Hello readers,

First, I would like to thank everyone who left a review on the first chapter. They were all super positive and helped me to better myself as a writer.

Second, I am so sorry that it took so long for me to get this chapter out. But here it is after much work and procrastination chapter two of

The Ice queen in Konohagakure

Chapter 2: New Friends

Elsa couldn't keep her eyes on just one thing as she followed Jiraiya through the street. Everything was so different here than at home. The Buildings where all so close together and square with the occasional odd shaped roof here and there. The people went to and fro, all of them seeming so peaceful, Dressed in the oddest clothing she had ever seen from pants and shirts to dresses and kimonos. Every so often as she was looking up she would catch glimpses of people leaping from rooftop to rooftop just like how she had when Jiraiya was carrying her through the woods. But most of all the thing that made her eyes go huge was the Mountain at the back of the city with the four faces that seemed to watch over the city as silent sentinels. When she could hold her curiosity in no more she gave a small tug on the toad sage's sleeve. "Umm, Mister Jiraiya, who are those four people on the mountain?" She asked timidly pointing toward the monument.

Looking at where she was pointing Jiraiya smiled as he answered, "Those, young lady are the faces of the leaders of our village. We put their faces up as a reminder of the greatest men in the village so that we will have a standard to strive for." His tone suddenly turned more prideful as he continued. "In fact I myself was taught personally by the man whose face is third from the left," he puffed out his chest as he said the next line, "and I was also the teacher to the man whose face sits farthest to the right."

Elsa looked up at the man who obviously took great pride in those two facts but something confused her about it. "But, if you were taught by the third man, and trained the fourth, why didn't your face get put up there? Where you not good enough?" She asked in childish innocence, causing a tick mark to form on his head in irritation.

"No," he responded, "it is not because I wasn't good enough. It is because I have other responsibilities in the village that only I can do." "Really?" Elsa said back, "Like what?" Leaning down, to look her in the eye, Jiraiya said sternly "They are top secret, and therefore not something I can freely tell you because you are too young." Elsa just pouted at his comeback not liking being treated like a child even though she happened to be one.

Suddenly the little spat the child and white-haired man were having was interrupted when there was an indignant shout behind them. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!" they heard which caused them to turn around to see a man who seemed to have just exited a store being pelted in the face by a water balloons filled with various bright colored paints leaving him covered in a tie-dye pattern. Suddenly they heard laughing and their vision shifted to the awning of the store across the way from the one that the man had just come out of. Standing there was a young boy of about eight years of age, with bright golden blond hair. He was wearing orange shorts with a white shirt that had a red flame like pattern on the front and blue sandals. Putting his hands on his hips he proudly proclaimed, "You should feel honored, you just got pranked by the future Hokage, and current Prank King of Konoha."

"Yeah right!" the painted man responded pointing at the boy, "As if you would ever be chosen as Hokage, you are nothing but a menace!" Instead of responding to the jab the boy's smile just widened until his eyes were scrunched up in the corners, before quick as lightning his hand flashed forward and he launched four eggs at the man, when they struck instead of being covered in more goo like he expected the egg shells exploded in a cloud of flower and glitter making his condition more noticeable due to the sparkles that now covered him. Then with the attack completed the boy slammed his foot down and yelled, "I am going to be Hokage and there is nothing you can do about it, dattebayo!"

After the boy's little rant was done the now painted and sparkly man grit his teeth and seemed like he was going to yell back before he stopped and just smirked at the boy. Confused by the unexpected response the boy looked behind himself to see two chunin standing behind him with rather unpleasant smiles on their faces.

"Well would you look at this." One of them said, "We've got ourselves a little troublemaker disrupting the peace of our fair village."

"Indeed," Agreed his companion, "Let's see what the Hokage has to say to this little terror shall we."

The smiles on their faces turned to smirks as they watched the boy who seemed to be frozen in fear. Expecting this to be an easy catch one of the ninja started to reach toward the boy, neither of them noticing Jiraiya starting to tense up and subconsciously reach for his kunai pouch, when suddenly the boy's smile returned as he exploded into motion. In under a second he zipped between the two ninja and pulled out two more eggs. He then leapt up so that he was level with their faces so that when they turned around they were both met with a face full of yolk, these eggs not having their insides replaced like the ones before.

"As if you two could catch me." The boy said cockily before he leaped down to the road and took off like a bullet running through the crowd as fast as he could.

Elsa, after the whole ordeal, was just staring slack jawed at the retreating form of the boy. Turning to her guide she saw that he was watching the boy as he faded into the crowd with a look that she couldn't quite identify, it seemed like it was a mixture of pride, sorrow and shock.

"Do you know that boy?" Elsa asked Jiraiya curious about his strange reaction. Jiraiya's head whirled around when she asked the question before he smiled at her and replied with what seemed to be a hint of sadness, "No, no I don't."

A few minutes later Elsa found herself sitting in a small waiting area outside the office of the leader of the village. Jiraiya had left her there while he went in to explain the situation and told her that she would be called in afterward. Inside the office Jiraiya was leaning against a wall across the desk from his old sensei.

"So Jiraiya," Began the old ninja, "from the message you sent before you arrived I was able to discern what you are doing here but I would like to hear it from your own mouth to make sure I understand completely."

Being the spymaster of Konoha meant that every message the hokage received from him was in some sort of code and written to be intentionally vague. Jiraiya smiled and looked at his old mentor. "Tell me sensei do you know what a troll is?" he asked cryptically. He almost burst into laughter at the dumbfounded expression that was on the older man's face.

"What are you talking about?" the hokage asked puzzled at what his student had said. JIraiya continued saying "Well apparently at one time there was an old clan of summons who were allied to the toads. These creatures were called trolls and at one time were considered one of the strongest summon contracts." Jiraiya paused as he remembered the story that the two old toads, fuka and shima, had told him. "Unfortunately the contract was lost at some time early in the clan wars era when due to a mistake by their summoner they suffered heavy losses driving them to near extinction. As such they left the shinobi world behind and traveled to some far off land to live their lives in peace."

