Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had a really busy week and couldn't find the time to write the chapter up, but now it's here!

HolliePike: In case you didn't get my PM, I update usually every 2-3 days. I was really busy this week however thus the late chapter. Thank you!

calovestowrite: Thank you so much! Yeah, I love these two books so much so I thought it may be fun to mix them together. Thank you so much!

spikeyhairgood: Hey! Yeah, Jace will say my lady a bit...but will still have a cocky attitude! Maybe not in this chapter but in future ones...I wanted to make Clary have a bit of a habit of having an inner dialogue so thanks for picking up on that! And Alec...well, I guess we'll see won't we;) Thank you so much!

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, followed and favourited!


TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter will have some violence...it's not really that bad but just in case.

Oh and Simon comes in this chapter...hehe this is going to put me into an early grave I just know it.


After countless wrong turns, a tumble down a flight of stairs and walking in on a stableboy and serving girl getting handsy, Clary finally found her father's solar.

It was a grand living area, with gold inlaid on every piece of furniture. Blood red curtains billowed in the breeze coming from the window behind her father, who sat at a long wooden desk, quill in hand. He looked up at her with onyx eyes as she entered warily.

"Clarissa." He acknowledged as she entered the room. She ran to her father's side, wrapping her arms around his neck securely. He coiled his hand around her middle and gave a firm squeeze before letting her go. Sitting back down in the large wooden chair, he gesturing for her to sit in an identical chair across the table.

"How do you fair, father?" She asked as she lowered herself into the chair. "I haven't encountered you since we left Winterfell." Lord Valentine sighed.

"You know the way of it, Clarissa. When a king's got a thirst for hunting, there's no quenching it until he's had his fill. King Robert seemed thirsty almost everyday." He chuckled, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"How is the Lightwood boy? Prince Alec. He's treating you with reverence, I pray?" Clarissa flushed as she remembered what had happened on the road south, and then turned even further crimson when she remembered what had happened not an hour past. What should she say? She had heard her mother say once that a wife had to defend her husband no matter what, even if he was wrong, but did it still count if they weren't yet married? She wanted to tell her father everything. How he had shamed her in front of knights and high lords, how he had threatened her person. Yet she couldn't help thinking that maybe that moment with Alec just moments ago had meant something. Maybe the necklace was a sign of new beginnings, that he was ready and willing to changed. But then there were the ever persistant voices in her head, shrieking at her to not trust the dark haired boy. Lies, lies, lies.

"He is, father, don't fret. He is everything a girl could ask for." Lies. Her father smiled at her, and this time it was a true smile.

"I'm glad. Though if this boy discomforts you in any way, you come to me straight away. All I want is your happiness, Clarissa, and I heard odd tales of this boy on our journey south." This perked Clarissa's interest.

"What sort of tales, father?" She hoped he didn't know about what he had said to her in the tent. Even if the boy was cruel, she didn't want her father to have to go through the trouble of finding another suitor for her.

"Japes and folly, nothing I would want you worrying about. But I meant what I said before, Clarissa. If he ever harms you in anyway, I am to know. Is that understood?" She nodded her head.

"If he's anything like you, I shouldn't have anything to worry about," she replied. Her father looked at her steadily, onyx eyes against green. He looked weary in that moment, and more so than usual.

"Clarissa," he started in a hushed tone. He picked up the piece of parchment he had been writing on and, opening an iron cage beside his desk, seized a raven from inside. "I fear I have sheltered you for far too long." He strapped the rolled up parchment onto the raven's talons and released it out the window. Slowly, Valentine walked over to where Clarissa was sitting and lowered himself so they were eye to eye. "I try to be an honorable and just man, but don't begin to believe that everyone acquires those characteristics. A man can easily be persuaded to do the wrong thing when they deem it necessary, and when they lust for something, anything and everything can be necessary. Do you know what that something is?" Clarissa shook her head, biting down on her bottom lip in confusion. "Power. Power has been the death of many, and those who do rise soon fall under its crushing weight. Those who rise to power rose for a reason, child, and blood stains their flesh."

