"Ezra" Aria whispered pulling back and touching her lips, the sensation of Ezra's lips on hers causing her to get flustered "What was that?"

"That was uh, me kissing my beautiful girlfriend"

"People are staring, Ezra"

"Fuck" he swore momentarily forgetting where they were, the feeling of having Aria in his arms again overwhelmed him and clouded his mind

Prepared to fully move away from him, Ezra pulled her back closer to him and rubbed her back soothingly before leaving his hand resting on her lower back

"Don't" he said softly yet forcefully

"Don't what?"

"Pull away from me just because we're in front of other people"

"Those 'other people' are my family and friends"

Peering out using her peripheral vision, something, more like someone caught her attention

"My dad's looking directly at us" she said trying to keep her calm facade despite her rapidly beating heart

Surely enough, Byron Montgomery was across the room with his new bride, Deb, but his steel-brown eyes were burning a hole through the heads of his daughter and colleague.

Still swaying to the song playing, Ezra subtly danced his position around and momentarily looked up where Aria previously had. Just as she had said, Byron was still throwing mental daggers his way, the wine glass in his hand was under so much pressure from the older man that Ezra thought it was crack at any second, knuckles turning white due to the amount of pressure.

"I'm sorry" he sighed

"Don't" she retorted playfully mimicking him earlier

"Well played"

Before she could continue she saw Byron place his glass down as if he were to walk their way

Not wanting to make a scene, Aria placed her hand on Ezra's cheek to look at her

"Byron is possibly coming our way. We have enough time to face him now or get out of here"

"We have to speak to him about this, Aria"

"I know, i know. Just not.. Now"

Making his move towards them, Aria tugged on Ezra's hand and pulled him towards the back exit passing by her friends and Mike along the way who understood what was happening without a word being said

"Ladies and gentlemen, i'd like to welcome the maid of honour, Aria Montgomery to the stage to begin speeches"

"Crap" she cursed under her breath before slowly turning and walking towards the stage

'Stupid Aria' she thought 'how could you forget that?'

"Aria, there you are, come on up sweetie"

As she stepped up on the elevated stage, butterflies formed in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't that she was shy, she wasn't, just the thought of all these people staring at her after she publicly made out with her older-former-teacher-boyfriend

But alas, she stood straight and said all the cliche wedding toast things but was suddenly inspired mid-speech

"But seriously dad, you've made me believe in love again. I look at you and Deb and am reminded that there is good in the world. Not only have you taught me how to live, you've taught me how to love, you're my mentor, my pest control man, my carpenter, my teacher, my best friend but most of all, you've been my dad. I love you daddy and wish you nothing but the best"

By the end of her speech, not only was she teary but she looked up and found that her speech caused Byron to soften up and become emotional rather than icy towards her since revealing her relationship with Ezra

She realised she had kept eye contact with Byron for far too long when she was pushed off the stage for Mike to say his speech.

Making her way over to Brooke and Lucas, she noted how in love they both looked at each other without even saying anything to the other, she wanted that

"Hey guys"

"Aria" Lucas nodded toward her

"What, no Million Dollar Baby references this time?" she asked skeptically

"No, i figured you've jumped to TV drama instead of movies. That was quite a show on the dance floor young lady"

"You guys saw that?"

"I think it'd be easier to count who didn't see that rather than who did"

"Alright funny guy" Brooke interjected "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i guess"

"When did you get back together, the last time i spoke to you, you said that you two had split up"

"A few days ago, it was a silly misunderstanding"

"That's not what you were saying a few days ago"

"I wasn't thinking clearly"

"Fair enough, just don't get too caught up in it, you're still young" Brooke said looking directly at Lucas behind her shoulder

Brooke may have got pregnant at an extremely young age but Aria knew that she didn't regret a thing

"Lucas, hey man i didn't know you were coming" Ezra said, coming behind Aria placing his arms around her waist

