm not easily defeated!" Darkar thought before taking the moment to advantage by attacking the Specialist sending them flying to the Winx who were also on the ground unconscious after the immense amount of power they let out.

"There's no-one to stop me now! Not those witches, not those wannabe heroes and definitely not those pathetic fairies! I will always be-"Darkar was cut short of his speech when he was attacked by three powerful beams.

"That was spell-binding beams, I hope you have fun in Oblivion!" a dark voice chuckled. Darkar turned around only to see the headmistress of Cloud Tower along with the other two head of schools.

Darkar let out all his fury trying to attack the prison guards who were dragging him away but it was no use and he was thrown into a dark portal.

"Hopefully that'll be the last of him," Faragonda said," and the Trix." She added once the Trix were dragged away by another set of prison guards.

"What in the world is going on here?" Saladin exclaimed when he saw the sight of the unconscious Winx and now awake Specialist who were cradling them.

"We must get to Alfea at once," Faragonda said in worry as she teleporting them all to the Alfea infirmary.

The Winx were rushed onto hospital beds as Ophelia, the school nurse and her assistants took care of them.

"Will they be alright?" Sky asked in worry.

They will be. But as long as they take it lightly because after the amount of power they let out in the battle they are now incredibly weak," Ophelia said looking from the sleeping Winx to Specialist.

"I just drugged them with sleeping spells so they will be awake in a little while."

She left the room as the Specialist sat down by their respective girl hoping they'd be ok.

Why do I care? After all we do hate each other…right? Who am I kidding. I love her. I am completely, utterly in love. Shit.

Hoped you liked this chapter! There may or may not be one chapter left… ;(

And yes, the boys finally admitted. Admitting that they are absolutely in love!

They weren't so sure, but now it's legit. Oh and don't think that they will end up together just like that. It will take a lot. I can't wait till the sequel! I already created Bloom and Stella's First Day outfits already! But the main question is:


I still haven't thought of one, so if you can you please review what you think it should be? I will definitely take them into consideration.

Until Next Time…

Random915 xxx