"While this is a very interesting history lesson Jiraiya, unless you are here to drop off the summon scroll for this ancient clan I don't see what it has to do with your visit." The hokage said tiredly thinking of the time this meeting was adding to how long it would take for him to finish the days paperwork.

"Well," continued Jiraiya, "in this far off land it appears that chakra doesn't exist, or at least the people there were never taught how to harness it. Thus when the trolls were discovered by the citizens of this other continent they were thought to have magic of some sort, due to their limited knowledge of chakra."

"Jiraiya!" the hokage barked, "I know that as a writer you enjoy spinning stories for your audience but as you can see," as he said this he gestured to the piles of paper on his desk, "I am extremely busy with the elements of running a village. So if you don't mind I would really appreciate it if you GOT TO THE POINT!" The hokage enjoyed the time he got to spend with his old students, he really did, but sometimes if Jiraiya's reasons for coming weren't life threatening he would drag the meetings on and on until he wasted half of the day.

"Fine, fine gosh you have gotten really grumpy as you have aged you crotchety old man." Jiraiya said with the ghost of a pout forming on his face. He enjoyed spinning his stories when he had the opportunity. It seemed that nowadays he only ever got to give reports that were matters of life or death that needed to be communicate as concisely as possible. Turning away from the desk he opened the door and stuck his head out into the hallway. The hokage could hear his muffled call to someone then after a short wait Jiraiya opened the door wider and in walked a little girl.

If the hokage didn't know any better he would have mistaken her for a member of the Yamanaka clan by the way she looked, but on closer inspection he saw the differences. There were no members of that clan had hair so shockingly light in the correct lighting he was sure that it would look icy white, and her eyes where such a bright blue that they seemed to glow. She walked in with her head slightly bowed obviously nervous about being in a strange new place.

As she entered the office and looked around her eyes focused finally on the old man seated behind his desk who was obviously in charge. Mustering her courage she took a breath then stepped forward and bobbed a small curtsy to the man, as she straightened up she said "Good morning hokage sir, my name is Elsa of Arendelle."

The hokage gave her a kind grandfatherly smile as he responded, "And good morning to you young one, my name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. It is so nice to see someone come into my office and show this old man some respect for a change." As he said the last part he motioned so it was obvious that he was speaking about the white haired man that Elsa had been traveling with, the small barb and Jiraiya over reacting gasp caused Elsa to giggle a little and she seemed to relax. Focusing again on Jiraiya the hokage said "So Jiraiya why have you brought this charming young lady to our village that is so far away from her home and family."

Leaning again on wall Jiraiya said back, "Well as I was saying in the land of Arendelle where the trolls have taken up residence there is no chakra. However by some twist of fate it seems someone in there kingdom has been born with a spontaneous bloodline limit and abnormally high chakra reserves and she is standing before you." Upon hearing this the hokage turned his focus back to the little girl and said in a gentle voice, "If that is true, then Elsa would you mind showing me a small demonstration of your ability."

As soon as he said it Elsa's nerves came back full force. She almost seemed to attempt to fold in on herself trying to disappear. When he say this the old man stood from his desk and went to stand by the small girl. Crouching down so that he was closer to her level he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said again as grandfatherly as he could manage, "It is ok little one, you don't have to feel pressured or nervous. I just want to see a small display of what you can do, it doesn't have to be grand." When he had placed his hand on her shoulder she initially stiffened but as he gently spoke she again relaxed at his words and the caring air he seemed to give off. With another breath to gather her courage she said in a small voice, "Ok, but please stand back, it can be a little dangerous."

After giving the girls shoulder one last comforting squeeze the old man stood up and went to stand next to his student. When he was standing far enough away Elsa hesitantly removed her gloves and stretched out her hands, she seemed to concentrate for a moment before Icy blue energy shot suddenly from her fingertips forming a pile of snow directly in front of the door to his office.

Upon seeing the young girl's ability the two men were shocked, she had used chakra without the need for hand signs, and not only that but she had manipulated a sub-element without hand signs. Such a feat normally could only be accomplished if the user was a jonin of the highest caliber who had spent years of study and training perfecting their chakra control. To see a mere child do such a thing was amazing even for the two experienced ninja.

Suddenly, as the office was blanketed by a stunned silence, the door was kicked open and in walked a surprise visitor. Unfortunately for the new arrival as he entered the room he ended up walking right into the unexpected snow drift that was located in the middle of his path. The surprise obstacle caused him to trip and fall directly into the pile and when he raised himself out of the snow he found himself encased in whiteness.

The three occupants of the room now stared in shock at the snow covered intruder. After a while Hiruzen addressed the impromptu snowman and said "Excuse me but who are you and why are you here." With a shout of indignation the short white figure began to vigorously shake, freeing himself from the snow and revealing the form of the short blond boy that Elsa and Jiraiya had seen on the way to the hokage's tower.

With an angry and slightly hurt look in his eyes the boy pointed at the old man and shouted, "How can you say that old man, first you set this pile of cold white stuff in the middle of the floor so that I trip in it then you pretend like you don't even recognize me? That is a low blow gramps, is this because of that time that I glued your window open and stole all of your paper weights?"

At hearing this the old man suddenly rushed forward at startling speed and grabbed the young boy by the arms and lifting him up. "WHAT?" He yelled, "That was you, the entire days paperwork got mixed up because of that and a team of secretaries and I had to spend hours getting it all back in order. Naruto if you ever try anything like that again I will hang you up by your thumbs from the Hokage Monument."

Naruto grinned sheepishly at the older man and said, "Did I say that was me, I am sure there are tons of other people it could have been." The hokage didn't even respond, he just dropped the boy on his rear end and gave him a sharp bop on the head, before he turned back to his desk and began to head for his chair.

As he made the short trip the boy finally noticed the other occupants of the room and observed them for a bit before turning to his grandpa in all but blood and said, "Hey gramps, what's with the white haired weirdo and the princess in your office." The comment got a mixed response, the hokage chuckled to himself, Jiraiya's eye began to twitch in irritation, and Elsa began to get a slightly worried expression on her face as she wondered what had given away her social status to the boy.