"You're one to talk, i'm legally binded and blood related to this family, i don't know what your excuse is" he smirked

"Oh no mister, do not use your kids again" Brooke laughed

"Brooke" Ezra greeted with a kiss "Nice to see you have kept him around, always a pleasure, don't know how you do it though" he sarcastically remarked "Now if you don't mind, as much as we'd love to stay and chat, i'm going to take my lovely girlfriend away from you both"

Ezra led Aria to the back of the reception hall and pulled her into his arms with a forceful kiss

"What was that for?" she breathed

"God, i love you so much" he sighed against her lips

"Ezra, baby" she whispered "Come with me"

She pulled him into the women's bathroom and pushed him into a cubicle on the far end. Not letting him say a word, she launched herself onto him

Mid way through their hot make out session, his shirt and tie were lazily thrown open as Aria attacked his chest with her lips, teeth lightly nipping his pecks earning a guttural moan from him.

She reached down in between them and tugged at his belt til it came undone

Stepping forward so she would be caught between the wall and himself, Ezra loved and cherished Aria like he'd never before. They'd gone at it rushed and hard, soft and slow but this time something was different, they both felt it

Coming down from their high, the door was knocked open in a rush.

Moans filled the air, familiar voices were heard causing both Aria and Ezra to pause

'Oh no' they both cringed and thought 'Please, God, no'

Fifteen minutes later Aria followed by Ezra stepped out of the bathroom and walked up to their friends looking as if they had seen a ghost judging by the looks on their faces; skin as pale as snow

"Hey guys where were you?" Toby asked but neither was able to even mutter a word after experiencing what they just did

"What's wrong?" Hanna asked

"Carter" Aria said

"Emma" Ezra said just as hazed as Aria

"Bathroom" she followed

Funnily enough, at that moment a squeal emitted from the mouth of Emma Henderson, Aria's former teacher and a laugh from Mr Carter, Mike's lacrosse coach

"I think i'm going to be sick" Aria blurted causing the group to look back their way

"This is great" Hanna laughed. Pausing a moment to put the pieces together "Why were you two in the bathroom… together?" she quirked her eyebrow "Ezra, you dirty dog"

As if on cue, the boys put out their hands to Ezra for an awaiting congratulations high-five

"Later" he whispered trying not to let Aria hear him and trouble him

"EWWWW" Emily squeaked "I'm guessing Miss Henderson is the one Coach has been speaking about in the locker rooooomm, no no no please no"

"Tell me about it" Aria sighed and sat down with the girls while Ezra trotted off with the guys who started up a relatively similar conversation

"So… What were you doing in the bathroom" Hanna asked

Without replying, Aria bent her head down so her friends wouldn't see her blush and smile thinking about it

"How was it?" Caleb asked

Without replying, Ezra's face contorted into a huge grin and held his hand out for the high-five he promised earlier

Waking up early hoping to avoid her dad before he and Deb left later that day for their honeymoon, she slowly stepped downstairs for a peaceful

She hoped wrong

Sitting at the kitchen table facing her way was Byron slowly sipping on his coffee. She had contemplated turning around and escaping back to her room but his voice stopped her


"Dad" she laughed nervously "What are you doing up this early after your wedding?"

"Oh you know, just thinking about yesterday"

"Yeah? It was pretty magical wasn't it?"

"Mmmm" he mumbled "There's one highlight of the night that keeps playing through my mind"

"Your first kiss, i think i have some photos, let me go and get them" she dashed up from her chair hoping for a clean get away

For the second time that morning she was wrong and Byron's voice stopped her

"Aria. Sit down"

"Dad, i'm so sorry, i just -"

"How long?" he demanded quietly

"A few months" she sighed

"A FEW MONTHS!" he shouted in a whisper "A FEW MONTHS! Jesus, Aria"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid"

"Afraid of what?"

