"It really doesn't matter whether it's the villain or the hero. Sometimes the villain is the most colorful." -Glenn Ford

The following takes place directly after Goku launches his Spirit Bomb in an attempt to defeat Frieza (just like in the universe we know about). However, Frieza is about to make a decision that will change everything.

FR-Super Saiyan Saga

Chapter One: Saiyan Extinction

It had been a rough day to say the least. So much had been accomplished in a week alone! Goku had shattered his previous limitations while Piccolo, Gohan, and even Krillin had done the same. The mighty tyrant had fallen and the universe was free from his deathly presence. It was an extremely difficult task to accomplish but thanks to Goku and his spirit bomb, the galaxy no longer had to hold its breath in fear.

On a tiny island in the middle of an ocean, the Z fighters were enjoying a long deserved moment of silence. This had been a tough battle for them and it was about time that they finally got some rest. The gentle breeze of the ocean brushed by as the peaceful sounds of the sea completely captivated them. It was quite the contrast to the bloodshed that had happened not even an hour before. As they stood there and watched the waves roll by, Gohan decided to break the silence.

"So dad, how are we gonna get home again?" asked the young Saiyan. Of the entire lot, Gohan was the happiest to finally return to Earth, even if it meant more homework. He just wanted to get off Namek and leave the horrific pain and trauma he had endured behind him.

"Well, my ship's not too far from here and if I remember correctly, should get us back home in 6 days," the older saiyan joyfully replied.

"Really? Yeah!" Gohan cheered as he jumped up and down out of sheer excitement. He was about to say more when he was cut off by a sudden scream from Krillin causing his heart to skip a beat.

"We forgot about Bulma!" the bald monk clarified, "What are we going to do?"

Hearing this, the gang was put at ease, especially Goku who jokingly responded, "Sheesh Krillin, you made it sound as if Frieza had popped up again!"

"Yeah, well, in some ways, Bulma's worse than Frieza!" Krillin jested.

The whole group including Piccolo broke into laughter. Krillin's comedic sense never failed to impress them. All of a sudden, the Namekian's laughter was violently interrupted by a red beam that shot clear through his chest. The poor Namekian never knew what hit him as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Well then, perhaps that will change your mind!" an angry voice stated.

The rest of the group wheeled around to see the infamous Frieza standing before them. The Spirit Bomb had indeed taken its toll. Scrapes and cuts littered the demon's body, his right eye was swollen shut, and the end of his tail had been completely severed. Alas, it seemed as if Goku's efforts had been for naught. The tyrant was still alive, and the Z fighters were now in grave danger.

"IT'S FRIEZA!" they yelled in harmony.

"Bravo my friends, you very nearly brought the mighty Frieza down! I've never had a call quite so close, nor do I ever expect to again," the frost demon growled as he took to the sky.

The Saiyan warrior, Goku, simply stood and followed the Arcosian's movements with his fists clenched. He could sense Piccolo was still alive but that wasn't what was causing his fury. He was angry because his attack had failed. 'Damnit! How did the Spirit Bomb not work? I had the entire system's energy packed into that thing. Maybe Frieza is just so powerful, that not even that could stop him?' He started to shake, genuinely concerned for his son and friends.

"Run. Both of you…now. Grab Piccolo and get out of here!" he commanded, continuing to watch Frieza's ascension into the sky above.

Gohan, however; was too shocked to even move his fingers. Just minutes ago he thought he'd be going home safe and sound, and that he'd finally get to see his mother again but Frieza had somehow survived and now everything was going to be ruined. Was Piccolo going to be okay? Did his dad have a plan? The young boy stared above him at the angry Arcosian who was now many meters above their tiny island, emitting a red and black darkness that surrounded his entire body.

"GOHAN, SNAP OUT OF IT!" roared the older Saiyan, noticing his son's terrified state.

The younger Saiyan burst out of his trance and turned to face his father. "No! I owe it to Piccolo to stay and fight. I'm not leaving!"