Nonchalantly the hokage responded, "They are guests Naruto, be respectful and introduce yourself." As he said the last part he gave the boy a pointed look. "If you try anything with either of them, so help me, I will find a way to outlaw ramen in the whole of fire country." When he said that the boy shot to his feet and bowed respectfully.

"Greetings, and welcome to Konoha. My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am pleased to meet you." He blurted out in a rush. Elsa was slightly taken aback by the sudden turn that the boy's demeanor had taken. After he introduced himself he straightened up and turned to the old man sitting behind the desk. "There is that better?" he asked.

"Yes, much better." Replied the hokage.

"Good" said the boy as he bounced up and sat on the edge of the desk, "Now that, that is out of the way. Why do you have a weird old man and a princess in your office?" The comment warranted a muffled chuckle from the hokage as well as another twitch in the brow of Jiraiya. Finally after losing his patience at the boy's cheek the spymaster marched up to the boy and got right in his face before saying.

"Now you listen here you brat, I will have you know that I am not just some spiky haired weirdo." Naruto backed up nervously after seeing the ire in the large man's eyes.

"Okay then," the boy hesitantly asked, "who are you?"

Suddenly the white haired man leapt away from the boy and everything seemed to get darker before a spotlight appeared from nowhere illuminating him in a dramatic light. "I am known by many names." Jiraiya began dramatically as drums started playing in the background, "To some I am known as the unstoppable madman of peace. To others I am merely known as the white shadow of justice. All throughout the Elemental Nations men fear me and women yearn to know me. I am the great Toad Sage, the gallant Jiraiya!" As he finished his ridiculous introduction he stuck a Kabuki pose with his hand outstretched toward the little boy and a smug look on his face at the shocked look on the boy's.

After taking a moment to recover from the experience Naruto turned back to the hokage, "I was wrong gramps, he isn't a weirdo." He said. The hokage had a puzzled and slightly worried expression on his face as he heard the boy's statement. Silently he prayed that Naruto would not seek to emulate his student's odd quirks.

"No," continued Naruto, "He is a super, mega weirdo! Get him away from me!"

As fast as he could Naruto scrambled behind the seat of the hokage in an attempt to separate himself from the strange man that had apparently traumatized him. Jiraiya after seeing the boy's reaction began to crouch in the corner with a dark cloud over his head while he muttered to himself about how no one liked his cool introductions, and how he wasn't a weirdo.

After witnessing the strange behavior of everyone in the office it finally became too much for Elsa and she broke out into giggles at the silliness around her. The hokage gained a soft smile as he heard the tinkling sound of her voice, and Naruto peeked around the chair to look at where the sound was coming from. When he saw Elsa laughing his head popped completely out from behind the chair and a Megawatt smile stretched across his face, as he began to giggle along with her. Suddenly he ran around the desk until he was in front of the girl and introduced himself yet again.

"Hi," he said as he extended his hand for her to shake, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am going to be the hokage one day, want to be friends?"

Elsa looked from the outstretched hand to the smiling face of the boy who was looking at her hopefully. After a moment of deliberation Elsa finally smiled back at Naruto and grabbed his hand to return the hand shake.

"Hello," she responded politely, "My name is Elsa of Arendelle, I am here to join the academy, and yes I would like to be friends."

When he heard her response his smile seemed to multiply in intensity, though it would seem to be impossible with how brightly he was smiling already. Then suddenly he tightened his grip on her hand and turned to the hokage, who was still sitting behind his desk watching the exchange between the two children with a subdued yet genuine smile, and said,

"Hey gramps the princess and I are going to go play." Before he began to drag the young girl toward the door.

Elsa however, not being someone who particularly enjoyed being dragged about by someone she had just met even if they had decided to be friends, dug in her heels halting there progress towards the door.

"Wait Naruto," she said "I don't know if I am done talking to the hokage yet." Elsa may have been young but one of the first lessons in etiquette she had been taught by her parents was that you don't barge out on someone when you were doing business with them.

The hokage's subtle smile widened slightly at seeing the young girls excellent manners before he said, "Oh don't worry Elsa, Jiraiya and I will be able to settle all of the other details, I think it would be a wonderful idea if Naruto showed you around the town. I will send someone for you later who will show you where you will be living while you stay here and explain to you the academy schedule that you will be starting in a few days."

"See," said Naruto, "I knew it would be fine if we left, you worry too much princess."

Turning to face the energetic boy Elsa's curiosity finally made her ask him, "Naruto, why do you keep calling me a princess? We just met so for all you know I could just be a merchant's daughter."

Naruto looked at her for a second then he pointed to the hokage, "I know you are a princess because gramps told me a story once where it talked about how the princess was the prettiest girl in all the land, and you are the prettiest girl that I have ever met so therefore you must be a princess. Now let's go!"

After he answered her he grabbed her hand and again rushed out the door. He was so excited that he didn't notice the blush that spread across Elsa's face nor the loud laugh that was echoing in the office from the hokage at hearing his response.

As the door closed behind the two children the hokage's laughter settled down to a soft chuckle. He went to pick up the next piece of paper in his inbox when he looked to his student who had calmed down and stopped his moping in the corner.

"So" he asked "what do you think of your first meeting with your godson?"

The large white haired man smirked as he replied, "He is like a mini Kushina wrapped up in Minato's skin."

The comment elicited another small chuckle from the aged village leader. "Truer words were never spoken." He said. Looking up from the papers in front of him he eyed his student. "Does this mean you will be stopping by the village more often so that you can check on our little guest?"

"Yeah" answered the toad sage, "this way he will at least begin to recognize my face. Maybe I will be able to teach him a thing or two while I am here as well."

"Oh, planning on training another hokage are you?" questioned the older man.

"No way, if he wants that position he will have to earn it on his own merits just like his father did. But I may teach him how to mingle with the fairer sex. Did you hear that last line? If he can come up with things like that on the fly, then with a little coaching he could be a regular Casanova when he gets older." Jiraiya responded.

"Well good luck with that," Hiruzen said sarcastically, "Just remember that if you corrupt him in any way then I am fairly certain that Kushina will find some way to come back from the grave so that she can kill you herself."

After hearing that Jiraiya blanched at the thought and began to revise his plans for the time he would be spending with his godson in the future. After all no sense in tempting fate.

