Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara! All credit goes to Ryohgo Narita! The only content I own are my OC's: Ryuu Akihana, Kanta Akihana and Arata Ichirou!

Shizuo was knocked out of his reverie when Izaya started feeling for the buttons on his shirt and undid them one by one, starting from his collar.

"You're taking too long, Shizu-chan! Focus, would you?"

Shizuo chuckled at the impatience displayed by the raven that lay below him and helped his partner with his own shirt. Once they were both shirtless, Shizuo took a few minutes to burn Izaya's wanton look in his mind. The raven haired informant had a flushed face with his lips parted slightly and half lidded eyes. His hair was in slight disarray from their intense make-out session before and a light sheen of sweat could be seen as their body temperatures soared from the actions that had taken place so far.

"Shizu-chan! Do something already!"

"Hang on, Flea. Let me just look at you for a bit."

Izaya raised an eyebrow at the rather odd request. Anytime Arata and he had made love, they were usually too impatient to worry about much foreplay before reaching their climax. For Shizuo of all people to be postponing the pleasure that Izaya knew was to be expected sooner or later, it confused the raven quite a bit.

"Why would we wait? What's so interesting for you to look at that you'd want to stop?"

Shizuo smiled at Izaya. The raven couldn't see it, but a complete look of adoration showed on the artificial blonde's face.

"Obviously, you are, Izaya. You were gone when I took my eyes off of you for only a few seconds. I couldn't take it if I lost you because we rushed this."

Izaya stared at Shizuo for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. Shizuo blushed and averted his eyes from the blind man below him. Once Izaya calmed down, he felt for Shizuo faced and brought it down to give the artificial blonde a loving kiss. Izaya smiled comfortingly at Shizuo.

"You don't have to worry about me disappearing anymore. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, even if I wanted to, I'd be completely helpless without you, ne? It wouldn't take me long to find my way back. All I'd have to do is call for you."

Shizuo smiled and nuzzled his head in Izaya's neck, giving it a few nips here and there before licking those spots as a gentle apology. Izaya squirmed in pleasure and clung to the blondes' broad back, letting out soft gasps and moans as the ex-bartenders hands roamed his body. Shizuo didn't let a single crevice or ridge on the raven's body go untouched, and Izaya was becoming more and more impatient. The blondes lips traveled to his perked nipples and sucked one as a infant would suckle a mothers breast while his hand worked the other one to complete hardness. Izaya moaned as he couldn't take anymore of the teasing.

"S-Shizu…Ah! Enough…Mnh…G-Get on…with it…Ngh!"

Shizuo forgot his focus on Izaya's chest area in favor of meeting Izaya's lips with his own in a passionate kiss. Their tongues fought with Izaya giving in almost immediately as he was already too far gone. Shizuo pulled away and took in the panting informant's blushing face.

"Have you got any lube?"

Izaya groaned in annoyance as he thrust his hips against Shizuo's, causing them both to moan when their erections rubbed against one another.

"Just get on with it, Shizuo! I can handle a little pain, ya'know!"

Shizuo furrowed his eyebrows at that statement, though Izaya couldn't see it.

"Is that how you and Arata did it? The two of you would just 'get on with it'?"

Izaya rolled his pale eyes and pushed Shizuo off of him so he could crawl over to the end table and feel around inside the drawer for a tube of the transparent fluid.

"Don't link the two of you together. With Arata, our time in bed was mostly spent on achieving our own pleasure rather than giving pleasure to the other party. Mind you, this was after our relationship went sour. If I ever wanted to rush this with you, it would be because I wanted to…b-become one with you…as soon as possible. Don't laugh either or I swear I'll-!"

Izaya was cut off as he was embraced from behind and his head was turned to be enveloped in a crushing, yet much needed kiss since the raven had begun shaking. Shizuo used the momentary distraction to grab the tube that Izaya previously been looking for unsuccessfully in his rambling. He pulled the raven back to their spot on the bed, with him being above the distracted informant once again. Shizuo trailed kisses down the raven's body, skipping over the area that needed the most in favor of trailing kisses down Izaya's legs while he coated his fingers in the slippery substance that had been kept in the clear tube.

"S-Shizuo…ngh…I-I can't-!"

Shizuo understood and teased the raven's entrance with a finger before plunging it in. Izaya moaned at the discomfort. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was as though he was having his first time all over again. Izaya wasn't sure if it was because Shizuo's fingers were larger than Arata's, or because it was Shizuo he was about to commit such an act with. Once it was clear Izaya could take more, Shizuo added a second finger and began scissoring the two so he could stretch out the opening to accommodate to his size. Izaya gasped at the feeling of being stretched and moaned at the odd intervals of pleasure Shizuo would grant him.

