Don't hate me. But this has been done for awhile. I was hoping to do a huge update along with a few of my other stories. But I figured I should just post it. C: Here it goes.

Happy reading! :)

Chapter Three

Epilogue Part Two: Life or Death

There was a buzzing that filled the once silent apartment. Kagome, successfully roused from her thoughts and drying tears, stood and walked to the door, pressing the button that allowed her guest entry. Then walked back into the kitchen, feeling the need for something cool to drink. She opened the fridge and scanned the shelves for something that wasn't alcohol. 'Wait. . .' she thought, 'I'm getting an abortion, why do I care if it's alcoholic or not?' She reached for a bottle of hard lemonade as a knock reached her ears.

Kagome sighed and closed the fridge, suddenly no longer thirsty. She walked toward the door, mentally preparing herself for the conversation they were going to have. Turning the knob on the wooden door and opening it, she almost melted at the sight of the male that waited on the other side.

She smirked, "Well, well, well. You sure clean up nice 'Maru." He was wearing a suit that was perfectly tailored to fit him. Every manly inch of him. His silky hair was tied in a tight ponytail at the nape of his neck. He exuded confidence and professionalism. The perfect workaholic.

He grunted before smirking himself, "And I see you give casualty a very alluring appeal, 'Gome." She was simply wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her curves in all the right places, and a faded T-Shirt that was loose but clung to the outline of her figure. Her hair was down, and pushed behind her ears.

"Yeah, yeah." She smiled and stepped to the side. "Come on in, 'Maru." It was surprising that they were teasing each other so easily, as if they'd known each other for years. It was comforting, almost making Kagome think about the future, how beautiful it could be. A beautiful future that she was about to crush, with a simple procedure.

"How kind of you to invite me in, 'Gome." He slipped past her, and stood in the center of the living room. He looked around as he heard her close the door, "It's bigger than I expected." He turned towards her, she was leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

Smiling as she rolled her eyes, "Where did you think I lived? In a tiny cardboard box?" she chuckled.

"Oh no, of course not. I thought it was at least medium." He laughed as she stuck her tongue out at him, deciding to get to the reason he was there, and figure out what they needed to discuss. Flashes of the week before passed through his mind, 'Maybe it's about her breakdown, she did take the results very hard.'

"So, what did we need to talk about, 'Gome?"

Her face changed at his question, it went from gentle and acutely joyful, to stern and nearly emotionless. "Right," She pushed off of the door and walked toward him, she was serious, too serious. It caused Sesshomaru to stiffen and steel his resolve, he didn't know what was going to be said, but he was not taking any chances. She passed him and sat on a chair, crossing her legs. "Have a seat 'Maru."

He sighed softly, he didn't like where this was going. He had seen this situation many times, been in them many more and they never went well. He took a seat on the loveseat across from her, and stared into her intense eyes. He hoped that he was wrong, that she was different and this would end in a happy, satisfied mood.

"I've been thinking," she started, all signs of her earlier breakdown were erased. She was the confident woman once more, "You know of my past, My mother being the addict she was, is-"

"I remember you saying she went through rehabilitation and became drug free?" Sesshomaru raised his eyebrow slightly.

She sighed, "Long story short, after we turned our backs on her she got hooked again. I guess," She picked some lint off her pants. "She lost the only reason she got clean for, other than the threat of prison, that is."

"Oh." Was all he could muster as a response.

"Yeah. . .now back to the point." She placed her hands on her knee. "I never had much of a mother figure, and the one I did have came a bit too late. So, with that alone I don't think I am the best person to be considered as a mother."

"Are you saying you want to put our child up for adoption?" He shifted forward on the loveseat, putting his elbows on his knees and threading his fingers together before resting his head on top of them. He didn't know if he would be alright with giving their child to someone else to raise.

The way he said, 'our child' sent a warmth through her body, it started in her chest and spread through her bloodstream - it was cancerous. She tried her best to squash those feelings and remind her heart that she was getting rid of the child, and thus Sesshomaru as well. "Not, exactly."

He sat up straight, and widened his eyes slightly. "You mean. . ." The realisation was like someone kicked him in the stomach, his mind repeating the word over and over, 'abortion.' His lips pulled into a snarl, the thought of his child being destroyed made his blood boil. What made her come to such a bullshit conclusion? ". . .you want an. . .abortion." He spat the word, as if it was most foul thing he ever held in his mouth.