Elsa was at first overwhelmed slightly at the energy that her new friend was showing. As soon as they had made it out of building he had taken of in, what was to her, a random direction. All the while keeping her hand firmly in a death grip almost as if he feared she would vanish if he let go.

"Slow down Naruto," she desperately said, "I can't go that fast."

When he heard her Naruto immediately began to go at a slightly more sedate pace and looked back at her with an abashed look on his face.

"Sorry Elsa, I didn't mean to go too fast for you." He said.

"It's alright," she said back, "Where are we going?"

When she asked that Naruto's face lit up again and he said, "We are going to this park that I really like. It has tons of fun games and equipment to play on, but a lot of them take two people so I have never tried them before."

After explaining where their destination would be he began to head for the park again only this time he made sure to go at a speed he could see that Elsa was comfortable at. Elsa just smiled because the innocent energy that seemed to radiate off of Naruto reminded her of her sister back at home when they used to play together.

Unfortunately at the thought of her sister she remembered how they had not parted on the best of term. Then she started to think of the rest of her family and as her thoughts began to head down that rabbit hole she began to get homesick.

Naruto began to notice that she was slowing down slightly and looked back to see if he was going too fast for her again. However as he looked back he didn't notice the figure stepping out in front of him, which caused a collision bringing all three of them down to the dirt.

Naruto was the first to recover from the accident, he bounced up and quickly went to his new friends side a panicked worried expression on his face as he thought of how if she was hurt she wouldn't want to be his friend anymore.

The next person to recover was the figure that they had run into. He turned out to also be a child of the same age as Naruto and Elsa. As he got up he rubbed his hand through his black hair looking for any bumps that might be forming. After the pain in his body began to recede it was replaced by a strong feeling of anger and indignation that someone had run into him. Standing up he looked around for the culprits who he spied on the ground nearby.

When he saw that it was a pair of kids his age his anger intensified that they would do this to him, after all he had been taught by his father that he was someone who should command respect from those who were his same age, especially because he was about to start the academy and high expectations had been placed on his shoulders. So he stood up and began to stalk over to the children who had hit him.

"Hey!" He began angrily, "Who do you think you are running into me like that you could have seriously hurt me."

Naruto, who was more worried about his friend at the moment, merely waved his hand dismissively at the disdainful remark. After all he had heard harsher things from other villagers and he could tell that the speaker was a kid like him from them voice.

The black haired boy however did not take kindly to being dismissed so nonchalantly by some nobody who he had never met so he reached down grabbed the blond boys shoulder and yanked him around so that they were face to face.

"Do you know who I am?" the boy asked

Now Naruto was angry, he was trying to take care of his new friend and some random kid was getting all up in his face about something that was clearly and accident. So he responded in kind by roughly pushing the other boys hand off of his shoulder and saying,

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize we were playing the 'ask questions that no one cares about game'? Here let me go next, do you like apples?"

The black haired boy bristled at the mocking tone that the blond responded with. His dark eyes lit up with even more anger and he said right back,

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I am part of the ancient and noble clan of the Uchiha and you will give me proper respect."

"Respect is something you gotta earn," replied Naruto "And right now the only thing you are earning from me is more anger."

As the two boys were arguing Elsa began to get her wits back about her. Luckily the collision had knocked her out of the funk that she had been putting herself into. As she shook her head to get the spots out of her vision she began to take note of the argument happening near her. Looking up her eyes focused in on the image of her new friend arguing with a black-haired boy that she had never seen before. Finally the words they were speaking to each other registered and she saw that if nothing happened then a fight would break out soon. So never being one to stay idle she stood up and collected herself before walking up to the arguing duo.

"What are you two arguing about?" She asked in a crisp tone.

The two boys turned to the sound of the voice to see who had interrupted their argument. Which by then had devolved into Sasuke calling Naruto stupid in a few colorful ways and Naruto telling Sasuke that he was a stuck-up jerk. Upon seeing his friend up and ok Naruto's face instantly brightened with a smile.

"Elsa!" he exclaimed, "I am so glad you are alright."

"Yes Naruto, I am fine. Now why are you fighting with this guy?"

Sasuke, upon seeing what he thought of as reinforcements for his current verbal adversary, gathered himself and put the haughtiest look on his face that he could, in the hopes of cowing them both with his superiority.

"Listen hear girl." He said to Elsa, "You can just stay out of this, it is between me and the rude urchin here."

As soon as the words registered in her mind Elsa's eyes narrowed dangerously. Here was a boy trying to use an air of superiority on her when she was a princess. She had been taught how to impress people with her presence since she could walk from her mother, who could have a room of dignitaries bowing and apologizing to her from a displeased glance. Elsa herself had suffered under her gaze in the past due to reckless adventures with her sister, so if this boy thought he could overpower her he had another thing coming.

"Excuse me boy." Elsa responded, focusing every ounce of her displeasure on the black haired boy. "But I have every right to come to the defense of my friend especially if his only fault happened to be an accident."

By now Sasuke was nearly shaking in fear at the presence of the girl in front of him. For some reason he couldn't understand as she looked at him it felt like he was in front of his mother for stealing his brother's kunai to practice with again. She seemed to radiate an air of superiority that outclassed his own by a mile and made him feel like angering her would be the worst mistake of his life.

When she saw the boy begin to back down she turned to her friend, who was staring at her awestruck by the impressive aura, and said, "Come on Naruto lets go play like we had planned."

And with that she walked off in the direction that they had been going in before the crash fully expecting her friend to follow her, which he did of course. As they walked away Sasuke was stuck in the same place he had been shocked at how Elsa had affected him like that.

'Whoa, she is really scary.' He thought to himself before continuing on his way toward his house.

When Naruto had caught up to his friend he ran in front of her before stopping. At first Elsa was confused why they were stopped and thought that maybe she had been going the wrong way. Then suddenly his eyes seemed to sine like stars as he looked at her with adoration.

"That was awesome!" he exclaimed, "How did you do that?"

"What are you talking about?" Elsa asked shyly.

"That, thing you did when you looked at him, and then he was all scared and stuff." He clarified, "I was arguing with him forever, and all he did was call me dumb. But you just gave him a stink eye and he clammed up just like that."