"Shizuo! H-Hurry!"

Shizuo shook his head as he watched the raven's face contort into different expressions of pleasure, searching for the one that truly meant Izaya was at his limit.

"Not yet. Believe it or not, I'm sure I'm much larger than that Arata guy."

Izaya laughed in between his moans of pleasure.

"I b-believe it…ah! A-Although Arata-kun…wasn't…nah…bad himself, m-mind you."

Shizuo's left eyebrow twitched at the statement. And he forcefully added a third finger as a slight punishment, to which Izaya moaned loudly at the slight pain. He laughed softly in understanding and reached his hands out for Shizuo. Shizuo ignored the arms extended to him and instead lowered his head to the awaiting raven's member. Izaya gasped as he was engulfed in a wet heat that had him squirming. His hands immediately fell to the blondes head, letting his fingers tangle with surprisingly soft locks of bleached hair. Izaya figured it was Shizuo's way of apologizing for the brief moment of pain and smiled at the affection that was so clearly displayed for him. Shizuo removed his fingers and released the ravens' erection after a few minutes and coated his own with the substance he had used to prepare the flustered informant. He lined himself up with the raven-haired informant and waited for his approval. Izaya took the time to calm himself so he wouldn't reach his peak sooner than he'd like before nodding for the artificial blonde to continue.

Shizuo nodded back, even if he knew Izaya couldn't see him, and slowly entered the raven inch by inch in an effort to allow the smaller man to become used to his size.

"S-Shizuo! Ngh! You're…big!"

Shizuo smirked at this.

"Bigger than Arata?"


Shizuo's smirk doubled in size as he fit the last of himself within the raven and paused allowing them both to rest and catch their breath. Izaya gave Shizuo the command to move with a slight thrusting of his hips, which Shizuo was more than eager to comply with.

They started out slow. Once moving became easier, Shizuo was able to build up more momentum and speed to send Izaya into euphoria. The raven was barely to call out Shizuo's name, let alone remember his own. To make matters more disconnected from reality, Shizuo had begun fisting the raven's leaking erection around the same time he had discovered Izaya's sweet spot. Izaya was screaming out his pleasure, making his voice become horse. Shizuo muffled the Izaya's shouts with a kiss as he whispered words of love and endearment for the raven, causing the informant to moan for the blonde more than ever in an effort to return his own feelings to the ex-bartender. Soon, both men reached their climax with shouts of their lovers' name before falling beside each other spent, exhausted.

Izaya lay on Shizuo's chest swirling patterns across his neck and collarbone while Shizuo played with Izaya's hair, a sheet draped over their bottom halves.

"I meant it, ya'know."

Shizuo's attention was directed towards the raven, who spoke softly as though he was speaking absentmindedly.

"Meant what?"

Izaya sighed as he discontinued the unknown picture he had drawn on Shizuo's chest and directed his face in the direction of Shizuo's voice.

"About how I don't compare you to Arata-kun. I meant what I said."

Shizuo gazed down at the blind informant and smiled. He pulled the raven close and kissed his forehead lovingly.

"I know. I love you too."

Izaya blushed at how he was read so easily, but still happy that his message got across.

"What does this mean for us now, Shizu-chan? Are we a…couple?"

Shizuo thought about it for a few minutes and smiled as he looked down at Izaya.

"Let's not bother with labels for now. For now, let's be happy with what we have for now and work out the kinks later."

Izaya smiled as he accepted a kiss from his new lover and the two lay in bed for a while before falling asleep.

[Epilogue – 2 Years Later]

Izaya found himself in a super market with Ryuu and Kanta as they searched the store for things that would be found in a nursery. It was half a year when Izaya and Shizuo became and exclusive couple, and another year and a half for them to make the decision to adopt a child. They had decided on a young boy by the name of Tsukishima. It was almost uncanny how well he resembled Shizuo, which two lovers had to laugh at.

"Hey, Iza-kun! How about a cute pink jumper? I also found these adorable booties! They have pompoms on the laces! Isn't that so cute?"

Izaya laughed at Ryuu's ability to get off track and reached for the items, which were then handed to him.

"Are we shopping for me or for you, Ryuu-chan? I thought I said I wanted the theme to be white and red…"

Ryuu smiled as she rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Well, it could be a double shopping trip! After all, Kyohei-kun is too embarrassed to go into any of these stores with me. I've tried getting Erika and Walker to help, but so far it's been unsuccessful. How does he expect to help me pick out anything for our child if he's so indifferent to everything? What will I do if our sweet little boy comes out like his father…"

Izaya grinned handed the items back to Ryuu.

