I do not own Inuyasha

Kagomes pov
Dear diary, we just set up camp for the night and it's the same as usual. Inuyasha is sitting in a tree sulking cause we don't have any Raman left. Sango it polishing her hirkotes that big boomerang thing of hers. Miroku is off to the side meditating but I think he is really trying to think of ways to grope sango without getting slapped. Shippo and kirara are running around playing not to far from miroku. So that just leaves me. Kagome Higurishi I'm the Shikon miko. I'm 17 years old and I travel back in time to the feudal era.

Normal pov
"Hey Wench get a move on with dinner I'm starving!" A voice shouted fro a tree not to far away. " we'll Inuyasha if you want it so bad why don't you SIT down and help?" A yelp and a thump were heard from around the tree. "Damn wench why did you do that." He screamed at the young girl sitting by the fire. " because I can't do anything about dinner until you go out and hunt you Baka . " she replied as she stood to dust off her jeans. So far we've been working on finding jewel shards the last eight months we find a piece here and there most of them lost to naraku. We've been lucky here recently found three jewel shards in the last week and haven't come across naraku if he ever manages get the complete shikon jewel he will be far too powerful for us to destroy. But he's not the only thing we have to worry about Inuyasha's former love Kikyo was brought back from the grave she also has shikon jewel shards she seeks revenge on Inuyasha for her death 50 years ago. Even after being brought back and being told Inuyasha did not cause her death 50 years ago she can't let go of her anger hatred need for revenge even though Naraku killed her she still promises to drag Inuyasha to hell with her.

" keh who do you think you are telling me what to do you wench I'm the Alpha around here I give the orders." Inuyasha replied as he crawled out of the crater she created by sitting him. " SIT Inuyasha I'm sick and tired of listening to you complain all the time. We are human you know we have to take breaks or we would collapse just because you can go days and days without stopping doesn't mean we can and if we don't take breaks you don't get your precious Ramen." Kagome yelled back at him. " fucking bitch why did you set me this time I didn't do anything to you if you want to take a break so bad why the hell don't you just go home. And stay there. Your completely useless anyway. "his voice was muffled as he was still buried face first in the ground. " What did you say to me dog-buy?" Kagome stomped over next to his crater. " I hate you." His words were so soft she couldn't hear them " I said . " he jumped fro the crater to stand in front of her. With his hair tousled and his Hands planted firmly on his hips you could tell he was beyond angery. " I said I fucking HATE you stupid bitch." All other conversations in the clearing stopped at his declaration. He took a step forward to where he was almost directly in Kagomes face. " Your useless weak totally and completely pathetic." 'STOP' You couldn't shoot a bow if you like depended on it and it has by the way. You have no control over your powers." 'PLEASE STOP SAYING THESES HORRIBLE THINGS " You're not as strong as smart or as beautiful." 'KAMA-SAMA DONT SAY THAT NAME! ' " As Kikyo so I don't know why we even bother with you. I should just invite Kikyo to joins us then this mission would be completed a lot fast. By someone that knows what they're doing. We don't need you besides your just a " ' NO NOT THAT I CANT HANDEL THAT.' " reincarnation and a poor one at that." These words hung heavily in the air.
As inuyasha glared down at Kagome he began to notice something she would not look him in the eyes and she was not crying. Most of the time by now she would have gone running home in tears. But this time she just stood there. It was really starting to bother him when suddenly her eyes met his and he took a step back in shock, Kagomes once bright and vibrant article blue eye were now dead and lifeless. As he looked into her eyes he saw no trace of any emotion love hate there was just nothing there. It was like she was completely empty.

" Ka kagome what's ?" He reached up a hand as if to place it on her cheek in comfort only to have her step swiftly back. His had dropped listlessly to the side.
"You're right inuyasha I am worthless pathetic and weak. I realize not that I never should have come here. I mean nothing to any of you. So I will no longer burden you with my presence." She walked swiftly over to the stunned hanyo. Faster then even he could see she reached out and grabbed the subjugation necklace. His eyes shot down to where she held it firmly in her hand. She gave a gentle tug. His eyes flew back up to hers in panic. 'NO SHE CANT MEAN TO DO IT?' Her eyes gave no indication what she was planning to do. With a sharp pull the string of beads snapped.

Silenced reigned in the clearing as the beads scattered in the grass as his feet. He stared in shock as kagome clenched her fist around the remaining beads in her hand and turned from him to walk away. Not saying a word to anyone she simply walked from the clearing into the trees.

Kagomes POV
It's over. After everything it just over. The fighting the laughing spending the last 2 years together. It's just over. These words just keep circling around in my head. If I stop walking now I'll never make it to the well. Just keep walking they won't miss me anyway.