"These damned creatures have gotten on my last nerve. Its time I finish what I started on Planet Vegeta by putting an end to the Saiyan race and destroying this blasted planet!" Frieza snarled, beginning to collect energy into his now clasped hands. Slowly, he unclasped them to reveal a black energy ball surrounded by a raging red electricity.

Below, Goku was beginning to panic. "Gohan! Please, you have to listen to me. If Piccolo dies, then the dragon balls disappear and I don't need to remind you of the consequences if that happens! Don't worry about Frieza, I'll distract him long enough for you guys to escape."

"Dad, I…." the boy turned his head to look at Piccolo. As he was about to make his decision, Frieza decided it was his turn to talk.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I believe this battle has reached its conclusion!" the Arcosian furiously exclaimed. "Now, you and this pathetic planet can perish together! DIE!" With those words the energy ball was released from the tyrant's hands and set on a direct collision course with the island.

The most the Z fighters could do was stand and watch as death stared them in the eyes. None of them had even the slightest amount of energy to stop it.


The explosion was gigantic with a flash so great; it rivaled that of the Spirit Bomb. The energy that hadn't been lost in the explosion dug its way towards the planet's core where it would eventually decimate Namek from the inside. No one could have survived, not even Goku. The Saiyan race was now extinct.

"Nooooooooooo! I can't bear to watch!" cried King Kai.

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu who couldn't see what was occurring were extremely confused. Just moments ago King Kai had told them that Frieza had been defeated, so what the hell was the problem now? The three waited for an explanation as King Kai took a moment to compose himself.

The blue deity was silent for a few moments but then spoke up. "Its Frieza, he survived the blast and now he's done it alright. He's killed them all; Gohan, Goku, Krillin, and Piccolo are all gone!" he exclaimed, lowering his voice to a whisper. "They're all gone."

The three fighters could only stand there in shock. It was as if they had all been slapped in the face.

"Goku…" was all Tien could mutter before Yamcha immediately broke down.

"Goku? Krillin? Gohan? No, impossible! You can't….you CAN'T DIE!" he cried out in vain. "You just can't!"

Frieza looked down to admire his work. He'd done it! The only fighters in the galaxy capable of taking him on were now nothing more than dust and a memory. Genuine happiness appeared on the tyrant's face. The Arcosian had secured his place as ruler of the universe and there was nothing that could stop him now.

'Now then, I need not waste any more time. I must find one of the Ginyu pods and use them to get of this worthless rock before it explodes.' The tyrant decided as he ignited his aura and took off in search of them.

On the other end of the planet, Gohan, who had indeed survived the blast, was flying through the air with Piccolo in tow. The boy, tears filling his eyes, was devastated, the memory of the event continuously playing in his mind. At the last moment of the explosion, his father had activated his Kaioken up to twenty and formed a shield around Gohan and Piccolo that had just barely protected them from the blast, however his dad had failed to extend the shield to cover Krillin as well, resulting in his tragic death. Afterwards, the young saiyan had used the smoke cloud as cover to grab Piccolo and escape.

Now, the young boy was searching frantically for his father's ship as well as Bulma. Piccolo had to survive if any of this damage was to be repaired. Gohan wiped away his tears; this was no time to cry. He'd seen the look in his father's eyes before the blast had hit. His father wanted him to be strong and that's exactly what the boy was going to be.

Woosh! Frieza was flying as fast as he could. It had only been a few minutes and the planet's core had already begun to collapse. Volcanoes exploded all around Namek, encasing the land in a thick layer of lava causing it to become nothing more than a living hell. The Arcosian busied himself with thoughts of what he'd do after he got back into Planet Trade Organization territory. Frieza had decided that he'd report back to his father before anything else and afterwards, he'd think about his next move. The frost demon clenched his fists, ignited his aura even further, and burst into the horizon.

"There it is!" Gohan yelled excitedly as he spotted the ship his father had come in. The boy was now carrying both Piccolo and Bulma who he had found on the verge of falling off a cliff. He made his way onto the ship and asked Bulma if she knew how to get back to Earth.