"It would be worse if he inherited your dislike for humans. Either way, go with the booties. A little boy can't be complete without pompoms. Look for jacket to match though. Also, make sure it's for boys. I don't a pink, furry jacket can fit a boy with a name of Hachimenroppi."

Ryuu grinned widely and bounced off to go see what else she could find. Kanta came from another isle and handed a package towards Izaya, who took it and felt it to find a neatly folded blanket covered in clear wrapping. Kanta smiled as he put his hands in his jean pockets.

"It's a white cotton scarf. I found it hidden on a shelf behind a few blankets, and thought it would look good on the little guy."

"That's perfect! I think Tsuki-chan will love it! I can see it now…"

Kanta laughed at Izaya as he pretended to be in a trance.

"Ya'know, Izaya-chan, I'm honestly a little surprised to find you wanting to take on a child."

Izaya looked in the direction of Kanta's voice with a small smile.

"Do you think so? To be honest, I'm a little shocked too. When I was with Arata-kun, having a child was the last thing on my mind since we never discussed it. Besides, with his job always taking him places, I don't think I'd be able to handle the pressure."

Kanta nodded in understanding and observed Izaya as the raven held a thoughtful look in his pale, red eyes.

"You've changed, Izaya…"

Izaya turned back to Kanta with a confused look.

"Huh? Have I?"

Kanta waved his hands even though Izaya couldn't see him.

"F-For the better, of course! I think this relationship you have with Shizuo could do you a world of good that Arata couldn't."

Izaya smiled at that.

"Yeah, I think so too. Though, now that I realize that everything I went through with Arata-kun delivered me to Shizuo, I hope he finds happiness too."

Kanta nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, I agree. Speaking of which, where is Shizuo-kun?"

Izaya smirked at Kanta, causing him to rethink Izaya's "changed" demeanor.

"Tom-san, Shinra and Celty are helping him set up the nursery…"

"Ow! Motherf-!"

"None of that language, Shizuo! You're about to have child! You need to start controlling your tongue! Why if I wasn't here…"

Shizuo and Tom once again drowned out the crazed doctor in favor of trying to once again set up the electrical for the light they were about to hang, the one Izaya had insisted on because he and Ryuu thought it to be essentially cute.

"When I get my hands on that flea…"

"You'll treat him nicely and say 'Thank you my love for picking out a glorious piece of hardware for our child and going out to shop for the essentials needed for our child'! You need to respect the decisions of the mother for a happy household!"

Shizuo's left eyebrow twitched for probably the fifteenth time that day.

"For the last time, he's not a woman, so there's no way he could be referred to as a mother!"

Tom sighed for maybe the thirtieth time since he got there.

"Shinra, are you still bitter that Shizuo and Izaya-san are raising a child before you and Celty?"

Shinra flinched.

"Of course I'm still upset! My dear, sweet Celty refuses to do the deed with me on account of her fear of delivery! On top of that, when I bring up adoption, she feels guilty for taking a child that isn't her own! Why must my sweetheart be so-?"

At that moment, Celty had walked in holding a takeout bag of Russia Sushi and had elbowed Shinra hard enough to bring him to his knees. She pulled out her PDA and typed out what she wanted to say before showing it to the rest of them.

[I'm back. I also brought lunch for Izaya, Kanta and Ryuu, but it looks like they're not back yet.]

Shizuo shook his head.

"No, they're still out shopping for novelties and furniture. Furniture which he'll no doubt make me put together while he sips down his mugs of coffee…"

Tom sighed once again and attached the last of the wires, allowing Shizuo to gently let the hanging light rest from its spot on the ceiling. Shizuo breathed a sigh of relief.


"Alright, let's break for lunch before continuing with drywall and paint."

Everyone groaned in exhausted agreement. Shizuo begged Izaya to ask Kadota to help, but Izaya said that he and Ryuu were having problems, so that they would have to make do without him.

Once everyone had settled down to eat, Izaya and Ryuu burst through the door with Kanta following behind them, all of them carrying armfuls of shopping bags. Shizuo grimaced at that sight of extra work piled on top of what they already had left to do. He also had an ominous feeling about the grin sported across Izaya's face.

"Ne, Shizu-chan? Have you guys started painting yet?"

Shizuo gave his boyfriend a suspicious gaze.

"No, we haven't even put up the drywall yet…"

Izaya's smile widened as he ran in the direction of his boyfriend's voice and sat himself down in his lap.

