Another Drink
Session 5

It's been a few hours since Gerald came by. I found myself sitting on the front stoop staring at the sky.

"Helga stop bothering me! I don't care if you say you like've done nothing in your life to show that you care for me.... just get away from me and stay out of my life!" Her face showed nothing but mute shock for a few moments. Her face slowly went blank, her eyes seem to glaze over then she turned and walked away.

I remember her walking the halls after that day. That was when she began wearing nothing but black. A few weeks after that I heard from Phoebe that Helga had been kicked out by her parents. Not more then a week later I was sitting outside on the front stoop, I heard a motorcycle making its way toward me. The person on the large chrome trimmed bike wore all black. As they passed by I saw that it was Helga, she stared strait forward... a determined look on her face.

What had caused her to change like that? Was it because of Phoebe, her parents.... and myself? She always seemed so strong, yet when in the right situation she crumbled. Where could she be right now? A picture came to mind of her in a ditch, the motorcycle thrown off to the side, Helga lying not far from it...bleeding from a gash on her forehead.

Shaking my head the image went away. Why am I even thinking about this? Not more then a few hours ago I hated the girl... what's wrong with me? Glancing down at my hands I came to find the cut on my hand, the scab a dark color. At least it was healing and hadn't needed stitches.

"Hey Arnold! Man what's up with you? I'd think you'd be happy that the Ice Queen was gone." Looking over I came to find Gerald starring down at me. I shrugged, how was I suppose to act toward someone not being there, who had been there for most of your life?
"I know Gerald...I..I just feel bad about how I acted toward her. I mean I told her I never wanted to see her again, later I fine out she has a fight with Phoebe then she gets kicked out of her house... I don't know, it just doesn't seem fair."

"Whatever you say man."

Holding my head in my hands I felt the beginnings of tears...tears? Why was I crying? A feeling of guilt washed over me in a great wave. What have I been doing all these years? She's been gone for ten years...yet she never spoke to anyone...
"Helga, where are you..."

(-_-;) (-_-;) (-_-;) (-_-;) (-_-;) (-_-;) (-_-;)

Um okay, I'm just going to use this spot for...RANTING...

Anyone out there watch InuYasha? Sure I bet you do...I bet you might be able to watch it at 12:30am if your old enough and don't have school like the rest of us poor saps. Though I would love to *beep* out Cartoon Network, for I happen to live in the only damn state that doesn't go by daylight savings time, thusly InuYasha doesn't come on until 1:30 am for me. ::Continues on ranting an cursing out Cartoon Network for a while:: Sometime later....fine that's said and done....if no one reads or reviews this fic I will take it down....harsh I know...but things are just not going well right now...::walks off mumbling about the injustice of Cartoon Networks decision::