Hi, kissmekillme524 here. So, this is my first fanfiction. Here's my headcanon, real quick:

In Black 2/White 2, the hero battles two kids in the Aspertia Gym, Serena and Pedro. In X and Y, Serena has just moved to town (I'm a girl, so yeah, Serena is my player character). Anyway, why did her and her mom move to another region? My belief is that Grace is Kalosian, and had only moved to Unova to pursue her career. Something happened to the family, and Grace moved them back to her hometown in Kalos, where the story of X and Y start.

Another headcanon: Unova, where my version of Serena is from, is based on America, and Kalos, where they move, is based on France. What about the other regions? Well, Kanto and Johto are obviously Japan; I don't know why, they just seem Japanese to me. Hoenn is based off of somewhere in South America, since it's so sunny, and there's no Ice type gyms (minus Glacia, but she's Elite Four). Sinnoh is Scandinavia-you know, Sweden, Norway, and Finland; this is based mostly off of Platinum, since the player character wears a winter coat the entire game. With all of that, people from each region speak different languages; Unova is America, so they speak English; Kalos is France, they speak French; Kanto and Johto are Japan, they speak Japanese; Hoenn is South America, they speak Spanish; and Sinnoh is Scandinavia, so I made it easier, and gave them Norwegian. And, just like in real life, all the regions that are not Unova speak at least rudimentary English. I am an American with no foreign language training living in Germany, and I can confirm this, at least in Europe. Also, for simplification, I renamed the languages: English is now Unovan; French is now Kalosian; Spanish is now Hoenni; Norwegian is now Sinnoan; and I'm still kinda figuring out the Kanto/Johto thing. But since I don't plan on using characters from those regions, I guess it's moot.

All that being said, I'll offer translations of any foreign phrases at the end of the chapter. I apologize if I'm wrong, but I'm mostly working off of Google Translate, so please don't kill me.

And finally, this is the first fanfiction I've had the nerve to post... Constructive criticism is very much welcomed and appreciated! I hope you enjoy!

"C'mon, Serena! Everyone is waiting!"

It was a beautiful fall day in Lumiose City as a small brunette pulled on the hand of a honey-blonde a few inches taller than her, down North Boulevard. The small brunette was one of Serena's dearest friends, Shauna; the honey-blonde, was of course, Serena. She shook her head at her friend's antics, smiling slightly.

It was hard to believe it had been almost two years since Serena had moved to the Kalos region from Unova. Serena's mom, the famous Rhyhorn racer, Grace, was originally from Kalos, and had decided to return to her home region after Serena's "accident" and subsequent nervous breakdown; that's what they called it—The Accident. Grace had hoped the fresh air and natural beauty would help Serena, and she had been partially right; what had helped the most were finding her best friends and her Pokémon.

When she had first moved to Vaniville from Aspertia, she was withdrawn, quiet, and fearful, with memories of the accident fresh in her mind. The stutter she had been born with was worse than ever, and she never talked to anyone. It had been a shock when her mom had woken her up one morning a few weeks after they had moved and told her that two neighbor kids were at the door, asking about her. Grace had been excited, but Serena was terrified. She didn't like meeting new people, and didn't want these new kids mocking her. But like the good daughter that she was, Serena got dressed and went out to meet them.

Shauna was a short brunette, a few inches shorter than Serena (and that was saying something, as Serena was only five foot two), and had the strangest hair style she had ever seen, some double pigtail configuration that made Serena's head hurt just looking at it. She was tan, like she spent a lot of time outside, with bright green eyes and a wide, happy smile. She was fifteen, almost sixteen, and lived on the other side of town with her parents and younger brother.

Calem had messy black hair that fell in his eyes, an easy-going grin, and she would later find out that his stormy gray eyes changed colors with his mood. He was slightly paler than Shauna, and had a good five, six inches on Serena, which made him seem like a giant compared to Shauna. Calem lived right next door to Serena, with his parents, and he had just turned seventeen.