She could feel his anger, even taste it on her tongue. Seeing his anger was like a stab in the heart, and ice being poured in her blood. It was painful, numbing, chilling. "Yes," she kept her face as calm as she could muster, "It's the best way for you and I to go on with our lives. Nothing has to change, just a single operation and everything is over. You and me will be like strangers." There it was again, that feeling of loneliness that came when she said that. She would need to learn how to rid of that feeling, end it before it ended her.

Sesshomaru clutched his hands into fists, they shook as he tightened them, to the point where his nails almost broke skin. He closed his eyes for a moment, and breathed. "How can you decide how I feel, without asking me?"

He was a businessman, he knew how to control his anger, and frustration. But with her all of his restraint came crumbling down, at first he believed it was the alcohol, now he was clearly sober. He didn't know what to blame now. He didn't want her to have this power over him, he didn't want her to decide things for him, he didn't want to lose his child, he didn't want to lose her.

She narrowed her eyes, "Because I know men, and-"

He chuckled humorlessly. "What do you expect me to say, hm? 'Yeah, let's kill our child, I want to go back to that boring stressful life that I've always felt was just a dead end, that life where I believed I would never find that one thing I always seemed to be missing.' Is that what you want to hear?"

She bit her lip in anger as her brow twitched. He didn't understand, he was being difficult. Men. All they thought about were themselves.

He stood, "All I did before that night with you, was work and work. Even being with my family was work." He took a step toward her, "You, and that child growing inside you, have given me something that I needed. You brought me a purpose. You make me smile when everyone else just makes me want to shoot myself!"

She stood, "Please! As soon as I pop out this child you'd probably cast us aside, give us a couple bucks then go marry some rich chick with a much simpler background!"

He gave another humorless chuckle, "Is that what you think of me? I'm just some cold hearted bastard that will lay with a stranger, get her pregnant and then run off with a girl that will make my pockets deeper? Is that really how you feel? All of us rich types are all alike to you right? Knock up a girl and pay her off as soon as a better offer comes along."

Kagome crossed her arms, "Yeah, it would be easier wouldn't it? Just leave me to raise the baby while you get to lay with a new jem. You rich people are all selfish. Men too. None of you think about anyone else, just you, you, you."

Sesshomaru clinched his teeth. "You are the selfish one!" He took another step toward her. "You are just a bias, making everyone with money and every man seem like they are all the same. But in reality you know we're not, you just want to back yourself into a corner, make yourself the victim."

"You're wrong!" She took a step toward him, releasing her arms from their hold against her chest, pointing a finger at him. She felt tears welling in her eyes, her hormones were starting crack the dam she held them in.

"Am I?" Before she could respond, he continued. "You want to distance yourself from me, you are isolating yourself. I have never given you the slightest sense that I was even considering leaving you, or the child! You are just being selfish, thinking only of yourself while trying to put my name in it so you feel less guilty!" He took another step.

"Yeah, right. Because I just want to make myself suffer. Sure I'm thinking of me, it's me that would ruin a child!" She sniffled as the tears started spilling from her eyes. "I'm trying to do the best for the child! I'm not going to be a good mother! I'm not bringing a child into my fucked up world! It might as well never be born, so it would never have to suffer." She clenched and unclenched her hands into a fists, a mixture of anger and sadness pumped through her veins. Her eyes were clouded with tears, her cheeks stained with the salty liquid as couldn't understand why he didn't see things the way she did. She wanted to attack him, throw everything that wasn't nailed down at him. But at the same time she also just wanted to be held and loved. 'Damned hormones'

"You haven't even given it a chance yet! You know what you shouldn't do as a parent! You and I can go through this together, you aren't alone in this! We're both going to be parents, not just you!"

They both stood there in tense silence, they could hear their hearts pounding in their ears. Kagome's tears streamed down her red face. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, as she sniffled, her eyes lowering in slightly enraged embarrassment. How could she cry so easily in front of him?

Sesshomaru's anger began to dissipate at the sight of her tears. He wanted to reach out and hold her, comfort her until she was smiling once again. Sighing, he decided to close the gap between them, pulling her to his chest. He reached down and placed his hand on her cheek, wiping her tears away with his thumb. She look up at him, her honest blue eyes hiding nothing from him.

He would convince her that they were meant to be something greater, they were meant to be a family. He would show her that he was there for her and the child.

Kagome tore her eyes away from his, burying her head in his chest. She knew that this, that they were far from over. She would make him see that an abortion was the only option. It was the only one she could see working out.

For now, everything would remain where it was. The decision of life or death, could wait another day.

[End of Part Two]

Author's note: Please review!