"Well let's see here," she said as she activated the main controls. "The course to Earth is already set! All we have to do is press a button and we're out of here! Let's go!" Bulma exclaimed as she began to bring her hand down to activate the engines. Before she could, however, Gohan unexpectedly stopped her.

"No, not yet," he interjected.

"Wha…what do you mean not yet?! Are you crazy? We need to go Gohan!" she hollered.

Gohan replied with a shake of his head. "I understand that Bulma, but I can't allow Frieza to get away with what he's done. No, if I can stall him long enough, then the planet's explosion may just be enough to kill him and even if that doesn't, then perhaps having no air will. It's a sacrifice I have to make Bulma. I have to make sure he doesn't escape. Both Dad and Piccolo would have done the same thing and if they could do it, so can I! Besides, I can always be brought back with the dragon balls if anything happens, but only if Piccolo survives. So you need to you need to get out of here as soon as I'm gone, ok?"

"Gohan...you can't..."

"Goodbye Bulma," was all he said before he took off.

"Ah yes, there they are," muttered the Arcosian as he descended towards the 5 Ginyu pods. "I'd use my ship but I doubt it could fly after the damage Vegeta dealt it. Saiyans, what a pain!"


All 5 of the ships simultaneously met their end as a vicious energy barrage sent them, and Frieza's flagship into oblivion. Shocked and enraged, Frieza wheeled around to see the culprit who simply appeared to be a black figure concealed by smoke. A voice from within, however, let the Arcosian know exactly who it was.

"Remember me, the boy whose dad you killed! With your ship being nothing more than scrap metal now, good luck trying to get of the planet you monster," the voice choked, as if it were holding back a wall of emotion.

The smoke cleared to reveal the young boy in a fighting stance. Seeing this caused Frieza to break into a mad laughter while Gohan simply stared at him, infuriated.

The demon composed himself.

"So you survived the explosion, eh?" Frieza cocked his head to the left and grinned. "By the sounds of it, however, it looks like your father and the other two imbeciles didn't." He began to laugh again but was cut off by Gohan igniting his aura.

"YAAAAHHHHH! Piccolo is on his way off the planet as we speak actually!"

Frieza widened his eyes in surprise. "Oh, is that so? The Namekian survived as well? Hmph, so what? You think I care if that bug got away? Please, Saiyans just don't know when to quit! You know you could have stayed out of my sight and made your way of this planet with him, and I would have never even noticed! Foolishness must be a virtue on Earth; you all seem to value it so highly. It's almost unbelievable that you would choose to face someone who wields the power I possess." Frieza's eyes narrowed. "But you don't plan on fighting me, do you boy? No, you want an exploding planet to do your dirty work! Well I can assure you, I'm more than capable of surviving such a pitiful explosion."

Gohan spoke angrily. "That may be so, but even if you do survive the explosion, you'll be faced with the cold vacuum of space! Ever think of that?"

Rather than receiving a surprised reaction, the angered boy only received more laughter causing a confused expression to make its way onto the Saiyan's face.

"You truly are a fool," Frieza spoke in between laughs. "I can breathe in space!"

The young Saiyan did a double take. "Wha…..what?!"

"That's right, saiyan. You might have destroyed my ships, but its not going to make even the slightest bit of difference you dumb ape! Otherwise, I wouldn't have risked destroying the blasted planet in the first place!"

For the second time that day, Gohan was once again put into a trance of shock. This one however, was different. He looked up to see the world around him becoming a pure black, an infinite realm of nothingness. The boy started to panic, where was he? The Saiyan ran in all directions to no avail, it was absolute nothingness wherever he turned. Sweat started to make its way onto his forehead as he looked around to find something…anything…but there was nothing but black. He couldn't even find Frieza! A bright yellow flare suddenly turned his attention upward, where he saw a shining golden orb. Whatever it was, he knew it was most probably the only exit from this dark realm. He slowly reached up to grab it when all of a sudden he started to fall, he tried flying but for some reason he couldn't. As a matter of fact, the boy couldn't even ignite his aura to see anything. The orb began to get smaller and smaller as he was plunged into darkness. When he tried to scream, he couldn't. There was absolutely nothing he could do.

