Hermione Granger tugged her suitcase along on its wheels, surveying the academy grounds around her. Despite the fact it was September, the plants were still alive and green. Everywhere she looked was green, with the odd bunch of flowers spread throughout the bushes. Some of them were recognisable from her books, they reminded her of Neville. He'd love it here. All of her friends would.

The witch's train of thought was interrupted when Erudio Academy entered her sights. It was beautiful. An old stone building, with bright green ivy climbing up the front of it. Three small towers sat atop the building, one at each end and one in the middle. They had nothing on the Hogwarts towers though, no other building ever would really. Steps led up to the entrance, with several people stood talking on them. There would probably be a lot more new students around if she hadn't arrived a week earlier than she needed to. However, that was simply the Hermione Granger way. Always had been.

"Hello there!" As the witch neared the steps, a young woman descended towards her with a welcoming grin. "Welcome to Erudio Academy! My name's Francesca and I'm a student representative." The young woman offered her hand, which Hermione shook with a small smile. She'd read every book she could find on Erudio Academy, so knew the general jobs of a student representative.

"Hermione Granger. New student." Her hand fell back to her side, watching as Francesca's eyes grew wide.

"Hermione Granger? The Hermione Granger?" That was a question she'd grown used to over the last few months. Hermione nodded silently, not wanting to draw attention to herself. "Oh my goodness! It is such a pleasure to meet you! All the things you did in the second wizarding war were amazing! You are so brave!" Francesca gushed, liked many of the new people Hermione had met since the war ended.

"Thank you." The war heroine nodded politely, before changing the subject. "Erm, do you think you could tell me where the first year dorms are?"

"Oh, of course! I can show you! The women's dorm is in the Nightingale Wing, which is on the right side of the building." Francesca pointed to the right side of the academy. "Everything to do with us women is on the right side. Bathrooms and such." The two young witches began to walk towards the building. "The dorms probably aren't what you'll expect, I've been told they're not like the Hogwarts ones. They're more like Muggle flats, you will have two flat mates." As much as the student representative thought she was helping, Hermione already knew all this. However, Hermione decided to humour her, it was only polite.

The inside of the building was just as striking as the outside. It resembled Hogwarts much more on the inside, with moving portraits and the odd suit of armour. The Nightingale Wing had walls lined with well-known women in history, Muggle and Magical alike. Unfortunately, the Muggle portraits didn't move like the magic ones. Joan of Arc was posed valiantly on a horse in one frame, while Marie Curie stood proudly clutching her Nobel Prize in another.

"The Muggle portraits are my favourites." Francesca smiled up at Joan of Arc admirably. Hermione was about to agree when she spotted more portraits on the opposite wall. One showed Daisy Dodderidge stood outside the very pub she founded – The Leaky Cauldron. The second frame in her line of sight depicted Wendelin the Weird, hiding from a group of fire wielding Muggles. Hermione had only ever seen their faces in books, too small to study properly, so she took this chance to get up close to each portrait. "Wendelin enjoys running through all the other portraits, including the Muggle ones." Francesca started walking again, waiting momentarily for Hermione to catch up. "Your room is just up here." They moved another few yards before the student representative stopped, turning to face a wooden door identical to all the others in the hallway.

"I have to press my wand into the keyhole, don't I?" Hermione asked, retrieving her wand from her pocket.

"Right! It will recognise your wand and let you in, just as it will with your flat mates." Francesca explained more details the new student already knew. "I'll let you get settled, then you can come find me downstairs if you like. I'll show you around." With that, the witch went on her way. This left Hermione to stare at the door for a moment, before sticking her wand into the keyhole. The wood became warm between her fingers, then there was a click and she pushed open the door.