After a flurry of introductions, Calem and Shauna had dragged her off to the next city, where they introduced her to their other two friends, Trevor and Tierno.

Trevor was a redhead with intelligent blue eyes, and was paler than even Serena. He was from Lumiose City, where he lived with his older sister; his parents apparently traveled for work. He was about the same height as Shauna, maybe an inch taller, and was a few months younger than her.

Tierno was tall, taller than Calem, though he was quite a bit heftier. Tierno had dark brown eyes and black hair that he kept buzzed short. He also hailed from Lumiose City, where he lived with his dad, and four younger siblings. He apparently loved dancing and was around Calem's age.

After some more introductions and the refusal of some embarrassing and rather stupid nicknames, Serena was gifted a Fennekin and Pokedex, and forced on an unwanted journey across a region where she didn't understand the language. Now, however, she had to admit that journey had been necessary for her to heal from her accident. She discovered a talent for battling, and became the Champion. She even met the legendary Pokémon Xerneas and beat Team Flare. She had an unbeatable team of Pokémon, starring her prized Sylveon, and her Pokedex was nearly full. Best of all, her stutter started to fade away, and she was no longer afraid.

She met a new friend, Emma, a pretty girl the same age as Serena, sixteen, who was also from Lumiose City. Emma had light mocha skin and big blue eyes, with dark brown hair she wore in two messy braids down her back. She had been homeless, with her friend Mimi the Espurr, until Looker had gifted her the Bureau. Serena introduced her to the rest of her friends, and grew closer to all of them.

Serena grew especially closer to Calem, though they were still just friends. She admired his strength and bravery, and his kindness and compassion, to people and Pokémon alike. She developed a crush on him that slowly turned into love. Calem had started calling her petite fleur a few weeks into their journey, which Emma had later told her meant little flower in Kalosian, but he never showed interest in her beyond a rival and friend. As long as she still got to hang out with him, though, Serena was ok with them being just friends.

"We're almost there! Hurry, hurry!" Shauna's excited cry broke into Serena's thoughts. Serena blinked, looking around. She could just barely see their destination, Café Kizuna, in the distance; they had turned onto Hibernal Avenue without her noticing. Serena slowed down, running the hand not in Shauna's grasp through one of her long pigtails. Shauna tugged on Serena's hand in response.

"You look fine! C'mon!"

Serena wasn't so sure she agreed with her friend. She was no Purugly, but she also wasn't Elesa, the Gym Leader-turned-model from Unova, either. Her thick honey-blonde hair was longer now, pulled back into two low pigtails, and her emerald green eyes were still her best feature. She was also dressed in her favorite outfit, a fitted lavender long-sleeved shirt with a navy and white scarf; black skinny jeans with white riding boots; her lavender fedora with the white hat ribbon; and her strappy white bag. But she was still five foot two, still disgustingly thin, and still paler than a Gardevoir.

Shauna was wearing a white fitted sleeveless turtleneck shirt, with a red pleated skirt, black tights, and black Mary Jane's, and her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her bangs brushed to the side. Serena sighed but allowed her friend to pull her down the street, since she hadn't seen Calem in almost a month, and Trevor and Tierno in even longer.

All of whom she could see waiting as they drew closer. Trevor had cut his hair shorter, and was taller than even Serena now. He was wearing a white button up polo with a gray, blue, and black checked sweater vest, black jeans, and black boots. Serena could tell Tierno was even taller than before, and had lost a little weight and gained some muscle. He was dressed in a green logo shirt, with khaki colored cargo pants and white sneakers. Calem was almost a foot taller than her now, and still just as gorgeous, wearing his favorite pair of worn jeans (which were also Serena's favorite pair of jeans on him, incidentally), with a black short sleeved button down shirt unbuttoned over a white t-shirt and black sneakers, and holding a black jacket similar to his blue one in his hand. That lazy grin Serena loved spread across his face as he noticed them coming up the street.