"Of your reaction. That something would happen to us because of it, you're in Syracuse with Deb and i hardly see you, why would i want to ruin seeing you a few days every month for this. You mean so much to me"

"You should have told me. He should have told me"

"I know, i'm sorry. To be fair, we didn't tell anyone" 'Anyone that aren't our closest friends or family' she thought to herself

"Does he treat you right?"

"He's a real gentleman - takes me out, respects me, listens to me. He loves me"

Byron's mind was swirling with so many thoughts. He was thankful that Aria had started seeing him years after she left school and had found someone who suit her perfectly - when he saw Ezra at the pizza parlour he knew he recognised that bag and since then he too thought of Ezra and Aria as a couple but the thought escaped his mind but was still afraid she was in over her head

"Are you safe?"

"DADDY!" Talk about awkward

"Are you? Your mother isn't here and it's my duty to make sure you're safe in all aspects"


Finding it too awkward, Byron stood and disposed his coffee mug in the sink and prepared to walk out "Invite him over for lunch"

"Absolutely not… No way, Aria. No" she repeated over the phone

Aria was sitting on the porch steps and recalling what happened to Ezra, including her dad's extended invitation

"Yes, Ezra, yes, yes, yes" she groaned for the umpteenth time this conversation

"Aria, i hate to say this but can you please not say 'yes' that many times, in that way unless we're together"


"Okay, okay" she breathed in relief "It's still a no."


"Well let's see, last night i kissed you in front of your dad and revealed our relationship and oh there's the part where i had sex with you in the bathroom during the reception. My conversation with your father will go down oh so well, don't you think? I'm practically asking to be punched in the face"

"Do we want a repeat of the last time you said no to me?"

"No" he resigned

"See you at 2" she hung up the phone with a triumphant smirk on her face

Knocking on the door waiting for Aria to open, Ezra stood nervously attempting to lose the creases on his pants and shirt.

The doorknob turned and instead of finding Aria, he found the man himself, Byron Montgomery

"Oh shit" he whispered

"Ezra" Byron nodded

Staring past Byron, Ezra found Aria standing on the bottom step with a mischievous grin on her face. That little -

"Would you like to come in or are you going to continue standing outside my door like you've just been exposed of having a relationship with my daughter and are afraid of my reaction?" Byron kinked his eyebrow trying not to laugh

"Um - I - uh" Ezra stuttered trying to find the right words to say

"I'm just playing" Byron laughed and turned to leave "Come in"

"Did he just?" Ezra said after Aria engulfed him with a hug and pointed to Byron's retreating figure

"Well done baby, i was so sure you were going to cry" she laughed

"That's naughty, Miss Montgomery"

She leaned up to his ear and whispered "Well i guess i need to do something to make it up to you, Mr Fitz"

He breathed out heavily trying to stay calm

"EZRA! COME TO THE BACK!" he heard Byron yell

"So… Ezra" Byron attempted to make conversation while flipping the meat grilling on the barbeque


"I see you're dating my daughter… Literally… At my own wedding"

"Well uh"

"You know, Ezra, i like you. You worked alongside both me and Ella, you taught Aria, you're currently teaching Mike and through all that time we saw the good in you. But here's the thing, that's my baby girl, one bad move on your part; if i even hear her crying, so help you God you will be. Dead. Meat" he lifted the tongs, a piece of chicken on the end for further emphasis, what's wrong with a little imagery

Ezra gulped. Loudly.

"But hey, i'm sure you'll be fine. Let's go inside"

"So what do you think's happening outside?" Aria asked Deb who was putting the finishing touches onto the table

"Aria, stop stressing. It's your dad we're talking about"

"Exactly, do you not see how this could go wrong so quickly?"

"This is the man who's never even hurt a fly, i promise, Ezra is fine"

Ironically, at that moment Byron walked in with Ezra tucked under his arm.

