Title: Blush

Pairing: Mamura x Suzume

Disclaimer: I don't own hnr -u-b

a/n: I actually don't know if I'm uploading this properly since this is my first time, but well, whatever OTL; My Mazume fluff that i sort of just dumped onto here. Have a great day :)

Lazing around on the couch, Suzume noted that she kept staring at the clock for the past hour. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 11 minutes and 27 seconds went by and there was still no one at the door. The brunette waited for the arrival of her blonde haired boyfriend that she recently moved in with, Mamura. He said that he would be out of class around 5:00pm, but it was already nearing 6:00pm and Suzume began to worry.

Is he alright? He didn't get into an accident, right? No! Of course not. Where is he?

The muffled sound of keys snapped her out of her budding thoughts and soon after, the tall blonde walked into the tiny apartment. Closing the door behind him, he mindlessly stumbled over to the cushioned couch and plopped himself down next to his brown haired partner with shut eyes. Her spirits were lifted when the boy sat next to her, but the feeling of happiness quickly went away as he didn't even usher a single word. Not even 'Hello', or 'I'm back'.

"Ne, Mamura," Suzume whispered while slowly leaning in, "Maaamura." Nothing seemed to faze the almost-too-relaxed blonde as he blatantly ignored what his noisy girlfriend was doing. He felt her petite hands poking at his arms and playing with his large fingers. "Ma-mu-ra," she blew the words into his ear and in a flying second, the boys' amber-coloured eyes snapped open. He bet his face was dusted with red by now; he could already feel the heat creeping up from his neck to his ears and now to his cheeks.

"You bastard," he managed to choke out, "what do you think you're doing?" Somewhere along the way he took hold of her wrist and held it with a steel grip, but not enough to actually cause pain. She brought her free hand up and covered the smirk that was evidently plastered on her face.

So cute.

"Mmm..Aha.." suppressing her giggles, "ahahaha! Mamura's face is so red." Freeing herself out of the blonde's vice-like grip, she got up and smoothed the hems of her over-sized t-shirt. It wasn't actually 'her' t-shirt, as she liked to wear Mamura's shirts and hoodies around the house. His soapy smell which lingered on the fabric calmed her somehow. "I'm hungry. Let's go for sushi, yeah?"

A look of displeasure spread across his pretty features, "We had sushi last night, though..." his voice laced in an apathetic tone, "and the night before that, too."

"My stomach has a special room for sushi!" Suzume lit up. It was oddly a nostalgic feeling for Mamura. He remembered her quoting the exact same words when they were still in highschool. 'Ah, that time for my birthday. Yeah, she said that didn't she.' He still remembered how happy she looked on that day, trying out different food samples and enjoying herself. The headphones she gave him that day still secured around his neck and travelled with him where ever he went. Looking at her face, her smirk was slowly turning into a look of disappointment and it troubled the blonde to no ends.

"Ahh, fine," he said giving in, "but tomorrow I want gratin."


Suzume kept fixing the collar of her coat. It was chilly out tonight, so she wanted to keep warm, but the stupid hood wouldn't settle properly. After attempting to fix it for the fifth time, she decided to just leave it so the two could leave for sushi already. "You ready?" She called down the hall to his bedroom. Shuffling sounds could be heard from behind his door and she could only predict that he was changing or something. The brunette always thought that Mamura wore nice clothing. Anything seemed to fit him, really, and it sometimes made her a bit jealous that he dressed better than herself.

"Yeah, coming," His clear voice sounded from his bedroom, "Let's go."


The two walked side by side down the cold dark street. Their apartment was only a 10 minute walk to the nearest sushi restaurant which was a pretty good thing for Suzume. Apparently Suzume's appetite for the raw fish doesn't die out quickly- or ever. It was silent, the walk. A cold silent walk that only proved to be real because of the bustling cars driving by or the crickets chirping away in the distance. Glancing from the corner of his eyes, the blonde observed the shorter girls hands. They were gloveless hands that kept rubbing against each other, trying to build up warmth with friction. He itched to hold her hand between his, but he thought about it and concluded that he would only get super embarassed.

"Cold?" he questioned. Blue pools looked up at his words. Was he worried? How cute. "Yeah," she answered in a sheepish voice, "forgot to bring gloves." She held up her hands to display her red-from-cold fingers and gave him her signature stoic stare.

He said and did nothing for a while until he heard the quiet, almost inaudible sneeze. His girlfriend was so troublesome, but he figured he already knew since the first day they met. It took him a lot of courage to inch his hands a little closer to meet hers. Even to this day, after so long, he still couldn't bring himself to confidently hold her hand without furiously blushing.

'Almost there...just a little mo-'

"We're here!" Before he realized it, they were standing in front of the anticipated restaurant. A huge relief rolled over him, but he still felt bad he left the girl's hand to freeze in the cold of the night.