
This is a small one-shot story. I wanted to try to write it in honor of Father's Day. So thank you for reading and all that. It super short and probably not interesting but I hope you like it.

I was laying on the sofa restlessly. I was only came back to visit Mama and maybe Papa to see how they were doing without me. Although I guess they are fine. The place may be a huge mansion, but it is still as tidy as I first left.

I sighed tiredly. It seems like Mama is the only one home though. Papa was busy with work. I was hoping he was going to come back to see me.

Mama walked out the kitchen with the phone in her hand.

"Mikoto, did you hear, papa's coming home for a visit later today."

"Huh?! Papa's coming back?" I asked energetically.

Mama nodded. She had hazel brown hair and eyes just like mine. We look a lot alike except for the part Mama's chest is abnormally huge.

"Yup. He said, 'I gotta visit my cute little girl and see what she was gonna give me for Father's Day'. I think."

So... He is just coming home for my gift huh. Well, I guess it's not a bad thing. Cause I do have a present for him. Should I also throw a party for him? Maybe a small party will be okay. Yeah. It not like I am going to hire a whole circus.

Well let's see, I should maybe get a magician to come over, they are very entertaining. Ooh! Maybe a fancy restaurant.

"Mikoto, one last thing I forgot to tell you." She called. "We are just going to have a regular dinner today. You always make the party too exciting.

"Whaat?" I whined childishly. "Why not?"

"Let's see, last year, you hired dozens of people to dress up as a Gekota and made them stand and act like a kiddie character from a Gekota show."

"I thought he liked Gekota."

"the year before that, you hired the whole circus. Including the lions."

"But-" I got cut off by her expression before I was allowed to say anything. "Fine."

Mama headed towards the kitchen. She is probably proud of herself for winning that argument before it even got out of hand.

I looked at the clock. 9:17 pm.

"He sure is late." I muttered.


The door bell rang.

It probably Papa.

I ran down the stairs quickly and opened the door.

Papa stood at the door with a smug look on his face.

"Am I late?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

I hugged him firmly until Mama came towards the door.

"Mikoto, he can't come in if you're strangling him." Mama said jokingly.

I quickly released him and he came in winking slightly just so that Mama couldn't see.

All of us sat at the dinner table. The table was full of home cooked meals Mama had made this morning. So that's why she was in the kitchen all day.

This is the perfect moment to give Papa my gift.

I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out my gift.

"Here Papa. Happy Father's Day" I said happily.

Papa slowly took the present from my hand and unwrapping it.

"I see you are still into Gekota." He said holding the Rare deluxe edition Gekota Keychain.

"Yup." I said smiling brightly.