I do not own Percy Jackson

" God all she does is study, she will never get a boyfriend "

Annabeth could hear them talking about her, if only they knew who she really was

They would cower in fear

I jumped up as they bell rang

I always read in the library before school

" Hey Anniebell"

" Go away Josh I have a boyfriend "

" Oh yes your ' boyfriend' the mystical Perry "

" His name is Percy, goodbye I have to go to class "

I walked off to my Greek class, sat down and pulled out my book

" Class today we have a new student " never cared about new kids they ether ignored me or

Tried to flirt with me

" What's your name?" Asked my super perky teacher

" Percy Jackson "

My head snapped up


I jumped out of my seat

" I missed you Percy, " I whispered in his ear as I hugged him