"Il est temps, Slowpokes!" he called to them, waving. Serena couldn't help the slight shiver she got; she couldn't understand a word of it, but she loved when Calem spoke his native tongue. She wouldn't let him know that, though.

"Not Kalosian, Cay!" she called back as Shauna let go of her hand. Serena glanced down at her friend, who was blushing and staring at Trevor, a small shy smile on her face. Hmmm… That's new, she thought to herself, stopping as they came even with their friends.

"He said it's about time. We've been waiting awhile," Trevor said, as he hugged Serena, then Shauna. He was followed by Tierno and Calem.

"S-sorry," Serena stuttered self-consciously as Calem wrapped his arms around her. Even though her stutter was barely noticeable anymore, it was always more pronounced the closer she got to Calem. "They kept me late at the L-league."

"It's been a while, petite fleur," Calem said, his eyes a warm dark blue. He let go of Serena and tugged on one of her pigtails. "It's good to see you."

"Yeah, you've been too busy with the League recently. We never get to see you anymore," Tierno chimed in.

"Are you all gonna just stand there, or can we eat lunch? I'm starving!"

"Emma!" Serena looked around Tierno, then dashed over to where Emma was sitting at the head of a nearby table, holding it for them. Emma had worn her hair loose and curling around her shoulders, with a light blue tank top under a black sweater, and artfully ripped blue jeans. She was also wearing her Essentia boots, since they were the only part of her uniform that wouldn't manifest at the press of the button on her black bracelet. Well, besides the helmet, but Serena knew that was under the table with her bag. Serena placed her bag under the table with the others, and hugged her friend before sitting to Emma's right. "I didn't know you would be here! I thought you had to work!"

"Nah. Well, I did. But I closed up shop. I couldn't let Tierney tell all of you the news without me!"

A confused look crossed Serena's face. "What news?" The chair next to her was pulled out.

"Neither of them will tell us. They wanted us all to be here before they did," Calem said as he sat down next to her. Serena's heart rate picked up at his nearness.

"And since we're all here now, we can tell you. Trevor, Shauna, sit down," Tierno suggested, as he sat to Emma's left. Trevor sat across from Calem, with Shauna at the foot of the table. Serena used the time to ask about Mimi.

"Oh, she's back at the Bureau, keeping an eye on things. She wanted me to let you know you have to come visit her, though. You, too, Cay. She likes playing with your Meowstic." Emma took a sip of her lemonade, then gestured to the other five drinks around the table. "I think I got them all right. Soda pop for Calem and Tierno, water for Trevor, berry juice for Serena, and a Nanab Miltank shake for Shauna."

"Emma, you're the best!" Shauna dove for her shake.

"What's this about?" Trevor asked Tierno, shaking his head.

"Well, we haven't all been together in a few months, and I figured we could spend some time hanging out. And, well…."

"Oh, just say it," Emma cut in. "We're dating." Everyone froze for a second before all congratulating Emma and Tierno.

"When did this happen?" Serena asked once everyone had calmed down.

"About six weeks ago," Tierno said, red-faced. "She asked me to help her out at the Bureau a few times, and she would be out so late that I started making dinner so it would be ready when she got back."

"I asked him out," Emma added. "He's so sweet and funny, but he's painfully shy. He was helping me out so much, so I took him out to dinner at Restaurant Le Yeah. While eating, I realized how much I liked him, and how sad I would be when he stopped helping me. So I asked him to stick around."

"But, but," Shauna started, "you should have told us! We're your friends!"

"Sorry, Shauna, but we wanted to make sure that we would work out before we told everyone. Can you forgive us?" Tierno asked.

"There's nothing to forgive, especially if you two are happy," Calem said.

"And you sound like a hypocrite." Trevor stared pointedly at Shauna, who looked down at her shake, playing with her straw. Serena thought back to when they had arrived, how Shauna had reacted. Come to think of it, she and Trevor had seemed to linger over their hug… Trevor reached out and took her other hand.

"Sorry Shauna, that was mean. I guess now's a good time to tell you all. I asked Shauna out last week." Another chorus of congratulations sounded as the waitress came over to them.