Elsa was shocked at the way her friend described what had happened. She hadn't given the boy a stink eye had she? Turning to her friend with a confused look on her face and told him so.

"I didn't give him a stink eye. I just told him the truth, he shouldn't act like that to people he doesn't know. I have seen my mom do the same thing to a lot of people who are being rude so I just copied her."

"Oh," Naruto said back, "that makes sense. You are a princess so your mom must be a queen so she would know how to do that kind of thing."

Elsa sighed at his constant insistence that she was a princess, even though it was supposed to be a secret. After trying to think about how she should respond she decided to just stay silent instead of validating the statement with a response.

"Whatever Naruto, let's just go to the park you were talking about ok." Elsa finally said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Naruto responded excitedly, and with that he grabbed her hand once more and they were once again speeding toward their destination.

Laughter rang through the air as children ran about playing in the park. There weren't many possibly five or six, but with it being a smaller park it felt a bit more crowded than it was. As Elsa and Naruto approached it however, he began to slow eventually bringing Elsa to a stop beside him as he looked nervously at the park.

"Oh no," He said, "I didn't think it would be so full."

Elsa looked at him questioningly. "It's fine," she said, "we can wait for some of the equipment to free up. Maybe we can join one of the games they are playing on the grass."

Naruto seemed to sigh as he mumbled out, "It won't matter they aren't going to let us play."

All Elsa could do was stare at him longer confused at his current attitude. On the way here he had been ecstatic about the prospect of playing at the park yet now that they had arrived he seemed to lose all of the excitement he had literally seconds ago.

Suddenly his head shot up and he looked off into the distance as though he had heard a noise in the distance. "Did you hear that." He said.

"No," responded Elsa, "what are you talking about."

"Come on, quick!" Naruto exclaimed, as he began to run off towards a grove of trees near the park.

Elsa struggled to keep up, but even with her skirt hiked up so she could run easier he quickly out ran her. Luckily she didn't lose sight of him as he entered the trees, though only just. She began to hear him yelling and by the time she arrived at the small clearing all she saw was her friend standing off against a group of three older boys.

"...going to be Hokage, you think I would just walk away when someone needs my help." She heard the end of Naruto's proclamation as she walked up. As she approached she made a small crinkling sound as she stepped on some leaves bringing the attention of the three older boys to her.

As she surveyed the scene that she had come upon Naruto quickly peeked over his shoulder to see who had come up behind him.

"Elsa quick," He cried, "Get the girl away from them while I hold them off."

Upon hearing the mention of a girl Elsa focused her attention to the spot behind the bullies and spotted a girl who was around their age with short hair that appeared black under the shadows of the leafs.

When the three boys heard Naruto's bold declaration, all they did was begin to laugh uproariously. "How do you expect to hold off all three of us at once?" The largest one in the middle rebutted.

Elsa had begun to edge her way around the confrontation, and as such she saw a smirk begin to form on Naruto's face as he brought his hands together keeping the middle and pointer fingers of his hands extended. Elsa was confused by the gesture momentarily until she looked at the faces of the three opponents of her friend. When they saw the way Naruto was holding his hands they were shocked, almost fearful.

"Tha… that's impossible." One of them said in disbelief, "You aren't even in the academy yet, you can't know a technique like that."

Naruto held the smirk on his face as he looked at the boys. Before his face began to wrinkle as if he were trying to lift some large weight, and he suddenly shouted, "Clone Technique!" A large plume of smoke suddenly erupted from the ground in front of Naruto blanketing the area in a white fog. When it cleared standing in front of Naruto was a sickly, pale imitation of the boy, it seemed to stagger for a while almost like it was attempting to stand in front of the boy who had conjured it but after a few moments it seemed to collapse on itself almost like a puppet that had its strings cut.

The bullies when they had witnessed the pitiful and slightly disturbing display of power from the boy who was opposing them began to let out sniggers and giggles which soon evolved into full blown laughter.

"You expect to be Hokage, but can't even make a clone." One said in between his bouts of mirth. All three soon began to take up the taunting when suddenly they heard a cry of, "Distraction success." Then before the realized it Naruto had tackled the boy in the middle and began to wail on his face with his small hands balled into fists.

"Elsa quick get her out of here." Naruto called before he was overrun by his victim's two friends. With three older boys fighting one small adversary the fight shouldn't have lasted long, but Naruto was relentless in his assault. Every time he fell he would pull himself back up and attack one of the boys prompting the others to pull him off their friend and the beating would begin anew.

Luckily when Elsa heard the order at the beginning of the fight she refocused herself and made a dash at the small girl that Naruto was trying to help. Grabbing her had Elsa began to pull her off into the trees a short ways so that they could hide themselves behind a bush. They were far enough away that the bullies wouldn't find them but they could still see what was happening in the fight vaguely.

Elsa watched horrified as she saw her new friend give it his all until he fell down from a punch delivered by the largest boy, and this time he stayed down. All three boys by the end where panting hard and had several bruises, scratches and even a few bite marks. So in the end they decided to wander off to the homes to get treated for their wounds.

As they headed off in the opposite direction Elsa stayed hidden until she was sure they had left to make sure that the girl and herself would be safe, so that the fight that Naruto had just been through wouldn't be in vain.

Just as she was about to leave cover to check on her friend however there was noise from the forest behind her. Fearing that the three boys had returned she turned around and clung to the girl she had pulled to safety determined to keep her from harm. Her nervousness slightly diminished however when an adult with short brown hair wearing a black kimono with a white border emerged from the bushes behind them.

"Lady Hinata!" he cried, as soon as he caught sight of the two girls, "Why did you run off like that, you could have been hurt."

Suddenly Elsa grabbed his attention in the hopes of getting help for her friend, "Sir, I am happy you're here. My friend needs help." Elsa said, pointing toward the clearing where Naruto lay on the ground. The man followed her finger to look where she had pointed, when he caught sight of the boy lying there however his eye's narrowed slightly before he said,

"Lady Hinata, we need to go your father expected us back fifteen minutes ago."

As he reached for the girl, Elsa had a look of disbelief at the attitude he had toward her friend. "What are you doing she demanded my friend needs help." She demanded.