"Why?" was all he could ask himself as he continued to fall into darkness. Why was this happening? Why couldn't he fly? Was it because he was weak, or was it because there was something stopping him, something internal? Yes, there was. Fear. His fear of Frieza…of loss…of death, it was holding him back; it was preventing him from flying and reaching the golden orb. It was then, that Gohan knew he had to cast aside this fear, and let loose another emotion.


Memories of the pain Frieza and his henchmen had caused on Namek flooded his mind; the bodies of the dead Namekian children, his father, Krillin, Dende, and even the way Vegeta had cried were infuriating him. All this terror and torture had to stop right now and the only person that could do it was himself, the last of the Saiyans. With a new resolve, Gohan's aura burst to life and he immediately stopped falling. At that moment, he burst upwards towards the light when unexpectedly the golden orb started making its way towards him, and as it got closer, the boy noticed that it wasn't a bright light at all; it was his father in a different form. His hair was a brilliant yellow and it stood rigid and upright upon his head. The golden aura that was emanating from him was so powerful, it felt as if it were a separate creature altogether.

"You have to get angry son," the older Saiyan spoke in an echo. He held out his hand and Gohan grabbed it. "You need to FIGHT!" With an explosion of light, Gohan was yanked back into reality. This time, though, he left the scared little boy behind.

The tyrant stared at him with curiosity. "What's the matter Saiyan, realize something? I hope you're not thinking of running away?" he taunted crossing his arms.

Gohan closed his eyes and prepared himself to let loose the dormant power that he was concealing within himself. Goku's voice reappeared in Gohan's head, even firmer than before.

'Remember what this monster has done to you, Gohan. What he did to me and Krillin will continue to happen all around the universe unless he is stopped right here, right NOW! Let your anger fuel you. Let your power EXPLODE!'

"YAAAAHHHHH!" Gohan let loose the warrior within him, transforming his fear, sadness, hate and fury into a pure energy that seized control of his body and mind. The sky darkened, illuminated only by the lightning that was flashing through the heavens above. "You killed my dad and my best friend without even showing a shred of mercy and you expect me to run away?" The saiyan's anger was so intense; it was causing his voice to quiver.

"Wha…what the hell is this?" Frieza pondered out loud. "What are you doing?"

The Saiyan's forehead was covered in thick veins and the innocent pupils that usually occupied his eyes were gone. Instead, two fierce greenish-blue eyes took their place as his entire head jerked up and down, his hair continuously switching between black and yellow tones.

Frieza began to back away in fear. "No…don't tell me. Please, anything but that!"

"You, worthless, heartless, BASTARD! You're going to pay for THIS" Gohan growled as the energy within him continued to expand.

"No," Frieza shook, "I WON'T LET YOU!"

A sudden barrage of energy waves slammed into the transforming Saiyan, completely encompassing him in a cloud of smoke that continued to grow as the Arcosian continued to fuel the explosions. Frieza took a quick pause to build up energy for one final attack but was too slow….


An explosion of light took control of the sky for a split second before it quickly converged onto a single point. Frieza squinted his eyes to get a better view of the producer of the light. What he saw can only be described as a predator that had just found its prey.

Gohan had become a Super Saiyan.

Author's Notes

And there we have it, Chapter One of Frieza's Revenge. Now, if your coming from my Youtube channel, you will notice that, just as I said, this story takes place in a completely separate universe than the video series and has a VERY different plot. My plan is to release weekly chapters, ranging in length from 4000-10000 words. I already have some of the next chapters polished and ready for publication each longer than the other with chapter 6 being a monstrously long chapter. As of the month of publication, July 2014, the only one working on this project is me and a Anti-Spiral King(Youtube Username). I am looking for more editors so if you'd like to help out, contact me at haloandavatar .

I cherish reader feedback and reviews so please, if you'd be so kind as to leave your thoughts in a review, I would appreciate it greatly. I hope you enjoyed my first chapter, many more to come.