"What are you trying to -"

"I'm saying," Valentine cut in, "don't trust so easily. Your handmaiden told me what happened with you and Alec and I didn't like what she had to say." Of course Seelie would try to protect her. She sighed heavily. "If he has proposed for you to forgive him, don't be so eager to grant his wish. Watch and wait, Clarissa, and see his true colours." He smiled. "I want what is best for you, Clarissa. Now tell me truthfully, do you want an end to this engagement?"

Clarissa pondered the question. On one hand, she could be free of this angry and intimidating boy, and allow her inner voices to be put to rest. Lies, lies, lies.

But on the other, she didn't want to cause her father more trouble by turning back the way they had come, and surely they would be leaving an angered king behind in their wake. Besides, hadn't he changed?

The decision was simple.

"No, father. I am loyal to his lordship, the noble Prince Alec."

(Isabelle's POV)

Isabelle sat staring at her mother, who was staring at her father drunkenly grope a serving girl. The fury in her mother's eyes was evident, though it was nothing that she hadn't seen before. Isabelle sighed, glaring at her father one last time before standing up from her spot on the dais to go and converse with Clarissa. She had grown fond of the redheaded maid, and in the week that she had been in King's Landing they had grown very close.

Clarissa sat staring out at the high lords and laidies who were eating their meals and laughing amongst one another, not so much as a bite of her supper touched. She noticed she often did that at the nightly feasts; sat expressionless and bored as everyone else had a good time. It was evident she didn't care for the grandeur of the capital as much as the rest of King's Landing. That, and no one seemed to be talking to her. On her right sat Alec, who was talking assiduously to a tall lord in glittery attire. On her left sat Jace, who was causing a young serving girl to redden and giggle. Isabelle stalked up to him and snapped at the girl to continue working. The girl turned pale as milk and she hurried away to continue pouring. Isabelle cornered Jace.

"Go find another seat." She stated simply. Jace just stared at her. "Do you have your fingers up your ears? Move or I'll move you myself."

"Isabelle!" Her mother gasped from the other end of the table. Apparently she had spoken too loudly.

"I beg pardon, mother, but I need to sit there. Unless Jace means to actually talk to Clarissa instead of being an ignorant idiot." Clarissa's head snapped up at the mention of her name, and Jace began to smirk.

"Actually, sweet sister, I believe I'll stay." He turned to Clarissa and began to engage her in conversation. Isabelle rolled her eyes and huffed back to her seat.

She was looking down at her shoes, a habit that her mother had tried to stop her from doing to no avail (her understanding was that a lady should always stand straight with her head held high, completely aware of her superiority, but Isabelle found it tedious to stay rigid all day) when a servant knocked into her, causing her to fall backwards with him on top. Purple wine spilt from the pitcher he was holding onto her dress, and lemon cakes fell onto her face and hair.

She screamed as she fell, causing the room to go silent. The boy landed with a thud on top of her, causing her scream to come to an abrupt stop as the wind was knocked out of her. She looked up, expecting to see him already off her and muttering apologies, and instead came face to face with the servant. He was a gawky boy, with a mop of mouse brown hair piled atop a thin pale face, which was made paler by the situation. His brown eyes were the size of saucers, and Isabelle instantly felt sorry for him.

He was suddenly pulled off of her, and Isabelle was finally able to breathe. Jace helped her up, and her lady mother came running to clutch her to her side. The boy stood staring at her with his big brown eyes, while guards seized his arms and held a dagger to his throat.

"What in seven hells happened here?!" Her father roared. He stood staring at the servant, awaiting an answer.

"I-I tr-tripped, Your Grace."He said meekly, shaking violently in fear. The king still looked furious.

"Clean up this mess then, and be quick about it." He was going to leave it a that, but the queen jumped in.

