last chapter

"So, when were you going to tell me?" The voice was amused as they walked out of the shadows hands raised to appease the group. I stepped out of Logan's arms and I front of them all. Tired Emerald eyes meeting eccentric emerald ones.

"When I next saw you" my voice was blank "which should not have been for a long time yet, brother."

Date: 21/2/02

Time: A few minutes later.

Place: office at manner

Harry and I never really had the time to truly get to know one another. I spent my whole life protecting him and by the time I no longer had to it was too late. I was gone. But we stilled cared for one another.

I had sent him word that I was alive and well a week or two into staying at the Institute. I, however, was not expecting him to track me down and try to meet me. Not after all these years and his job as head Auror.

Which may actually explain the presence of the shadow maker, Darius, behind Harry. Logan had introduced us and explain how he helped in saving me but I had not seen him since. Guess I now know why.

Harry had grown up since I last sure him. His body was filled out, board. He had grown, now standing at 5'11. His face had more laughter lines and a few stress lines to. The only thing that remained the same was that irritating hair of his that just won't lie flat and his emerald eyes, much like my only his were not darken from the past.

"Why are you here Brother? You belong in your world not here." My voice was flat as I curled up in Logan's lap having moved to the Professors office to talk.

"I was worried. You have spent your whole life protecting me sis, I wanted to return the favour. I've been trying to stop the man hunt. I recently succeed. Then Darius told me about you. I had to see you. Please." Harry was all but begging me but I don't know if I could have him back in my life. Too many attachments.

"I know you do Harry. But our past. My past, is too connected to your world. I can't go back. I won't."

"You don't have to. Just let me into your life again."

"You're the prominent saviour and Auror. Do you honestly think you can be part of my life, come see us here and not bring your world into mine. Do you honestly think that will work?" I was close to snapping. Logan's arms restricted around my middle in comfort and restraint.

"Then I will leave my world. I am tired of defending them Violet. They just don't learn. Maybe my leaving their world would be good for them. The goblins can cover in my absence. I can help here that way." Harry was despite now. But I could tell he was willing to do it. He was telling the truth.

Sighing I looked to Logan then the Professor. "What do you think Professor, you need another medical man right. With all the new residents." I saw Harry relax slightly as I gave him the option to stay.

"We do. But are you ready to have him back in your life El."

I nodded. Harry smiled before walking over to me and taking my hand. "I want to be your little brother again Vi'. We can be a proper family."

I smiled "I know, that would be niceā€¦ Harry? How long till you will have everything settled and safe to come over here?"

"With Darius's help I can have it done in two weeks. Then I'm all yours and at the professor's use as well."

"I will see you then little bro and if you are to stay here then It's El' not Violet." With that parting comment I slipped out of the room, Logan following and up to bed, where I just relaxed for the first time since are mission went tips-up. Harry was left to run the details over with the group and Shadow shifted, with Darius back to his home.

*******The conclusion ********

Time shifting

The next couple of days rolled into months as everything reverted back to a sibilance of normal. It was almost peaceful. I had taken up my classes again, even convinced the brotherhood's teenage members to participate in classes a bit more.

Magneto and Charlies had finally forgiven each other over their past and were working together to protect the mutant kind, using magnetos lands to house more mutants (the older generations) to keep them safe but not isolate them from society, while they worked on mutant laws.

Logan seemed to be happy about the prospect of a child, even if it was not his. He had started reading up on parenting skills and was even a little bit more companionate towards the students. Thou still very strict with them. Every now and then he would mention that the idea also terrified him "what if he hurt the kid?" but I had faith.

Harry and Darius, who it turns out where dating, also took up residents at the initiation. Darius worked with Logan in training the kids to defend themselves with their mutation (Sabretooth taught the kids to defend without the mutation. It was quite a trio). Harry true to his word retired from fighting magical crime and now helped Jean in the medi-wing of the manor.

It also helped the two of us get to know one another better, to finally be siblings. Yes there was fighting but that was to be expected. We had not known each other for 23 years and I had these terrible mood swings thanks to the kid. Sparks where meant to fly. But we were still happy to have each other most of the time.

The kid was born at 4:32 on November 5th. He was born a little boy, James Logan, with black tufts of hair and the same face shape of his mother, much to everyone's relief.

When the boy turned two he showed signs of fast healing and manipulation of kinetic energy. Two powers much like his mother, if a little more focused.

After James fourth birthday El' was announced as pregnant with Logan's baby (obviously) and their family began to expand.

And that's all you need to know.


an/declaimer : i do not own anything

sorry this took so long but writer's block sucks. so i have brought the story to a close. maybe one day i will go back and expand and fix mistakes i have not noticed before but for now that is it.

i would like review on how you think it went? what you thought should happen? Did you still remember her true name and age? did you like it? hate it? just let me know.