"You shouldn't be around him. He is a bad influence." He simply stated. Then as he began to walk away Elsa felt a hand grasp her wrist. Turning she looked into the eyes of the girl and saw that she seemed to plead for Elsa to come with her. Elsa was torn between two choices then. On one hand her friend was lying hurt in the clearing in front of them, while on the other the look in the girls' eyes could only be described as pitiful as they pleaded for her to stay. As she was torn by indecision the choice was made for her when she felt a tug and began walking behind the man who was holding the other hand of the girl that she had helped rescue.

As she walked away the only thing she could think of was to apologize to her friend, "I am sorry Naruto." She thought.

A few minutes later Elsa found herself seated on a cushion in a large office across from a stern man with long black hair, and an imposing presence that Elsa recognized instantly as the air of nobility, having been surrounded by nobles nearly her whole life, but the most unnerving thing about him were his piercing white eyes.

When Elsa had first met the girl that she know knew as Hinata she hadn't taken a very long time to look at her so she hadn't noticed her eyes right away but when the little group she was a part of had entered into the large compound that was apparently Hinata's family home she couldn't help but notice that nearly everyone who lived inside the walls had the same blank eyes that had only slight variation in color from person to person.

"So," began the man, at the sound of his Elsa's attention was instantly pulled back to the here and now. "You are telling me that you lost track of my daughter after you had been tasked with being her bodyguard." As he said this the man's eyes never left the table in front of him yet it still felt as if he was watching each of the people before him individually.

"Yes Lord Hiashi," the man who had led them here answered as he bowed deeply before the family head. "I am sorry that I let this happen and I beg your forgiveness."

"Don't be mad at Ko, please father." Hinata suddenly interjected on the behalf of her protector, "It isn't his fault, I snuck away while he wasn't looking because I wanted to visit the nearby park." She immediately settled down however as soon as her father fixed his eyes on her with a disapproving glare for having interrupted.

Then he raised his eyebrow questioningly and said to his daughter, "Oh really, tell me then how is it that you can't seem to perform the gentle fist correctly yet you have the skill needed to evade one of the best chunin in our household."

Hinata flinched at the tone he used when he described her less than satisfactory progress when it came to their families fighting style. Elsa on the other hand was getting uncomfortable with how the meeting was going. She decided to try and defend her new acquaintance, she didn't really know her well enough to consider her a friend yet, and she voiced her opinion.

"Excuse me sir," Elsa began, "I don't think you should really be getting mad at your daughter it isn't her fault that she got bullied while she was away from her guard."

"Isn't it?" Replied Hiashi, "Tell me, Hinata, why you allowed yourself to be belittled in such a manner by these three children? Even with your mediocre skill you should have been able to stand up to three untrained civilians."

"But it was my fault," replied Hinata in a small voice, "I ran into them and they dropped their ice cream because of me."

"Oh?" Replied Hiashi, with a small amount of heat in his voice, "So you are telling me that a scoop of ice cream is the price that you put on the honor of your house and name. Never mind all of the people who gave their lives to protect the honor of our house, you think that the loss of a small treat is enough of a reason to allow someone to look down on you."

"Ko, please if you would take Hinata to get changed, she obviously needs more practice in her skills so perhaps an hour of practice before dinner will help her to learn something from today's experience."

Hinata and Ko merely bowed their heads at the order and began to leave the room to comply with the order they had been given. As Elsa began to stand to leave as well Hiashi suddenly addressed her.

"I am sorry miss, but if you would spare a small amount of time I would like to speak to you briefly." Elsa was surprised at how he addressed her but nevertheless she settled back down. When the door was closed. Hiashi asked a question that she wasn't expecting.

"Tell me miss," he said, "What do you think of my daughter?"

Elsa was a little confused at the question at first, but she had been taught how to speak to nobles for the past few years and the first rule that her mother had told her was, "If all else fails tell them the straight truth and go from there." So following that guideline she told the man in front of her exactly what she thought.

"She seems very nice, but she is a bit too shy for her own good and she lets people walk over her."

Hiashi seemed almost pleased by the response so while she was telling the truth she decided to add another comment.

"I do think however that you weren't right with how you talked to her. My parents also taught me things like what you told her today, but they were never cruel and that is what you were."

At the second comment Hiashi's face dropped the pleased look that he had after her first comment and became an emotionless mask. At first Elsa feared that she had messed up and only made him angry at her. Then he seemed to lose some of the tension he had and began to speak in a calm voice.

"Lady Elsa," He began, "I know that you are not from Konoha originally so let me explain something for you."

At the admittance that he knew of her origins Elsa began to get nervous at what would come next. Hiashi seeing the nerves in his young guest sought to soothe her worries by saying.

"Please calm down, the reason I know of your origins is because the Hokage sent out a message to the ninja in the village that told us you would be staying with us for a while and that should you need help that we should offer it to you."

Elsa seemed to relax a little bit at his words so he continued with his previous thought.

"Now as I was saying," he continued, "As you are not from Konoha I understand that you are not familiar with our way of life so let me ask you something. Hinata is eight years old right now, but what will happen when she turns twelve?"

Elsa thought about the question for a while before answering that she wasn't sure.

"When she turns twelve," He continued, "She will become a ninja, she will be thrust into a world of intrigue and danger where she will face many opponents that may outnumber, or may be stronger than her. As such everything I do is in the hope that when she faces odds that seem overwhelming she will be strong enough to face and overcome them, so that she can come home alive. That is all that is important to me, I care not whether she loves me or hates me, as long as she comes back after every mission."

Elsa was speechless for a while upon hearing what the man had said. After thinking for a while she asked,

"Then why not just keep her from being a ninja?"

"Because it is her dream to be one." Answered Hiashi, "Ever since she was small she has dreamed of being a ninja. So I will push until either that dream becomes reality or she gains a new dream."

"But," he continued, "That isn't why I wanted to speak to you."

Elsa was confused again at the jump in conversation until she remembered that they had gotten sidetracked after her second comment after his initial question about his daughter.