Serena sat back, thinking. Her friends were all dating now, and she couldn't help but wonder what Calem thought about it, if he had someone he liked. More specifically, if he liked her, and if maybe he would ask her out… No, she couldn't think like that. If she got her hopes up too high, she'd do something stupid and ruin their friendship. They were fine the way they were. As long as she got to see his lazy grin, as long as she was able to watch him brush his hair out of his ever-changing eyes, as long as he kept calling her petite fleur, she was content. Not thrilled, maybe, but she'd rather have the friendship they had than nothing at all.


She snapped her head up, blushing. "W-w-what?" Everyone was staring at her. "Sorry. What d-d-did you ask?"

"The waitress needs your order, fleur," Calem said with a small smile.

"Oh." Serena's blush deepened. "Um, the M-mild Roseli Berry Pottage, please," she mumbled, avoiding Calem's gaze. As Calem ordered for her in Kalosian, Serena felt a kick under the table. She glanced around and caught Emma staring at her. Emma flicked her gaze at Calem, then back to Serena, and cocked a questioning eyebrow. Serena shook her head frantically. She knew her friend meant well, but she didn't want anyone to set her and Calem up. If it was meant to be, it would happen on its own. Emma shrugged, smiling, and took another sip of lemonade.

Serena took a few calming breaths as the waitress left and conversation turned to what everyone had been up to recently.

"Tierno has been helping out at the Bureau, when not practicing for his dance competition. I've just been working. I've discovered a hatred for paperwork, which Tierno is kind enough to help out with," Emma was saying. Tierno shrugged.

"I'm not good at battling, so I can't help her out on the streets, but I can do paperwork. And, I have time to practice my moves in between phone calls."

"Well, I've been helping Professor Sycamore do more research on the Pokedex," Trevor said. "He thinks he can convince my parents to let me travel to other regions, as his assistant. He thinks we can gain new data on Mega Evolutions, and further our—"

"And, and," Shauna interjected, "My parents are thinking about letting me go! There are Pokémon contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh, and I was thinking of maybe trying them out!"

Calem started laughing. "Yeah, but did your parents know you guys were dating before they said that?" Shauna's parents were very nice, but her dad could be a tad —ok, a lot— overprotective. When he had found out Shauna was to travel with three boys, he had adamantly refused to let her go. When Professor Sycamore had thrown in that another girl was going, he grudgingly gave his permission (mostly after both Shauna and her mom had ripped him a new one). Shauna looked crestfallen.

"Oh, no… We told them before Trevor asked me out…Maybe we shouldn't tell them we're dating."

Trevor gave a very un-Trevor-like snort. "Your parents like me, and we're keeping it that way. We are not hiding this from them. I'd rather your dad not sic his Arcanine on me." Serena joined in the laughter that erupted from the table.

"What about you, Calem?" Tierno asked.

"Nothing much. My Pokémon and I battle at the Chateau regularly; I was just promoted to Duke. And I work part time at the Hotel Richissime. I keep hoping to beat this one," he said, elbowing Serena, "but no such luck yet. I'm working on saving enough money to get my own place, in Kiloude, or maybe Santalune." Calem averted his gaze as he said the last part.

"Wow, Kiloude? That's really expensive!" Shauna exclaimed.

"But a really good investment if you can get a house," Trevor added.

"Santalune is really pretty and quaint, too, and it's not too far from Lumiose, Vaniville, or the League," Emma said, a mischievous gleam in her eye; Serena kicked her. "You'll definitely have to invite us over once you get a house."

Calem laughed. "I'm only nineteen, Em. I doubt anyone sells houses to nineteen year olds. It'll probably be an apartment."

"How have you been, Serena?" Trevor asked her as the waitress started bringing out their orders.

