A/N: So this idea popped up in my head at like 3am in the morning [insomnia issues] and I didn't have a chance to write it all down because I fell asleep while doing it [the irony]. Anyway this is the half I got down.

Mary spit out her drink at Molly's words.

"You did what?!" she exclaimed. In a moment of panic, Molly had called her as soon as Sherlock and John had left the morgue and agreed to meet up at the cafeteria.

She covered her face."I'm surprised John didn't tell you already."

"Ooh, speak of the devil" Mary looked at her phone to see John calling her. Molly groaned into the table. "It's only been 5 minutes since they left."

"Apparently word travels fast," Mary put her phone on silent and leaned in with enthusiasm. "I would rather hear it from the source anyway. From the beginning please."

Molly sighed helplessly as she began to explain what happened.

"Sherlock, I was only gone for two days."

"That is no valid reason to leave me with the incompetent twits you call your colleagues. And may I add that I was given no prior notice regarding your absence!"

Molly folded her arms in irritation and glared up at him. "You know I am not entitled to tell you anything about my personal life."

Sherlock scoffed at her words. "As if attending the wedding of a cousin you so obviously hate is worth taking precious time away from assisting me in my work."

Molly rolled her eyes at him. "Of course, because that's what I'm primarily employed to do right?" She threw John a 'What the hell is he on', but John could only return an apologetic look as Sherlock rambled on. Clearly someone was in a bad mood.

"That Josh moron—"

"You mean Jacob," Molly interrupted tersely. Jacob was one of her least incompetent assistants in the lab. Sure, he was clumsy at times, but obviously it wasn't good enough for the consulting detective.

Sherlock threw his hands up in frustration. "Ugh, what does it matter! That imbecile's shoddy work almost jeopardized my case! Can you believe he ruled an intentional autoerotic asphyxiation as a suicide, a suicide! Even John could tell that the man had been in the middle of a staged erotic foreplay, if his bondage costume was any indication."

The wound up man took no heed to the indignant cry that came from John's corner."I thought I was going to asphyxiate the idiot myself!"

Molly really wasn't in the mood to listen to his whining. She had endured a long train ride back to London after suffering at the hands of her Bridezilla of a cousin. Her nerves were a bit wound up and she hadn't even gotten a chance to go back to her flat to take a shower before she had to clock in for her shift.

She rubbed her face from frustration. "Okay, I get your point. I'll give you a memo next time. Now can you please shut up?"

"I would hope you would do much better than provide a passing note." he drawled. Molly just rolled her eyes. "And need I mention that we just recently uncovered the Moriarty video hoax? It was reckless of you to leave unannounced with the risk—"

She tugged down his Belstaff collars and shut him up with a deliberate kiss on his lips. Molly released him as soon as she realized what she had done.

A dumbfounded silence followed after as everyone in the room registered the moment. Molly wasn't sure who looked more stunned; John who looked like his jaw needed to be picked up from the ground, or Sherlock looked absolutely petrified in place. She didn't even want to know what kind of look she had on herself.

"Well," Sherlock cleared his throat. "I think I'll just—" he turned around aimlessly before finding the next word. "—leave." He made a beeline exit out of the morgue. An awestruck John followed, not without gaping at Molly one more time before leaving.

"It was the fastest method I could think of shutting him up at the time," Molly said over Mary's laughter.

"And the most scandalizing." Mary wiped the tears from her eyes. "Was he really that shocked?"

"I swear he was struck dumb. Stop laughing Mary, how am I going to face him?" she wailed, burying her face under her hands. The thought of seeing him again was enough to make her cringe.

"Wow." Mary had finally recovered from her second fit of laughter. "I didn't think you had it in you. It sounds like he missed you though."Molly still didn't raise her head up.

"So how how was it?"

"Mmm?" She mumbled.

"The kiss Molly! You just kissed Sherlock Holmes!"

"Don't exaggerate. I don't think that even counts as a kiss," she huffed. "It barely lasted 2 seconds."

Mary rolled her eyes at the technicalities. "Boring details. Did you like it though?"

"It was…nice." Molly said with a slight blush, much to Mary's delight. "Okay I liked it, happy?"

Mary just raised her eyebrows knowingly. Molly didn't have much time to revel in the memory as the significance of her actions crashed down all over again.

"Ugh. So embarrassing!" she moaned.

Mary just tutted at her dilemma. "Aw, I'm sure it'll be fine."

A/N: I kind of remember how the last half goes. I just need to get around to writing it. I'll definitely post within a few hours….okay, end of the day...at most.