Francesca had been right about it resembling a Muggle flat. The room was large, split into two sections. One section included a kitchenette and small dining table, four chairs sat around it. While the other half was dominated by two couches and a comfy looking arm chair, rug lying beneath them. The room was coloured with soft mid-tones, yellows and pinks with white floral patterns. Nothing too bright and in your face, just how Hermione liked it. Three doors led out of the room, all closed. There was a name on each one; Grace, Mildred and Hermione. So they didn't get to pick their rooms, she hadn't read that part but Hermione didn't mind much. It was better than sharing with four other girls, like she had done since she was eleven.

Her bedroom door didn't require her wand this time, but a password. After deliberating for a good ten minutes, Hermione made the password 'friends' and the door swung open. She almost gasped at how lovely the room was. The colour scheme was that of Gryffindor, but they were more subtle tones. Her bed was just like the one at Hogwarts, with lighter maroon coloured sheets and golden details in the wood of the four posters. A large oak desk sat beneath the window, which gave her a stunning view of the lake in the grounds. Everything reminded her of Hogwarts, so she already felt at home.

Hermione sat on the bed with a happy sigh, flicking her wand to open her suitcase. She picked out a photo frame and placed it on her new desk. Harry and Ron grinned up at her, fighting to fill more of the frame than the other. She smiled down at them, running a finger down the glass. They'd only been with her this morning to say goodbye, yet she already missed them. None of them could remember the last time they'd been apart for more than a month. Harry had said they'd visit when they could, but Hermione knew they were busy with Auror training and it was unlikely she'd see them before Christmas.

The sadness was about to swallow her up again, when the sound of the front door opening made her jump to attention with wand in hand. She then proceeded to roll her eyes at herself, knowing perfectly well she didn't need her wand. It was a habit she still hadn't got over yet. "Hello?" A slightly high pitched voice called, followed by a deeper murmur she couldn't make out.

"Hi." Hermione stood in her doorway, smiling politely at the two women standing in the middle of the room.

"Hermione Granger! I told you Mildred! She's the Hermione Granger!" The high pitched women bounded forward, engulfing Hermione in a hug before she had much choice. This must have been Grace, if she'd addressed the other as Mildred.

"Don't suffocate the poor girl, Grace." Mildred stepped forward, a disapproving look on her face.

"Oh, right." Grace backed off. "Sorry. I'm just so excited to meet you! I've read all about you and everything you did!" If the woman wasn't so bubbly and possibly crazy, Hermione might have got sick of all this recognition. She wasn't sure what to say though, just smiling awkwardly at them. Luckily, Mildred filled the silence.

"Mildred, as you may have guessed." Mildred offered her hand and Hermione shook it. Both girls acted like friends, but didn't necessarily look it. Grace was wearing a light grey floral dress that complimented her auburn skin beautifully. Mildred on the other hand, was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Grace was a girly girl, Mildred was most definitely not.

"Nice to meet you both." Hermione tucked messy strands of hair behind her ear, hoping she still looked presentable enough.

"What are you studying, Hermione? There have been so many different rumours." Grace looked far too excited, so much so Hermione nearly backed away a bit.

"Magical Law Enforcement." She announced perhaps a little too proudly.

"I knew it! Didn't I tell you, Mildred?" Grace was practically jumping up and down now, causing her friend to place a calming hand on her shoulder. It worked almost immediately.

"You did." Mildred nodded. "Grace here is studying Apparition testing, and I'm studying to be an Obliviator." Two jobs Hermione found endlessly interesting, but they just weren't her calling. Magical Law had been her calling since second year, since S.P.E.W. began. "We'll let you get on, we can get to know each other over dinner? We can eat up here or go down to the dining hall." Mildred suggested, before Grace could pipe up again.

"That sounds lovely." Hermione nodded, quite happy with her new flatmates. She could still hear them as she shut her door.

"Ha, look! They've given us a room each." Mildred was chuckling.

"Oh, hush you." Grace must have hit Mildred, as the other witch made a noise of pain. Then a door closed and all went silent.