"Would you just leave it at that, then? Have the boy who could have killed your daughter go unpunished?" The king turned his angry glare upon his wife while Isabelle rolled her eyes. It wasn't as if she could have died.

"You infuriate me woman. Damn it, it was a mere accident. It's over." He sat back down at the table and sloshed back three more cups of wine.

"What is your name, boy?" The queen asked gently, smiling at him.

"Simon, if it please you." He replied quietly.

"Simon," the queen started, "a common name for a common boy. Tell me, Simon, which would you prefer, your right or left leg?" Simon blanched.

"My-my what?" The queen's anger flashed.

"Your right or left leg. Which one would you like to spare?" Simon turned the colour of curdled milk.

"I s-suppose my right."

"Perfect. Without one leg, you won't be able to trip the two up again, will you? Guards, grab him." One guard pushed Simon to the ground while the other one drew his sword from its scabbard. Simon cried out in pain as the man holding him down landed a blow to his abdomen. The king slowly stood up in anger, but he had downed so much wine that he toppled over onto the ground.

"I would stop struggling if I were you, Simon." The queen called over Simon's cries of protest. "The cut won't be clean if you keep wiggling your leg about." The guard readied himself to swing, raising the sword about Simon as he struggled feebly. The sword glinted in the torchlight before it came down. The sword arched, racing towards Simon, and-

"No!" Isabelle cried suddenly. The guard, thrown off by her high pitched scream, turned away from Simon. The sword swung away from the boy and buried itself in one of the legs of the wooden table. The queen looked at her furiously.

"Isabelle," she snapped. "What do you think you are doing?" Isabelle raced over to Simon and threw herself on top of him so the guard could not swing.

"I will not have him hurt. It was an honest mistake, and I don't even have a bruise." She looked to Alec, begging him with her eyes to help her, but he looked just as furious as his mother.

"But you could have been!" Her mother wailed, hands clenched into fists. "I will not suffer some servant making an utter fool of my daughter under my roof. Step away, Isabelle, and let Simon be dealt his punishment." She sat unmoving, half sprawled over Simon who lay under her like stone.

"I will not." She replied, already trying to stand Simon up. Her mother snapped at the guards, who then pushed Isabelle off Simon. She toppled over to land upright beside him.

The guard wrenched his sword free from the table, and resumed his place towering over Simon. Isabelle began to cry. Please, mother, don't do this. It's all my fault, not his. If I had only looked where I was going...

The sword held a menacing glint as it curved downwards, cutting Simon's left leg right off of his body. He screamed, so loudly Isabelle had to cover her ears. She was distantly aware of the crowd cheering behind her. She rocked back and forth, sobs racking her body. It's all my fault.

Simon had passed out, and blood was pulsing out of the stump of his leg with every heartbeat. Isabelle felt sick to her stomach. There's so much blood, and it's all because of me. She fell on her side, looking at Simon through watery eyes as he came closer and closer to dying.

She was aware of someone picking her up bridal style and carrying her from the hall. She hoped it was one of her brothers, so she could order him to carry her back and help Simon with his wound, but it was only a guard. She submitted in defeat. I'm so sorry, Simon. Will you ever forgive me?

She doubted he'd live long enough to give her a reply.

(For all of you who wanted Jace's POV)

The sound of metal on metal drifted across they yard in the cool morning air. Jace stood in the middle of the yard, sword in hand, waiting for Alec to make the final attack.

"Come on, brother, I haven't got all day." Jace taunted. Alec charged at Jace, succeeding in knocking him back half a step, and swung his sword at Jace's abdomen. Jace realized his intentions and blocked the hit with his shield. Alec had swung so hard that his sword was momentarily stuck in the supple wood of the shield, allowing Jace to swing his sword up and tap Alec lightly on the side of the neck.

"You're dead." He grinned. Alec glowered, finally releasing his sword from its confines, and walked back to his spot on the yard.

"Again." He called. Jace shook his head.