"Good. Battling challengers, of course. Hotel Richissime—oh, merci," she said as the waitress placed her order in front of her. "Hotel Richissime wants me to do a commercial for them, but I'm not sure yet. Oh, and you wouldn't believe how the Elite Four bicker! Malva doesn't like me, because of Team Flare, but she also doesn't like anyone else, either. Just the other day, I had to have my Lucario break up a fight between her and Siebold, just because she told him—"

"Serena? Are you Serena?" Serena sighed as she was cut off by a deep masculine voice. She always made time for her fans, but sometimes she wished they'd let her eat in peace, especially the older ones, who should know better. She plastered a smile on face and turned around. "Yes, I'm Serena. How can I help—" She stopped short as she saw who had spoken. No. No way was it him. He was in a Unovan jail. He couldn't be here, not in Kalos.

An attractive young man of eighteen or nineteen stood between Serena and Emma. He was of Hoenni descent, with a slightly darker tan than Shauna, and thick, wavy dark hair that was styled back from his face. He wore a white tank top, baggy blue jeans, and a gray hoodie that was halfway zipped up. His dark eyes were currently lingering on Serena's face, and he wore an arrogant half-smile.

"Rena! I thought it was you when I heard your voice!"

Serena gulped as memories assailed her, memories of living in Unova. She finally found her voice, though it was hoarse. "P-p-pedro. W-w-what are you d-doing here?" She hated that her stutter was back. She could feel her friends all looking at her and Pedro, and she could see the frown on Emma's face as Emma watched her.

"Ah, I'm here on vacation with my parents," he said airily, dragging a chair over from a nearby table. He placed it between Emma and Serena and sat down, throwing an arm around Serena. Calem stiffened.

"Who are you?" he asked rather rudely. Pedro feigned a look of surprise.

"Rena never mentioned me? Oh, that hurts, mami. The name is Pedro. We go way back, we were best friends back in Aspertia."


"Eh?" Pedro looked confusedly down at the blonde next to him.

"M-my name. I-i-it's Serena. Not Rena." Pedro's gaze darkened an instant before he smiled again.

"Lost the nickname? That's okay. Rena was a kid's name anyways, and you're definitely not a kid anymore, eh?" Calem clenched his fists under the table, working his jaw. "But you still can't stop the stutter, huh? You never could control that stupid thing." Serena winced as Pedro's fingers dug into her shoulder.

"Wow! Serena never mentioned she had friends in Aspertia!" Shauna said excitedly.

"She doesn't mention Unova much at all," Trevor said. "What was she like?"

"Oh, she was shy. Never had many friends, just me. We both attended the trainer's school, the one ran by the local Gym—"

"Hey, buddy. Maybe you should let her arm go. She's gonna have a bruise." Emma cut in, glaring pointedly at Pedro. Pedro looked surprised and let go of Serena's arm.

"Oh, lo siento! I was just too excited to see my old friend, and wasn't paying attention!"

Serena took a deep breath, trying to control her fear. She wasn't sure why Pedro was here, but she had to get him away from her friends. She was the Champion, she could stand up to him. "P-p-p-pedro, c-c-can we t-talk? O-o-over there?" Serena asked, pointing to a nearby lamppost, where they wouldn't be overheard.

"Ah? Oh, sure Rena! Let's go! We'll be back, amigos!" Pedro stood up and smirked at Serena's friends. His gaze lingered on Calem, and he curled his lip before he started walking over to the post. Serena took another breath, for courage, and made to stand up. Calem's hand on her wrist, though gentle, made her flinch. He looked up at her, and his eyes, now a dark gray splashed with black, were filled with worry.

"Are you ok, petite fleur? You're very pale."

"Y-y-yeah. I-i-I'm just going to s-s-see what he-he wants, and b-b-be right b-back." Serena stood up slowly, trying to control the wavering in her voice. "You g-guys just st-st-start eating." She made her way over to where Pedro stood.



-petite fleur-little flower

-Il est temps-It's about time


-merci-thank you


-mami-a term of endearment; where I grew up, it was usually used to describe a young woman the man wanted to sleep with; a close female friend; or a girlfriend

-lo siento-I'm sorry