The grounds of Erudio Academy were heaving with new students chattering away to each other about the upcoming year, cases sat at their feet waiting to be unpacked. Draco Malfoy was not included in the happily chattering crowd, if anything he was the complete opposite. The blonde young man was walking alone, his case levitating behind him. He seemed to be the only person using magic to transport it; everyone else was using the Muggle way. This was causing him to receive more attention than intended. Whispers followed him as he walked, looks of distaste and distrust being shot at him from every direction. Well, that was fine, he was used to that.

The Academy building looked just as he expected, old and grand, made of stone. It looked like a smaller and cheaper version of Hogwarts. The staff evidently couldn't even be bothered to get rid of the hideous ivy crawling unharmonious up the front of it. It felt familiar, and yet Draco didn't like it. Not one bit. Luckily, all he had to do was get through the next year, and make it into the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Then he'd never have to see the place again, or most of the people in it.

The former Slytherin ascended the steps up to the entrance, fully aware of several eyes on him. A group of students wearing brightly coloured tops were watching him from the top of the steps. One of the girls nudged one of the guys, nodding her head towards the blond man. They all knew exactly who he was, and the man she'd nudged reluctantly made his way towards Draco. It was evident he didn't want to be doing this.

"Welcome to Erudio Academy, I'm Ben." The man, now known as Ben, put his hand out. Draco stared at it with furrowed brow, but did not shake it. "Okay… What room are you in? I can direct you to it." Ben looked awkwardly over his shoulder at the group, having half a mind to jinx them for making him talk to this prick Malfoy. Draco looked down at the paper work in his hand, scanning it for his room number or name.

"12A." Draco thrust the paper into Ben's hands, so the other man could check it or whatever he wanted to do with it. Ben took it with raised brows, running his eyes over it briefly before handing it back.

"You're in the Barnardo Wing. Enter the building and climb the stairs to the left, everything for us men is on the left side of the building." Ben pointed in the direction he spoke of, stepping aside to let Draco pass. So the man wasn't going to walk him to his room? That was absolutely fine with him. Without another word, not even a thanks, Draco continued to climb the steps and entered the academy.

More people bumbled around inside the building, with its walls covered in portraits of well known witches and wizards. He was almost surprised not to stumble across a varnished frame with the Golden Trio grinning down at him, but then again there were plenty more corridors they could be hanging in. Hopefully he wouldn't have to traverse that corridor any time soon. Truth be told, he should be so bitter at them, they'd ensured he didn't go to Azkaban. However, at the same time they had ensured his father did. So now his mother was in that massive manor all alone, which he wasn't happy about at all.

It was only when he reached the top of the staircase and realised he was in the right corridor for his room, that the portraits on the wall became unrecognisable. A man stood proudly surrounded by children in one, but none of them were moving. It was a Muggle portrait. This realisation made him frown, eyes narrowing at the words beneath the image. 'Doctor Barnardo.' He must have been whom the men's wing was named after. Draco grunted with disgust, and continued to walk along the corridor, ignoring any other portraits.

A door with the right number on came into view, and he grabbed the knob to turn it. The brass turned boiling hot and Draco let go quickly. "Shit." He hissed, cradling his burnt hand in the other. "What the fu-"

"Hello?" The door swung open to reveal a short young man, who looked startled to say the least. His dark red hair was messy, glasses sat atop his nose slightly askew. It took him barely a minute to realise who had made a ruckus outside the door. "You're Draco Malfoy, aren't you?" This didn't seem to make the man look any more comfortable.

"Yes. What are you doing in my room?" Draco demanded, pushing his way through the door. It soon became clear by the set up of the room that it wasn't just for him. There was a kitchen and lounging area, but no bed. Instead three doors led off the room, where he imaged the bedrooms were. Not just the one.

"Oh, three of us are sharing this flat. Didn't you know?" The man closed their door behind him, still looking very unsure of himself. "I'm Jacob, by the way." Jacob went to offer his hand, but the look on Draco's face made him drop it back to his side relatively quickly.

