Disclaimer, only Frank's thoughts belong to me.

AN: I haven't delved into Frank's mind in a while and decided it was time to do so. I know you all enjoy these little one shots and there are so many other things from the books that Frank has to have an opinion on.

Thank you for all the support I've received on this collection of one shots and all the other's I've published the last few months. You guys are the best.

On Dickie's Disappearance…

I hung up the phone after speaking to my nephew-in-law, Eddie, and was stunned the police were looking to question Stephanie in Dickie's disappearance. I mean sure she attacked him in the past, even threatened him, but really she's not stupid enough to make him disappear. Now Ranger is another story. If Dickie hurt her then I could easily see him disappearing. I spoke to her yesterday after the incident in his office. He had to bring up Joyce Barnhardt; I mean really you forget who you were cheating on your wife with when she walked in on you. I find that hard to believe. Dickie is no loss to the world; he's not a good person but an okay lawyer.

A few days later….

Stephanie has had an interesting few days. That hag, Joyce, had fingered her because Dickie had left her as his beneficiary. Why would he do that? Anyway, she had been staying with Ranger because someone is after her because of this. Then it turns out Morelli had Dickie in protective custody but never told Stephanie. How could you do that to your girlfriend? He knew how worried she was about being a suspect. She even had to go to the station for questioning. Then that Dickhead had run out and sent a madman with a flamethrower after Stephanie. What a guy.

Thank god Ranger was around to protect her. Morelli had sent her to have Helen do the laundry for them. Why doesn't he have a washer and dryer? He brags how he can support Stephanie and she wouldn't have to work but doesn't have a washer. I bet he has his damn mother doing laundry and cleaning his house. Cut the apron strings. Stephanie was taken because of Dickie and Morelli, that wouldn't have happened if she had stayed with Ranger. When will everyone realize she's better off with Ranger?

I heard Helen on the phone once again complaining about Stephanie and the mess she was in. Why can't Helen support her daughter or defend her? I guess we'll never know.