Hello lovelies! I just wanted to post here because a bunch of you followed this one-shot that has slowly taken over my life and I wanted to let you know that I am finally working on the multi-chapter sequel. It's called "Second Strike at the Heart" and I've copied the summary below:

Second Strike at the Heart

No-curse AU. A treaty signing brings Killian back to the Enchanted Forest a year and a half after first meeting Princess Emma. While both are eager to renew their courtship, there is one final hurdle that must be crossed — a prince has also come to the Enchanted Forest with the intent to win Emma's heart and he may prove a more dangerous rival than Killian could have imagined.

There are ten chapters and an epilogue planned (and another sequel in the works, oh god what is my life?) The first chapter is up and I should have the second one ready either this weekend or just after, with somewhat regularly posting ideally continuing through the hiatus. Head to my author page and check it out!