"Is that Russia Sushi I smell?"

Shizuo sighed before handing the raven his helping of Ootoro. Izaya ate it greedily until Shizuo coughed into his hand to get his attention. Izaya made a noise of understanding since his mouth was full, and quickly swallowed.

"Ryuu-chan! Commence the unveiling!"

Ryuu quickly pulled a roll out of a bag and unrolled it to reveal silver metallic wallpaper with white tree branches and red cardinal's decorating the entire expanse of the paper. Shizuo remained silent with his suspicions of more work confirmed. Ryuu was practically bouncing in place, causing the wallpaper to rustle.

"Don't you love it? I found it hidden among all these wall stickers in the back corner of the store! I thought it would be perfect for Chibi Tsuki's room.

"Ryuu-san, I thought you of all people would understand my situation…"

Ryuu tilted her head in confusion at Shizuo's muttered words. Kanta shook his head and rustled Ryuu's hair, telling her not to worry about it.

"I'll call Kadota-kun. He and Ryuu-chan need to talk anyway. He's been staying at my house far too long now. It's time for him to go home."

Ryuu pouted and turned her head away from her brother.

"I have nothing to say to him! He refuses to participate in helping me during my pregnancy!"

Kanta smiled nervously.

"Now, you know that's not true; stop being so stubborn."

Izaya cleared his throat to direct attention back to him.

"As much as would love to nose around in other people's troubled love life, don't we have a nursery to finish?"

Shizuo's eyes widened at Izaya's impatience. He thought perhaps that Izaya was spending too much time with Ryuu and her impulsiveness.

"Huh?! Izaya, we just started our break! We're exhausted!"

Izaya pecked Shizuo's lips and gave the bodyguard a not-so-sweet smile.

"Think of it as training, Shizuo. No child Tsuki-chan's age will care about whether or not you're exhausted, so we need to build up our stamina."

Izaya leaned in close to Shizuo's ear so only he could hear him.

"Also, if you make good progress today, I'll help you find other ways to work the mind and body later tonight~, ne?"

Shizuo's face flushed and he set Izaya, who was laughing at the quick reaction, down on the couch. He stood up and made his way up the stairs yelling for the rest to hurry up and come help him. Everyone groaned while Ryuu, Kanta and Izaya worked out what else was needed for the nursery.

Across the street from the high rise apartment, on the rooftop of an office building stood a man wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled over his head.

"I guess this is goodbye, Izaya-chan. It was nice while it lasted. I won't forget you. Promise me the same, ne?"

His phone rang and he answered it in a heartbeat.

"Arata-kun! Where are you! You promised you'd pick me up today! Are you out picking up other girls? I bet you are! Don't lie to me!"

Arata smiled in adoration as the man on the other end of line began blubbering.

"Misaki-chan, I promise I'm being one hundred percent faithful. I just had to tie up some loose ends…ya'know, closure."

The man known as Misaki was silent.

"Are you okay? You sound sad? Do wanna ditch the movie and stay inside?"

Arata turned away from the sight of his first loves' smile, the smile he could never give him. He made his way to the roof entrance to go pick up his boyfriend from his college classes.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you…"

"Every time I see you…"

Arata chuckled.

"Yeah, well I feel as though I don't show it enough. What's say we fix that tonight, ne?"

The door closed behind the model as he listened to his boyfriends' flustered response.


After Story Monologue:

*Camera Turns On*

Momo: I can't believe I managed to finish it! That was intense for a while there!

Izaya: What took you so long anyway, Momo-chan?

Shizuo: Yeah, there were times you just opened up the document and stared at it before closing it and shutting down your computer...

Momo: I had the worst writers block! I had a plan, but I wasn't sure how to put it into words! I wanted to make it smexy, but I also wanted to keep the emotion in there! The only thing that kept me going were the readers reviews!

Arata: Maybe you should take a nap?

Momo: Can't...move...

Kanta: Maybe it would be best if we did our usual bit before she passes out.

Ryuu: Agreed. *Turns To Camera* If you enjoyed this story please review! Our favorite author practically runs on fumes without them. Also she would like to sincerely apologize if any of the characters were too OC, as always.

Kanta: Please review and give Momo-chan feedback on how she's doing. It would certainly motivate her to write more. Also, she'd love to take on requests since she sees them as a challenge, which works for her competitive nature!

Ryuu: Thank you! Please come again! *Turns To See Shizuo Carrying Momo over his Shoulder* Hey careful, Shiuzo-kun! Watch out for the the doorway! *Turns Off Camera*