All characters and known situations belong to their respective owners. Everything else came from my own mind- scary place that it is sometimes- and the mind of my twin. In no way shape or form have we made or intended to make a profit from this story…. All rights still belong to Stephanie Myer… though it's a shame she never did anything more with the wolves… ah well.. There's always fan fiction.

Author's Notes:
Ok so first off, this is a collaboration piece between myself and my amazing twin- KatastrophicKat. She's an amazing writer and calls me on my BS if I mess up majorly in one of my own stories . So far, she's one of the very few people who is unafraid of my 'dark side'.
P.S.- We're not really twins… just share a love of writing and all things sexy about the wolves of Twilight. We also happen to share the same name on Tricky Raven. You can follow this story there under her name- Kat.

(~ ~ ~ ~ ~)

Discissum- Latin- "Torn in Two"

All her life, Isabella Marie Swan was groomed to be "perfect"- Perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect mannerisms. She wasn't allowed to go outside and play with the other children because that was "improper."

Instead, she spent her days inside reading, studying, or learning a new language or instrument. While she went to school, she never made true friends, as deep down, she knew they only wanted to be friends with her for her standing in society.

She truly wanted a "real life"- She'd heard the phrase once when she snuck downstairs and saw her nanny watching television.

She wanted to go to real school.

She wanted to play outside, roll in the grass, wear blue jeans and t-shirts..

She wanted to be called BELLA instead Isabella.

However, Bella knew this was not her fate. The daughter of the Chief of Police, her father, and the mayor of Forks, her mother, she knew that she would never leave the pedestal her parents had exiled her to.

She graduated from her "preparatory school" first in her class, as expected. She was accepted into all the highest ranked colleges with full scholarships and deans practically begging for her to accept early admission, as expected.

Deep inside, she yearned for a life of her own instead of one that her parents made.

She dreamed about another her, another life, a life in which she was just a normal girl who made mistakes, wore her hair in a mess and owned at least two pairs of clothing she had heard were called "sweat pants."

Isabella Swan wanted to break free…

Despite all the Ivey League schools begging for her, she learned her parents had accepted her into Seattle Pacific University (SPU) to keep her closer to home, but still far enough that she had to live off campus housing (Dorms were forbidden as they were Co-Ed, but her parents were paying so she was not allowed to have an opinion).

She used the internet one night to read of her college and found a page called "Wikipedia" that had this to say about SPU:

"Seattle Pacific University (SPU) is a Christian university of the liberal arts, sciences and professions, located at 3307 3rd Avenue W. on the north slope of Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, Washington, USA. It was founded in 1891 by the Oregon and Washington Conference of the Free Methodist church as the Seattle Seminary. It became the Seattle Seminary and college in 1913, changed names again to the Seattle Pacific College in 1915, and took its present name in 1977. Seattle Pacific University is a member of the Christian College Consortium."

Lovely. It got worse as she read about a shooting that had occurred in June of 2014... Had her parents really just picked one at random to keep her both near and far?

It all came to light once she heard that Edward Cullen, son to Doctor and Mrs. Carlisle Cullen and very wealthy and generous patrons, had been accepted to SPU and had accepted per their program that could give him a Masters degree in Education. His parents had decided that since Carlisle was a doctor and Esme was a successful home decorator, sought after by only the highest class people, that Edward would make an excellent professor of English.

Bella thought he would make an excellent professor of BORING.

Her parents had declared her major as going towards a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy. It made her want to gag.

But there she was, walking the campus with Edward at her side two years into her degree.

There she was, speaking of PERHAPS getting engaged with Edward as she walked across campus towards her classes. (Edward by her side as always, because a contemplated fiancée would do that.)

There she was, cracking apart…

Author's Note:
SPU is a real college and the courses described are in fact REAL courses offered. All the info provided comes directly from their Wiki page. There really was a shooting there as well.