Hello, this chapter's a little off, but that's because I'm a little unsure about the idea.

Disclaimer: I'm not a genius with a pen; I'm just an idiot with wifi.


Percy's POV

"Immediate matter is getting you girls to the airport," said a voice I had never heard.

"Can't Argus drive us?" a voice that was defiantly Thalia responded. I was in the Big House to see Chiron, and walking by a cracked door, when I heard this. Now normally I would have walked right on by, but I knew that Thalia and Nico had just broken up, and Annabeth said that she was leaving so I decided it was worth my time.

"No Thalia, if you had been paying attention you would have realized that I said that Argus is already taking someone somewhere. So, can any of you drive?" The voice responded, sound irritated, and was met by silence.

"You do realize that we've had, ahh, more important matters to tend to then learning how to drive right? Why can't you just take us?" That voice, I know it better then I know my own, and hearing it almost brought me to my knees. I could imagine her face, eyebrows slightly raised with her head tilted up, arms crossed because she knows she's right, and what I wouldn't give to see it again.

While I was thinking, the mystery voice said something that I missed, then I heard Piper's voice, then I think Thalia said she would drive. Then she spoke again, "It's about 20.9 miles to the closest airport which is Macarthur, so at 60 miles an hour it would take about 21 minutes." So they were going to an airport and I bet Calypso and Hazel were going also.

I heard the mystery voice again as I was turning to go get the guys so we could get Frank and go to Macarthur airport, if only we had a… "Catch a flight that leaves in two hours." Never mind.

Annabeth POV

To say I was nervous with Thalia driving was an understatement, because I was freaking out. At one point I considered jumping out the window, because it would more than likely be safer. Then, after 21 minutes of absolute terror, we arrived at the airport to only have to put up with Thalia repeatedly poking me in the back while we waited in line.

"Annie…is the line any shorter yet? How bout now? Now? Now? Is it shorter, come on make it move faster!" With every word she poked me again, and if it hadn't been for the fact I would have gotten arrested, I would have turned around and strangled her. It was true the line wasn't moving at all, and I was considering poking the person in front of me also. Then, by the grace of the gods, we got to the front of the line and Thalia finally stopped poking my back.

()()()this line break is skipping the part because I've never been to an Airport()()()

After an hour of grueling line-waits and annoying children (and Thalia) complaining, we made it to our flight. It was running late. so we just sat in this little area waiting, and somehow I ended up sitting alone. Well, technically not alone, there was a random girl sitting next to me with ear buds in, bobbing her head to the extremely loud music. After a couple of seconds I recognized the song and started to sing under my breath. It must have been louder than I thought, because the girl turned and stared at me with curious blue eyes.

"Do you like Coldplay?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, I like 'Clocks' best, but 'Sky full of Stars' is awesome too." I answered back, and at this point she took out both ear buds. "Have you ever heard 'I Lived' by One Republic?"

Her eyes lit up and we quickly fell into easy conversation, and for the first time in days, Percy was the last thing on my mind.

()() This line break says that I own none of the songs mentioned above ()()

Percy's POV

When I finally managed to round up Nico, Jason, and Leo I told them all my idea. Then I convinced Nico to shadow travel and get Frank, and after an hour, we set off.

The plan was kinda rough, but if it worked, everything would be fixed. After exactly 21 minutes we arrived at the airport, only to go in and find out that they had already been through everything, and we couldn't get to them. So much for my epic, romantic, stop them from getting on the plane idea. And honestly I didn't have another one. At least, not at this point.

Annabeth's POV

In the time that I had talked to her, I had found out that the girl's name was Lucy, and she was headed to LA to start a career as a music producer with her half brother. I just told her my friends and I were going because we needed to get away from our lives for a little while.

"Yeah, we all found out our boyfriends were cheating on us, on the same day," I explained.


"Yeah, turns out my knight in shining armor was just an asshole in tinfoil," and with that we both laughed. It felt good to be able to talk to someone who didn't know him, because it was almost like I could forget that he existed, or how much I actually missed him.

"Well, I've never really had a steady boyfriend myself. Guess guys don't like girls who know more about music than they do"

I found it hard to believe that she hadn't had a boyfriend. With her sun kissed skin, naturally light blond hair, and great personality, I was sure she would have been a hit anywhere. We continued our conversation as we boarded the plane, and found out we were sitting in the same row. When we got on the plane, she declared she was going to try and take a nap, so I distracted myself by watching out the window. That's when I saw it, a small flying black object coming towards the plane.

"No way," I muttered under my breath, and turned around to tell the others. They all leaned against the glass, staring as four other figures appeared. When they got close enough, Percy looked at me and made a sad face, but I wasn't in the mood for his excuses. So, I just pulled down the shade.

I watched as the others faces turned to anger and sadness, along with the other blinds snapping shut. I don't care how much he begs, I'm not taking him back.


Okay guys I'm sooo sorry, but I could not write this chapter. It took me forever and I had so much homework. So yeah, here's the chapter, and tell me what you thought of it by reviewing! I love you guys so much!