"Sorry, Alec, Maryse will be calling for us to break our fast soon. We best get going." Alec submitted and fell into step beside Jace, who was walking back to the Red Keep. They walked in silence for a time, enjoying the sounds that came with early morning.

"So, how is the girl?" Jace finally asked as they entered the Red Keep. Alec looked over at him and sighed as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"I told you, Jace, I don't want to talk-"

"I know, I know. You've been saying that for a fortnight now." He said, exasperated. "All I want to know is what you think of her."

"Does it matter?" Alec snapped. "I don't care for the girl. All I have to do is wed her and bed her, and after that I won't have to deal with her any more if I so choose. So why should you be worrying about what I think of her?" Jace looked at him skeptically.

"Fine. Forget I asked."

They entered the great hall to be met with silence. Jace had expected all of the lords to be feasting with them, but only the Lightwoods and Morgensterns were evident. Robert and Maryse were exchanging heated whispers, Clarissa sat as still as stone beside her father, like always, and Isabelle was sulking. Like as not about her prescious rat boy.

Alec took a seat beside Isabelle and Jace in turn sat beside Alec just as Robert and Valentine rose.

"I will see you in a couple of days, Clarissa." Valentine said, hugging Clarissa quickly.

"Where are you going?" Jace asked Robert, who was still muttering to Maryse.

"We're going hunting." Valentine replied for Robert. "We'll be back in no more than four days. Jory," he called to a young servant who couldn't have been no more than eleven. "Tell Robert's squire that we are setting off, if you will." The servant hurried to his task. Robert finally turned away from Maryse with a sigh and looked to Valentine.

"Are you ready, Valentine?"

Valentine smiled. "Of course."

"Let's go kill us some boar, then." And with that they set off.

"They'll be more than four days." Clarissa said matter of factly as they left the room.

"And how do you know, my lady?" Jace asked. She swiveled her large eyes to meet his. Jace didn't know why Alec didn't care for the girl, she was pretty enough. With a mane of curly red hair and piercing green eyes, you could even call her beautiful. Jace didn't know why he hadn't seen it before.

"My father always says he'll be gone for four, but comes back in eight. That is how it has always been."

"We'll see about that." Jace said, making a slight challenge out of it. Clarissa smiled.

"You don't believe me?" She asked, sticking out her hand. "You're on." They shook on it.

(Maryse's POV)

The challenge was put to rest two days later when King Robert's squire came riding through the gates of the Red Keep up to Queen Maryse. The queen drew her eyebrows together in puzzlement.

"Why are you back so soon, Meliorn?" The queen inquired. The young squire looked somber as he jumped off of his horse and went to one knee before her.

"It's the king, my queen." He said wistfully. The queen drew a breathe. She wasn't looking at Meliorn any more, but at what was behind him.

The king was presented on the back of Valentine's horse. He was as white as goat's milk and had a huge red gash on the left side of his stomach. There was no doubt that we was dead.

"What happened to my husband?" The queen asked shrilly, running up to where the guards had laid him on the manicured lawn. The squire pointed to Valentine.

"My queen, this man has commited treason in the presence of gods and men. He drew his sword and struck a blow to Robert unawares in cold blooded murder." Valentine's eyes flew open at the squire's words and instantly began to deny it.

The queen stood weeping over her husbands lifeless face. After several moments, she wiped her eyes and gazed at Valentine with stoney eyes.

"Guards. In the name of King Robert, the First of His Name, I order you to seize this man and bring him to the black cells where he will await the King's Justice."

She did not know what was more pleasurable, the draw of hundreds of swords, or Valentine's cries as they carried him into the dark abyss of the black cells.

So...yah. Just know I won't be doing any of that "Oh I'm going to kill him but he won't end up dying in the long run" crap. This is legit. I am going to be killing off many characters just you wait.


1) What is your favourite book from The Mortal Instruments (and/or A Song of Ice and Fire if you have read them)

2) What are all of your fandoms? (I'm curious haha)