"I would like you to befriend my daughter and help her." The man suddenly asked as he bowed slightly to her showing that he was sincere in his request.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Elsa, "How can I help her?"

"As you said before," Responded Hiashi, "Hinata has a problem with being too shy and humble when dealing with others. You however as I have seen know how to be strong and bold without being overbearing to those you speak with. I feel that you could help Hinata to understand when it is the right time to yield and when it is the right time to stand her ground."

Elsa couldn't say that she understood what he had meant completely but she had understood the basic idea of what Hinata's father had asked her. After giving it some thought she finally gave Hiashi her answer.

"I think it would be wonderful to have another friend here in Konoha so I would be honored to be your daughter's." She said with a smile.

Hiashi merely nodded as he gave his thanks. "You will be welcome here any time, just give your name to the guard and tell them you are here to see Hinata, they will tell you where to go." He said

He finished the small meeting between them by asking her, "Now, would you like to stay for dinner or do you need to go?"

As Elsa pondered the answer she would give the image of a blond haired boy lying down in the woods flashed through her mind. Suddenly overcome with guilt at having nearly forgotten about him Elsa politely declined the dinner invitation and said that she could find her own way out.

Later as she passed through a courtyard toward the gate she happened to pass by a large building with paper wall that were slid open to reveal the inside to be a single large room with a polished wooden floor where inside a now familiar girl happened to be practicing a set of stances and movements.

When Elsa came into view she heard as gasp and a hurried request for a break, when she had turned to the noise she saw Hinata hurrying toward her with apprehension in her eyes. When she was close enough she began to ask in her quite voice,

"What happened? He didn't get mad at you did he? Will I get to see you again?"

Elsa just smiled at her new friend and said, "No, he actually said that I could come over anytime to spend time with you if I wanted."

Hinata was in shock, it almost sounded like her father had been kind to the girl in front of her, something she had never thought her father would be capable of. However instead of fixating on it Hinata decided to just be happy about the outcome.

"I am glad," Hinata stammered out, "I was worried he would have been upset that you had saved me with your friend instead of leaving me to get myself out of the trouble I was in."

Elsa smiled and said back, "II don't thank even your father would be upset that someone helped his daughter. However I would like to say that you shouldn't have allowed those boys to treat you that way. Nothing is worth letting yourself be humiliated especially not the loss of an ice cream."

Hinata shrunk back a little at the comment that Elsa had given her, fearing that her new friend would think she was useless like her family did. Elsa however when she saw Hinata react that way decided to take different approach with the shy girl.

"Hinata, listen, I can tell by your home that your family must be some this important for this village, right?" Elsa asked.

Hinata was a little confused at the question but she answered, "Yes," she said, "the Hyuuga Clan is one of the two largest clans in the village."

Elsa nodded as she heard the answer, before continuing, "Alright then, as such you being a member of this clan means that you have a responsibility to the citizens of Konoha."

Hinata became even more confused when she heard this, she had never been told of any responsibility she had just from being a member of her family, but Elsa seemed to know what she was talking about so she asked her to continue.

"Because you are from such an important family," Elsa said, "people will look up to you as an example of how they should act. It is your responsibility to be the best example you can be, and what kind of example are you being when allow yourself to be degraded just because you happened to bump into someone on accident. Being from an important family doesn't make you better than other people, but it does mean that you need to represent your family well."

Hinata was shocked, she had never thought about it that way, nor been taught that philosophy. But hearing it from Elsa a lot of the lessons on poise that she was made to learn made much more sense. Elsa having said her piece, bid farewell to the girl with a promise to visit another day.

As she walked away and Hinata returned to her practiced neither of them noticed the man standing around the corner from where they had been talking. As Elsa left Hiashi couldn't help the small smile that touched his lips. He knew that the new addition to Konoha would have a marvelous influence on his daughter.

As Elsa entered the small apartment that she was given a key for she couldn't help the small feeling of sadness that crept into her heart. After she had left the Hyuuga Estate she had been a little lost on where to go until suddenly a woman with long purple hair and a white mask painted with a cat-like face seemed to appear before her.

She had introduced herself as Neko and told Elsa that she had been assigned by the Hokage to be her personal guide while she was in the village. Elsa had immediately identified her as some kind of bodyguard, her demeanor reminding Elsa greatly of the royal guard that was an almost constant presence in the castle.

When she told Elsa she was to be her guide Elsa asked to be taken to the park. When Neko asked her which park she meant however Elsa was lost on what to tell her, she hadn't been in the park long enough to remember any identifying landmarks and Naruto had lead them to the park too quickly for her to remember the route they had taken.

Upon realizing that finding the exact park where she had left her first friend behind was impossible she amended her request to being lead to the Hokage's tower instead. Neko nodded her head in affirmation before asking permission to touch Elsa's shoulder, claiming that she could get them there much faster. Elsa gave her consent and as the woman gently but firmly grabbed her she was told to close her eyes and relax. Suddenly she felt a quick breeze and an instant of weightlessness before the hand left her shoulder and she was told to reopen her eyes. When she did she was amazed to see that they were already in front of the large red building that held the office of the village leader.

Elsa's mouth dropped open in shock before she turned to the older woman and asked "How are we back here so fast?" Neko merely seemed to brush it off and told her that it was a skill that nearly every ninja learned after they had been working for a while. Elsa accepted the answer but still said "It doesn't make it less impressive to someone who has never seen anything like it before."

After their small banter the two entered the building and made their way to the office of the Hokage where they were greeted to the sight of Hiruzen and Jiraiya seated together on the couches in the room and sharing stories of the time they had been separated. When Elsa entered the room however there conversation was cut short in order to address the young girl.

The Hokage smiled warmly at the girl as he spoke to her. "So I have heard that you had quite the adventure on your first day here." He commented.

"What?" questioned Elsa, "How could you know what I did after I left?"

The Hokage just chuckled and fixed his hat on his head so that it sit a bit more comfortably on his head, not so that it would cover his eyes and add an air of mystery, as he said, "Not much happens in my village that I don't hear about, my dear."

Jiraiya nearly scoffed at the antics of his teacher. He may be considered overly dramatic by many but he learned most of his quirks from the man that was sitting beside him. In the hopes of sparing the poor girl any more headache the tall white haired man stood from the couch and said to his charge.