Normally this picture would be fine but both Deb and Aria saw the tight grip Byron held on onto Ezra's right shoulder and the happy facade Ezra was trying to pull off

"Or not" Deb muttered

"What are we standing around here for, dinner's served"

Byron released Ezra with a loud and sharp blow to the back, a gasp emitting Ezra's lips, a horrified look passing his face

"You two look so cute" Deb cooed as she watched Aria and Ezra sit side by side at the Montgomery kitchen table, Ezra squirming in his seat under Byron's watch and Aria giggling trying to settle him

"So when are you two leaving, Deb?" Aria asked

"Hmmm in a few hours. Brooke and Lucas are coming for the latter of lunch to see us off before they leave back to Tree Hill"

Ezra felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulders at the mention of Lucas being there, maybe now the pressure will be relieved from him

"Where are you going?" Ezra pitched

"He isn't telling me anything, can you believe him?" Deb laughed "I told him it has to be somewhere sunny though so hopefully two months in the Bahamas wooh"

Twenty minutes later, the conversation was going smoothly - no awkwardness, Byron was speaking to Ezra about some of the things he learnt whilst teaching in Syracuse when the doorbell rang

"Brooke, come here, you look great" Byron hugged her "Lucas, still tall and handsome" he said causing a scoff coming from Ezra which went unnoticed by Deb and Byron

"Come in, come in. Not sure if you met yesterday but Brooke and Lucas, this is Aria's boyfriend, Ezra. Ezra, this is my niece Brooke and her husband, Lucas"

"Two times in the timespace of less than a day, what an honour" Lucas put a hand to his heart before pulling Ezra into a manly hug before doing the same with Aria

"Do you two know each other?" Byron inquired

"Ezra here my baby cousin"

"I hate you" Ezra whispered lowly with his head bowed, the group laughing in response

"So Lucas, you can probably tell us all embarrassing stories of Ezra here?"

"Oh, plenty. From the top of my head, there was this one time when - "

"Please God, no"

"Don't be rude, Ezra. Sorry, what were you saying" Aria continued "Go sit in the loungeroom and we'll grab you some food"

They sat and shared countless embarrassing stories of themselves, mainly Ezra, until Byron stood to say it was time for he and Deb to farewell everyone before their cab arrived

"Aria, come here" he ushered her away from everyone "Aria i know i used to leave you for few weeks at a time but this is longer and more serious. Don't forget you have Mike to take care of so don't desert him while going off to see Ezra okay, take him out, heck take him and Ezra out, i don't care, but now that you have a boyfriend don't forget your responsibilities. That reminds me, you need to pick Mike up from his friends house tonight and drop him off before the bus leaves for this lacrosse game. That should be it; uh… emergency numbers are on the fridge, i love you sweetie, remember that, always. BYE EVERYONE!" a chorus of "BYE!" rang through the air

Saying bye to Byron and his new wife wasn't so hard for Aria to do. Two months with no parents, woo.

Returning to Lucas and Brooke cuddled on the couch, his hand sprawled across Brooke's growing stomach, Aria settled in Ezra's embrace

"So when are you two leaving?" she asked

"Tryna get rid of us?" Lucas teased "Our flight's tomorrow night so you have more than a full day of my presence left, aint that great?"

"Not really" she said causing Lucas to become speechless, usually it was Ezra who would cut him down jokingly but this… This sure was something else.

Ezra proudly leaned down and pecked Aria's lips "Well done baby"

"Actually, we need to visit the doctor's office tomorrow. I've been feeling a bit off and the closest opening they have for me is tomorrow afternoon, would you two mind watching the kids for a few hours, i promise they're angels" Brooke rambled

"REALLY?!" Aria squealed "Oh my God. Yes. Yes. YES!"

"What about you, man?" Lucas asked

"Yeah, i have a day off tomorrow so that should be fine unless your little minions decide it'll be fun to 'play' hide and seek, wait so long that i fall asleep and then tie me to the chair"

"So it's settled then"