It was cold and lonely within the depths of the Twilight Mansion. The raw size of the place was enough to make you feel like a mouse within a labyrinth of rooms and hallways. There was only one place he new exactly where to go- his and Luka's room. The only reason Yuki knew was because he always knew that Luka would be waiting for him there. Luka. His dear Luka. Just thinking about him made his thoughts go straight towards his dream the previous night.


It was foggy but Yuki clearly saw his room around him, it's cool blues and purples giving off the feeling of peace and comfort. It felt so right but the feeling of being in his place wasn't coming from the colors. He thought about it for moments that seemed like an eternity. When he emerged from his daze he felt a warmth from his thighs to the rest of his small frail body. When he looked down to his legs he realized that there was a mass of black hair and silver eyes staring back. Luka! All of a sudden Luka moved forward from his position at Yuki's feet and began moving upwards. He moved fluently like a panther and never wavered from Yuki's eyes. After what seemed like years Luka reached Yuki's face. Yuki looked straight into the siver pools of Luka's eyes. They seemed to radiate lust and desire. Before Yuki could react Luka had pressed his lips to Yuki's and sucked. Yuki was breathless. He couldn't move under Luka's weight. Luka moved his hand to Yuki's cheek and carresed his skin. Making him shiver down his spine. Yuki adjusted under Luka due to his growing erection. When he moved he felt something large and bulging from Luka's black clad pants. Luka opened his mouth wider giving the signal for Yuki to do the same. As Yuki opened his mouth Luka's tongue dared access to his mouth. He complied and used his tongue to pull Luka's into his mouth. Startled by his own actions Yuki melted under Luka's touch and closed his eyes.

-Dream End-

Yuki opened his eyes realizing he was still standing in the middle of the hallway. The thought of the dream had made him hot all over causing him to sweat and almost crumble onto the floor due to his shaking legs. He tried to pull himself together and headed for the dining hall. The thought of the dream still swirling through his head, he opend the dining hall doors. Tskumo and Toucho-chan had already sat down and started eating. Hotsuma and Shuihsei were bickering about how Shuihsei needed to take care of himself more. It was a normal day. Until Yuki realized that Luka was no where to be seen. He took a quick look around confirming that he was not in the dining hall, he then bolted out the door listening to the worried voice of Toucho-chan.

Yuki was begining to run through the scenarios of where Luka could be.

He could be in the room. He thought silently as he ran through the halls and headed for his room. When he arrived at the door he took a breath and opened it as quietly as he could. He peeped inside and opened the door wider to get a better look. He glanced right and left hoping to find those silver eyes he knew so well. With no sign of Luka ever being there he ran out and began to panic. He dashed outside wondering if there was a Duras and Luka was out eliminating it. But upon further thought he knew that it wouldn't take that long for Luka to kill a few Duras unless he was...

"No dont think like that!" Yuki almost screamed as he ran out of the Twilight Mansion he called home. After he ran for a few steps he collapsed in the soft green grass of the mansion's front lawn. He layed there and cried until he saw movement to the left of his scrunched body. As soon as the figure got closer he passed out mumbling "Luka."