"Enough with the old man's games, it is getting late and I think that it would be wise to get you moved into where you will be living for the time you will be staying here."

Elsa nodded to what the man had said but interjected before they could leave the office, "Excuse me, but before we go would it be possible for me to see Naruto again? We kind of got separated from each other earlier and I wanted to apologize to him."

Hiruzen's heart was warmed to see someone worried about the well-being of his pseudo-grandson. It was a big improvement to the complete avoidance that most villagers gave him. The Hokage spent all of the time that he could with him but just one man with an incredibly busy schedule wasn't able to give the boy all of the attention that he deserved, so to see another person who he could count on to be there for Naruto was a welcomed change.

"Don't worry," He answered, "tomorrow is your first day at the academy and I am sure that you will have the chance to meet with him then. Now go get settled in so that you can get a good night's rest."

Elsa was a little disappointed that she couldn't see Naruto that night, but she could see the sense in what the Hokage was saying. The sun was already beginning to approach the horizon so if the failed to go know then she would be unpacking in the dark.

"In that case I thank you for the wonderful welcome I have received and I look forward to the future I will have here" Elsa said in farewell.

So here she stood looking around the apartment as Jiraiya followed her inside. The Apartment consisted of three rooms, a main room that they had walked into worked as a living room/kitchen combo. In the back there was a hall way the was between too rooms, a bedroom was to the right while to left there was a simple bathroom.

She was initially confused by some of the technology that could be found in the apartment but after a few simple explanations she was amazed at what they could do. For example she could light an entire room by simply flipping a switch on the wall, while at the castle they had to use gas or oil lamps. Also the kitchens at the castle had iceboxes with actual ice in them while this one seemed to stay cold almost magically.

"I am guessing by the look on your face that there are a lot of new things that you have never seen before." Jiraiya suddenly stated.

"Yeah" said Elsa with a look of childlike wonder on her face, "How did you build all of this stuff it is incredible?"

"Well, with the use of chakra and seals our culture was able to make many advancements in our knowledge of how nature works. As such we were able to build the technology that you see around you." Answered Jiraiya. "Enough about that stuff though." Jiraiya continued, "You will learn more about that as you go through your classes. We need to get you things out so you can get all settled."

Reaching behind his back Jiraiya pulled out a scroll that he placed on the ground in front of him. Putting his thumb in his mouth he bit down hard enough to draw a small amount of blood before he wiped it on the writing in the scroll on the ground and in a puff of smoke two rather large trunks appeared.

"I took the liberty of giving the gold that you father sent with you to the Hokage so that he could keep it safe. Every month he will give you an amount of cash so you can by what you need, Should you need extra money one month you can ask him for it and he will give it to you. Your father sent plenty of gold for you to live on during your time here. Also I had him send out some people to do some preemptive shopping so your fridge and shelves should be filled with food."

Running to the kitchen Elsa looked and found her cupboards to be holding plenty of food to last her one week maybe two. When she saw that what he had said was true she thanked him for his thoughtfulness.

"Now," said Jiraiya, "the trolls gave this to me before we left so that I could give it to you." Reaching into his coat he pulled out another scroll though this one had a slightly different design. Handing the scroll to Elsa she slowly rolled it open to see a small set of instruction telling her to open the scroll completely and placing it on the ground.

With her curiosity sparked she complied with the instructions before a small pop was heard and a cloud of smoke appeared out of the scroll. When it cleared standing in the room with the two humans was a troll who stood just a few inches shorter to Elsa did.

"Ooh, finally child." Said the troll, "I have been waiting for you to call me all day so that we could meet each other."

After her initial statement, for the voice showed that the troll was a female, she walked toward Elsa and took both of her hands into her much larger stone ones. Her hand may have been made of stone but they didn't feel rough like gravel, they had a more smooth texture similar to the feeling of river rock. It was obvious that the troll was older due to the slight weathering that was on her face. But she just seemed to exude a warm homey feel and the way she looked at Elsa made her feel like she was safe and cared for.

"My name is Greta child," The troll introduced herself, "I am here to help you out while you are away from your family. I will be here to cook you meals and keep you tidy and if you want to send any letters home just give them to me and when I travel back to Arendelle I will make sure they get to the royals."

As soon as she heard that she would be able to stay in contact with her family through letters Elsa felt a wave of relief rush over. She tightened her grip on the trolls comforting hand and fought back tears as she thanked the kind troll caretaker.

"Now, now, don't cry child," Said the troll, "I am sure you will gain control of your powers very soon and you will return to you home sooner than you think." Hearing those words helped Elsa to relax further and calm herself down.

"Good job Elsa," said the troll, "you are already on your way to controlling your powers if you are controlling your emotions so well. Anyway, since you aren't a summoner of our clan yet, you won't be able to summon any troll you want, but all you need to do to summon me here is place this scroll on the ground and touch this rune here with your power."

As she explained this she pointed to a particular rune on the scroll. "What that will do is tell me you need help and I will hurry here as fast as I can okay."

Elsa just smiled and thanked Greta for all of her help. As Greta helped her to get settled in Jiraiya took his leave, and promised Elsa to check in frequently to make sure she was alright.

Late that night after, a meal cooked by Greta and having put all of her clothes away, Elsa was being tucked into bed. Jiraiya had told her that someone would be by in the morning to take her to school so it was important that she was rested and ready by the time she had to leave for school.

Greta was still there with her humming a soothing tune. And as she drifted off to sleep she thought about all of the things she had done today. As her mind raced through all of the new experiences and things that she had learned, she couldn't help the ball of fear that had found its way into her stomach. Then suddenly her thoughts strayed toward the new friends she had made, Naruto with his brilliant exuberance, Hinata with her shy kindness, and Greta who exuded a maternal warmth. As she thought of them she realized that even though it was all new she wasn't alone and that thought gave her the final comfort that she needed to fall into a deep sleep.

Author Post Script:

Alright there is chapter two. Please leave a review of what your thoughts.

3/17/15: Hey just wanted to say that I started up a twitter account to give updates and news about future chapters and other projects so please follow me FicFanFoom7.