The Camaro and Kono's car screeched to a halt outside HPD to stand amidst cop cars, onlookers and several ambulances.

"Hey… Duke!" Steve ran over to the man they knew and trusted, "what happened?"

"An officer heard gunfire coming from Head of HPD's office, he was found behind his desk with a bullet hole to the chest." Duke told them.

Steve's wide eyes snapped around as the ambulance pulled away and his team stopped beside him, "is he going to be okay?"

"They reckon so, the shooter was sloppy and didn't hit anything vital, they are just taking him off for surgery." Duke pointed to the ambulance which disappeared around the block corner.

"And there is no sign of Rosie or her car." Kono noted.

"Alright I want officers on the floor he is taken too," Steve stated, "I need the CCTV from the corridor of Roy's office to try and find out who the shooter is…"Steve holstered his SIG, "Roy Higgins is now our prime suspect in a murder investigation."

FIVE O HQ – 11:15

"So I looked at the CCTV from HPD HQ," Kono showed Steve and Danny the images off of the smart board, "Rosie enters the office, is there for only five minutes, and then she leaves whilst putting a gun in her bag…"

"There's some hard evidence for you." Danny noted.

"And there's more." She tapped on the screen.

"It seems there always is in this case." Danny muttered.

Steve shot him a look before looking forward.

"But if we are sure now that Roy Higgins was the shooter who killed Glenn, why would Rosie shoot him?" The navy SEAL narrowed his eyes.
Kono shrugged, "perhaps she's as upset over Glenn's death."
"We have established from the emails back and forth that there was no love between them," Danny disagreed, "just shameless flirting on both sides. I've put her on the no flight list and the coast guard have her image."

"Hey," Chin walked into the bull ring, "A company who own safety deposit boxes down on the south shore phoned in, they have reported a man collecting a necklace from a safety deposit box cashed the night before, which matches the description we put out to HPD. He wired over the CCTV image and look, it's Roy."

They looked at the CCTV images and Steve's eyes darkened, "our shooter thought he had time to move the loot."
"But it gets better." Chin nodded, "Only an hour later Rosie arrives with the other key, but is told that it is empty, she flips out and runs…"
"She goes to shoot Roy." Steve pieced It all together, "he knows that he needs that necklace as evidence to Incriminate Cath to shift blame to her away from them. Rosie can't understand it, thinking he's got cold feet, so shoots him and bolts with the necklace."
Steve's phone started to ring and he looked to see that it was ATS; he shook his head at her own stupidity.

"Of course she didn't think that we would put her on the no flight list… there was only one place she was ever going to go." He lifted it to his ear, "McGarret."


"The guy was an idiot he should've just handed the necklace over!"

Rosie sat before them, handcuffed in a cold dark ATS office of the airport she had tried to escape from.

Steve and Danny stood facing her, and the latter couldn't help but quip, "You're an idiot if you think you are going to talk away from trying to kill your husband and being an accessory to a murder he carried out."

Steve stepped forward, his eyes cold, "Come clean now, and it might lower your sentence. The deal is already done for your husband. He's never come out... You have nothing to lose now. You get nothing. So just come clean. And sign that confession…"

She looked at him and swallowed.

Steve pushed it forwards over the table, the glittering necklace she had tried to steel sat on the corner of it.

"Oh look…" Danny goaded her, "what you shot two people for works really well as a paperweight…"

For the first time in two days Steve smiled.


"Roy has been taken to a secure hospital, whereupon his discharge he will be taken to jail." Steve informed the Governor and his wife gravely, who were sat on a large leather sofa holding hands.

Steve stood with his hands folded in front of them, Danny, Chin and Kono at his side, "Rosie confessed both thief parts in the crimes. The con had been months in the planning. They decided to migrate from conning men in bars, with Rosie pickpocketing them and then Roy booking them for indecent assault, to taking the necklace once they heard it was Glenn involved. Your son had a reputation in certain circles as a bit of a player sir."

Kono picked up the explanation, "Rosie got Glenn interested in her online, and Roy bought his way into the HOD role but framing other candidates so new as the last man standing. Then last night, when Rosie led Glenn outside, yet he wouldn't hand over the necklace to her she took off, this being the signal to Roy that he needed to force him to comply."