"Does it look like I knew?" The blonde spat, barging past Jacob and towards the three doors. One had Jacob's name on, while the other two were blank. "I assume I pick whichever one I want." Draco didn't wait for a response, shoving the left hand door open and stalking inside.

"It was nice to meet you." Jacob's voice was drowned out by the slam of Draco's door.

This was not what Draco had signed up for. Everyone he'd come across in regards to this school had failed to mention he'd be sharing a living space. Probably because they knew how he'd react, he'd grown pretty predictable over the years. Life just wasn't fair, or some people would probably call it karma. He hadn't exactly been a good boy during school, something he was slowly growing to regret. That damn mark on his arm reminded him of that everyday. Draco sat on his bed and pulled up his sleeve, staring blankly at the Dark Mark. It didn't stir any feelings in him, it didn't stand for anything any more. It was just there. The ink had faded substantially since the war ended, faster than he'd expected it to. But if someone were to look at his arm, they'd still undoubtedly see it. Unfortunately, it hadn't faded that much. Draco had come to the conclusion a while back that he'd have to live with it forever. He supposed everyone would have to live with (or without) something from the war, whether it be this or losing a loved one. The two were very different, but it was the same principle.

The rest of his day was spent unpacking then repacking his things, as he half considered leaving the Academy. However, he hadn't even been here a few hours, and Draco Malfoy wasn't a quitter. It was while unpacking again, that someone knocked on his door. "Go away!" He called, hoping the person would listen. They didn't.

"Draco? It's Jacob. It's time for the welcome feast, are you coming?" Why in the world would he want to go to the welcome feast, when they had a perfectly good kitchen just outside his door? The last thing he wanted was to be surrounded by people judging him. "All students are meant to attend the welcome feast!" Jacob was persistent, Draco would give him that. Maybe one meal couldn't hurt, everyone would be too excited to pay him any mind.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." The blonde shoved his wand in his pocket and opened the door, where Jacob was stood beaming excitedly. "Let's get this over with." Both men left their room, but not before Jacob explained how they were meant to get in without the door burning them. Draco just rolled his eyes and started their walk to the dinning hall. Less people noticed him than earlier, possibly because he was walking with Jacob and not on his own. It made the former Slytherin almost thankful for Jacob's presence.

"Where shall we sit?" Jacob asked as they entered the hall, turning to his new room mate for help.

"I don't know." Draco shrugged, spotting a space free near the end of one of the long tables. It was set out very much like Hogwarts' Great Hall, except the tables were not for specific houses. Anyone could sit where they wanted by the looks of it. Jacob spotted where Draco was looking, and quickly ushered him to sit. As they did, a few people nearby stared at them. The blonde glared at them, while Jacob started to introduce himself. Draco groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. Maybe he could slip out now and none of the professors would notice. "Jacob, I'm leav-" His words died between his lips, eyes transfixed at something across the room. There were students moving in and out of his eye line, but he was only focused on one. Hermione Granger was sat at the furthest away table, surrounded by people all trying to get her attention. Draco had heard rumours she might be attending Erudio Academy, but he hadn't believed any of them. If she wasn't right there in front of him now, he still wouldn't.

"Draco? You alright?" Jacob nudged him, which made the blonde jerk away and snap out of staring.

"Fine." Draco nodded quickly, studying the wood of the table with fake interest. This didn't last long though, and soon enough he was staring over at Granger again. She looked different, but it was difficult to put his finger on how.

"Is that Hermione Granger?" Jacob had noticed where his room mate was looking, and was craning his neck for a better look.

"Stop it! Yes it is." The blonde shoved Jacob back in his seat to stop him looking, angry he'd allowed himself to get caught staring.

"She's beautiful. You went to school with her didn't you?" Jacob didn't seem too deterred by the shoving, simply trying to catch a glimpse more discreetly now. Draco barely registered the question, too confused and appalled by Jacob's first comment. Hermione Granger wasn't beautiful. Was she?