AN: Since more than one of you asked about Elliot I thought I'd start with a one-shot about him.

The first time Elliot even saw Blaine Anderson was in a photograph attached to an article in the New York Times. The article was mostly about a Congressman from Ohio who was making big waves pushing a bill that would change Lifemate laws. That's how Elliot knew it was the right Blaine Anderson; you didn't just have your Lifemate skip out on you without trying to find out why.

At first the Lifemate Registry wouldn't tell him much, just that the date scheduled for him to met his Lifemate had been postponed. That in itself was strange. The longer he waited the more the Registry avoided his questions.

Finally he had enough, a guy he used to date back in High School worked at a Lifemate Center in Philly. He called him up and asked why a Lifemate meeting would be postponed. His friend told him that either the Registry had made a mistake in the paperwork somewhere and didn't want to fess up. Or his Lifemate had run.

Elliot didn't know why, but somehow he knew it was the latter. He Lifemate had gotten his letter and ran away. At first Elliot was hurt, he'd make a good Lifemate at least this Blaine Anderson character could have given him a chance. After thinking it over though he realized this had nothing to do with him. Anderson had no idea who Elliot was; his running was for a different reason all together. Elliot just didn't know what it was.

He thought about looking Blaine up, getting some information about him, but in the end chose not to. He didn't want to form too much of an opinion about him before they met. The longer he waited though, the more he started wondering if he would ever met Blaine. And that's when he got scared.

He called up his friend again.

"What happens to me if my Lifemate ran and they never catch him? Do I just wait my whole life without a match because this jackass skipped town and the Registry can't find him?"

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down man."

"No! I won't calm down, this is my life we're talking about here."

"Either they'll find the guy or eventually your name goes back in the lottery." His friend assured him.

Elliot had been pacing his small New York apartment, but at that news he sat down on his couch feeling relieved. "Okay, okay… that sounds promising. How long do I have to wait?"

"It's usually three months."

"Usually? Does this happen a lot?"

His friend was silent for a minute. "Uh… we aren't really meant to talk about it."

Elliot hung up feeling a little better. He almost wanted the Registry to catch Blaine Anderson because he sounded interesting and gutsy, Elliot liked gutsy. A larger part of him hoped the guy got away, for one because Elliot didn't like the idea of marrying someone who didn't want him, and also because the Blaine had nerve and he hoped things worked out for him.

After months of dodging questions Elliot finally received a second blue letter in the mail. This was to inform him that that his Lifemate's name had been withdrawn from the Lottery and that Elliot's name had been reentered. Elliot couldn't help but smile. Blaine had done it, he got away. Good for him.

After that things got back to normal. Elliot was performing as "Starchild" in a local band and school had started up again, he was taking classes at NYU. It wasn't until later in the school year that he heard the name "Blaine Anderson" again. And it was at school of all places.

"Did you hear about the student from last year who dodged his Lifemate letter?" A classmate gossiped. "No one has seen or heard from him in months."

And who was this student? None other than Baline Freaking Anderson. He went to Elliot's school! If they had been married they would have been able to stay in New York and go to school together.

"Apparently he ran off with a married man!" The classmate continued. "You know that hunky actor Cooper, Anderson? His Lifemate went missing and apparently Anderson and he ran off together. They were brother-in-laws!"

Elliot was stunned, and honestly a little relieved. The small part in the back of his heart that still worried that Blaine had run because he didn't want Elliot died. This really had nothing to do with him; Blaine had been in love with someone else.

That's when Elliot found out about the "True Love Bill" Blaine's brother Cooper and a Congressman, the father of the man Blaine ran away with, were working hard to create public awareness of the bill. Elliot joined the cause. He volunteered to lobby for the bill and he wrote letters to congress in New York and back home in Pennsylvania. The idea of being paired and forced to marry someone who was in love with someone else was terrifying, and that is what would have happened to him if Blaine hadn't run. He was behind the bill 100%.

Still he had never looked up Blaine himself and that's why when he was reading about Congressman Hummel that he saw Blaine for the first time. His picture was printed next to one of a young attractive man with bright and who must look younger than he was. Kurt Hummel of course.

Blaine himself was a little bit of a surprise, tan with curly hair and brown eyes. He didn't look that much like his famous brother. Elliot's mouth quirked up in a smile. Blaine was cute, hot even. He wondered if Kurt hadn't been in the picture if the two of them would have been happy together?

It didn't matter now though. Elliot just hope Blaine and Kurt were safe and happy somewhere. It surprised him how invested he'd become in the lives of these two strangers. He finished the article and shook his head. It was a brave thing Congressman Hummel was doing and Elliot believed he'd succeed.

Even though Elliot was behind the bill he hoped he wouldn't ever need it himself. Eventually he'd be paired again and he was looking forward to it. He wanted a Lifemate, someday. For now he was busy enough with his music and school and the little political endeavors he was helping with. His life was good and he was happy to realize he was completely over this guy whom he'd never even met.