
Hello, people of the wonderful world. Here is my new chapter, and I hope you like it. Thanks to all who reviewed, we now have over a 100 reviews, which is what I never thought was possible.

This chapter is dedicated to Avia, (guest), who was my 100 reviewer. Congrats!

If I you review and your my favorite, you might just get a chapter dedicated to you!



Chapter 11: A Wedding Dress Disagreement

"Jace." I breathed, and immediately I was hurling my small frame into those big tan arms. He hugged me tightly, and I heard Isabelle laugh while she dead bolted the door behind him. After a forever needed hug, I did something I had been dying to do from the beginning.

I crashed my lips against his, savoring the delicacies of his taste. His lips were chapped and rough, but they still invited me in warmly. My hands went to his curling blonde mane, my fingers weaving into the strands. My tongue skidded across his lower lip, and he moaned. I had missed these moments, when found our true connections through our intimacy. It was wonderful, until Izzy interrupted us.

"Seriously, you guys? Get a room." Izzy chastised, and I and Jace fell apart from one another. I smiled at her meekly, and she just shook her head.

"We always have to see you making out with Simon, go give us a reprieve." Jace argued with Izzy, and she stuck out her tongue. These two always fought like children.

"Don't you dare bring Simon into this!" Izzy snapped, and I stepped between the two.

"Okay, cool it. We have much more important things to discuss than each other's relationships. I am in a freaking arranged marriage that I need to escape, and I have a plan. So shut up and listen." I whisper-shouted, and both Jace and Izzy eased off.

"How is the whole Derek situation?" Izzy asked me, her face changing to concern.

"He's lucky I haven't been able to kick his sorry ass. Sebastian's too." Jace grumbled, and I gave him a pouted smile.

"Well, the council has approved the engagement and the wedding is in a couple of weeks. I already asked for Izzy to be my maid of honor as my only requirement, but that's where I got devious. We go along with the schedule, traditional rituals, and crap. But, then at the wedding; surprise attack." I explained my theory for Sebastian's defeat and our escape.

"That might actually work." Jace said, pondering my idea.

"Just as long as my bridesmaid dress is not purple makes me look washed out." Izzy instructed, and I just smiled at her never gone fashion sense.

"I was thinking red. You know why." I reassured, her and her face lit up with my reference.

"Do I get to help design the wedding dress?" She asked, clapping her hands together. I wondered what it would be like if this was my actual wedding. She would go crazy!

"Are you taking this thing seriously, Isabelle? The jackass if marrying off my true love and you're planning wedding dresses? Real considerate, Iz." Jace accused, and I gave him a look of annoyance, which made him back down.

"I might as well. We have to plan, after all. Weapons, steles, gear. We need supplies; otherwise we are going to be toast." Izzy stated. She had a point.

"Try and steal steles from guests while you're cleaning. I think I can manage weapons, as soon as I can find the actual training room. Sebastian has it well hidden." I explained, and Jace and Izzy nodded.

"What about designing our dresses to conceal weapons; we could sew pockets in the skirts like our ancestors did." Izzy added. It wasn't such a bad idea. It could be useful for the attack.

"I think that would work." I agreed, and Izzy smiled back at me. She was planning something extravagant and I knew it by the look in those chocolate brown eyes.

"Okay!" she giggled.

"You two are such girls."Jace complained, and I slapped his bicep, hurting myself more than him.

"Yes, we are such girls. But you love us." I said, pecking him on the cheek. Isabelle pretended to vomit.

"I love you, I don't know so much about that vile creature." Jace said, motioning to Izzy. Her mouth dropped in shock.

"Okay, I love you, but you need to go before Izzy kills you." I said, motioning Jace out the door.

"I love you, Clarissa Fairchild." Jace said lovingly.

"And I love you, Jace Herondale." I returned, and shooed him out the door.

The sketchbook was lying open in front of us, the graphite drawing pencils and Prismacolors in gold and yellow next to it. I and Isabelle were designing my overly functional wedding dress. So far we had trashed all our designs, clashing on the simplest of details. I wanted lace, Izzy wanted tulle. It was a disaster.

"Clary, you have a tiny waist. An empire style gown will drown you. Your best bet is a fitted corset." Isabelle explained, and I rolled my eyes. We had been arguing about it for about ten minute now.

"How am I supposed to fit daggers and a sword under a trumpet style gown? It will be way too obvious. Not to mention extremely uncomfortable." I theorized, and Izzy shook her head in frustration.

"I have a compromise. I'll do a lace covered bodice with a empire waistline and a chiffon skirt, but have crystal beading for that extra sparkle. Deal?" I compromised, and we shook on it.

"This is crazy, you know? You and Jace are supposed to get married and produce those special little angel superpower babies. This wedding shouldn't be happening. Clace is endgame." Isabelle said sadly, and I gave her a small apologetic smile.

"What is Clace?" I asked her after a minute.

"Oh, that's you and Jace's ship name. Like you know how I love celeb couples like Brad and Angelina? Their ship name is Brangelina. Get it?" Izzy asked me. I just groaned.

"You are so not fun." Isabelle said, swatting my arm.

She then looked at the clock on top of my armoire, and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, I have line up." She realized, and immediately zoomed off my bed in panic.

"What is line up?" I asked her.

"Its role call, and if I'm not there, I get whipped as punishment. And I have too much of a relationship scar collection, anyway. I don't need ones from here." She explained, and she was gone.

That was the last straw about my friends. Sebastian beat his servants? That's why Serena was so timid, probably. I need to get justice, and I needed it now.


So who liked seeing Jaceypoo? He is a great character to write, but is hard as hell. But, I hope you enjoyed!