"This is the time Catherine appears outside to the far west of the mansion seeing the fire exit being left open by Roy." Danny took over, "in that next minute Rosie had cut the wires on the CCTV camera. Then Roy ran out, tried to get Glenn to hand the necklace over, gun held to the Glenn's chest.
Catherine heard the commotion and turned around, running back but Roy had already got a shot off. He grabbed the necklace and dropped the gun dropped the gun."

They waited a moment while the governor's wife composed herself, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle her sob.

Steve counted to thirty before he continued, "Catherine picked it up but the gun had no more ammo. Roy kept running, necklace in hand, that's when all of us turned up and Rosie started screaming that Catherine killed him." He paused, "I'm very sorry sir. Your son would still be alive if he had given up that necklace willingly. It was a Con gone very badly."

"Thank you Five O." Governor Dennings drew in a breath to push tears from his eyes, "I won't ever lose sight again of what you do to solve crime on this island, or the strength and loyalty in your team… Catherine Rollins will receive compensation and a full letter of apology once I return to my office."

"Thank you sir." They all said in unison, although part of Steve was already wishing he was on his way to prison to collect Catherine.

The minutes apart, now they were ending, dragged on and on.


"Should I have nrought flowers."

"She wont want flowers she will just want to see you."

"Yeh… yeh you are right." Steve stood with danny staring at the gates Catheirne would soon walk through.

The SEAL shifted and flexed his hands,, folding and unfolding his arms.

Danny looked at him in the blazing sun, "will you calm down… you have been apart for a day what is three more minutes…"

Steve opened his mouth to retort but the sound of the large gates pulling back grated on his skin, stopping his words, but that didn't stop him feeling relieved beyond all measure.

Two burly prison guards appeared, and they turned behind them, fiddled with something. Then one stepped back, holding a pair of handcuffs.

Then they parted, and there she stood.

Wearing jeans and her fitted blue t-shirt she appeared, walking between the guards and out of prison.

He found himself smiling, beaming at her, as she suddenly took off into a run, racing through the parking lot towards him.

Catherine's smacked into his chest, her arms reaching up under his to grip at the back of his shoulders.

Steve pushed his face into her shoulder, arms tight around her as they rocked from side to side, his hands then rising to her cheeks and pulling her as gently as he could in for a kiss that was anything but.

She fisted his shirt with her hands as his kiss pushed her slightly over backwards, hands roaming, lips caressing.

When eventually they pulled apart she rested her forehead to his, hands still clutching his shoulders.

"They are both in prison…" Steve told her, "Or Higgins will be as soon as he is out of hospital…"

"I know, they gave me your written report when I was released, along with these clothes… thank you, for them and typing it so quickly…" She sniffed and laughed thickly, his smile returning as he kissed her again.

"Al of this over a necklace, and one you stopped me from buying." He leant back to stare at her, "if I had pushed for the extra thousand none of this would've happened…"

"Don't you dare say I told you so." She put one hand flat on his chest, "I'm the one who spent a night in prison so you don't get to…"

Her words were cut off by him bending to kiss her again. She smiled sadly at his angry expression as the pad of his thumb gently touched below the scratch on her cheek, which was already healing, more bruise than anything else now.
"He will rot in prison for what he did… and his wife…" He muttered.

"Shhh…" She stretched up to kiss him again softly to soothe him, "I knew you would solve it, I never worried."

He nodded and sighed slightly, running his hands down her sides as she stroked his chest, "I want to ask you…" She watched him carefully, "what made you stop bidding on that necklace in the auction? I have never known you give up on a competitive challenge in your life."

"I saw you were embarrassed, and you and Danny were right, it was stupid to flash about that amount of money just to spite the kid who had a crush I could relate too…" Steve shrugged, looked around the empty prison care lot and sighed, before telling her the quiet truth, "and also because I realised that I would rather spend the evening with you, than with a necklace worth thousands, when I could be with you who are to me priceless."

Catherine's smile was watery, and she hugged him tight again, him kissing her temple as she closed her eyes against happy and relieved tears, feeling safe and sure in his arms once again.

Everything was back to normal.

"You know I missed a mornings training for this triathlon…" She sniffed into his neck, "we will need to go for some exercise this afternoon commander…"

He chuckled and hugged her tighter, "whatever you want lieutenant."