Hey Guys, I had this idea in my head for a while and was adding more as time went on. But here you go, the first chapter. Enjoy,

Inner Moka woke up with a headache.

"Where am I, the last thing I remember was outer me being stabbed through the heart and then a blinding flash of light and energy." She asked herself as she looked around, only to see that her surroundings was essentially a white void.

"Perhaps you should wake up the others before I'll answer your questions" said a vice as Inner Moka turned to see a woman in a whit kimono with braided hair sitting at a small table drinking tea. Moka then noticed her friends and family appearing, all unconscious, and set about waking them up. When everyone was awake and alert, the woman then clapped her hands as large stone slabs appeared and spiked chains shot out as they grabbed Issa, Mikogami, Tsukune and Koyou before binding them to the slabs.

"The hell is this!" Tsukune yelled in anger. Moka and her friends immediately rushed to help out their crush/friend when the woman simply waved her hand and the girls were frozen in mid-air.

"Now calm down before you do anything rash." She said as the girls struggled to break free.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing with Tsukune." Kurumu yelled as she was trying to unveil her wings. Meanwhile Agetha and the other adults knew something was off.

"How about you ask Ms. Akashiya, as she seems to know why." The woman said as she motioned to Outer Moka who was looking at Tsukune with fear and disgust.

"Moka, you have to help me out of here." Tsukune pleaded, but Outer Moka knew better and replied.

"N-no, you deserve this." She said as the others were confused. That's when a familiar voice spoke up.

This is… strange I was sure that heaven was described as a golden kingdom." Both Moka's turned to see Akasha standing there.

"Mother!" both said as they embraced her and the woman let go of the girls. Akasha was happy to see her daughters' and then turned to the woman.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we?" the woman smiled then responded.

"You are all in Limbo, or purgatory as it is also known. I brought you all here for certain reasons, but first I believe that there is some family reuniting past due." She said as Gin heard something big land behind him and tuned to see a large beefcake of a man with wolf-like eyes. Gin recognized him as the man stared back with an impassive look, in his left hand was his war hammer.

"D-dad…" Gin muttered before the man moved and hugged Gin in a bone crushing hug as he let out a hammy laugh.

"Gin, my boy! It is great to see you again." Gin returned the hug as a woman walked up to the two and coughed to get their attention.

"Room for one more?" she asked before hugging the two, said woman was Rin Nahora, Gin's mother and Cornell's wife. Kokoa was estatic to see Kahlua again as Gyokuro stood back with a small smile. The family reunion was broken when Issa yelled out.

"How about one of you ingrates make yourself useful and free me, do you know who I am?" he was cut short as a stream of lightning struck him and continued to do so as a voice spoke up.

"Nobody cares who you are, but I do know someone who is eager to see you again, in fact, she's dying to get her hands on you." Everyone turned to see a young teen floating in the air above them as she lowered on the 'floor' and then noticed Akua.

"Big sister." Akua was caught in a hug as she asked.

"W-who are you and how do you know me?" the teen pulled back and smiled as she replied.

"Don't you remember me, we used to play in the parks and feed the koi fish when we were younger." She said and undid her hair from its style as Akua's eyes widened.

"J-jasmine!" she muttered before embracing her old friend/pseudo sister. Jasmine held Akua as she started to cry in happiness.

Issa recovered from the painful electrocution and was about to yell again when another electric shock, this one more powerful, surged through him as he cried out in pain. Everyone heard a woman's dark laughter as Cornell recognized it and chuckled.

"Oh, Issa, how pleasant it is to see you again." The other noticed a woman sitting on top of the stone slab Issa was chained to with a wine glass filled with blood and one leg crossed over the other. Issa started to recognize her and was about to speak when she shocked him again.

"Painful, isn't it that is nothing compared to when you took my daughter away from me and killed me along with that cowardly false priest." She said as she was relishing in his pain.

"Mother, I believe it's time for you to meet someone." Jasmine said as Carmilla looked to her adopted daughter and noticed Akua as her eyes widened. She shattered the wing glass, now empty, against the stone and manipulated the shards to become embedded in Issa's face. As she mist teleported to Akua.

"Look at you, all grown up…" Carmilla whispered as she approached Akua, who was nervous, as she sensed this woman in front of her was indeed powerful, and curious.

"Should I know you, and why are you crying?" Akua asked as she saw the tears coming down Carmilla's cheeks, who wiped them and responded.

"You'll have to forgive me, my child, it has been a very long time since I held you in my arms." Carmilla reached between her cleavage and brought out a small heart-shaped locket with a dial on the top, she turned it twice and held it out to Akua as a small tune played from it. Akua slowly recognized the sound as it was something she went to sleep to every night when she was an infant. She was putting the dots together and looked to Carmilla and replied.

"Mommy…" Akua muttered as Carmilla smiled and responded.

"I'm here." As Akua hugged her long-lost mother and started to cry again, Carmilla was simply hugging her firstborn and comforting her.

"Never thought I'd see the day where the Queen of Vampires herself is crying." Cornell spoke up as Carmilla turned to her old friend and spoke up.

"And it would do you good to not go around parading it, old mutt, or else I'll fry your genitals off." She threatened as she pulled back from Akua.

"Well, isn't this grand, looks like the three of us are back together." A voice said as green lightning struck near them and an aged man in a business suit stood there.

"Well if it isn't the slimy rat himself, fancy seeing you here Zobek. I figured you would be back on earth trying to rule over everyone" Carmilla remarked as she moved Akua and Jasmine behind her.

"On the contrary, my dear. I was… indisposed of and ended up here, though this is my second time." Said the Lord of the Dead as he brought out a silver cigarette case and picked out one as he placed in in his mouth and lit it.

"Um, who are you, mom has this weird look on her face when you showed up." Kokoa asked Carmilla.

"Ah, Gyokuro, I suppose you have done what I asked." Gyokuro nodded and then surprised everyone by bowing to Carmilla.

"Yes, I have watched over you daughter and kept tabs on Issa, he also gained another lackey, who consumed your father's blood to gain power." Gyokuro said as Carmilla folded her armsand raised an eyebrow. Issa was curious and spoke up.

"What the hell do you mean, keeping tabs on me, Gyokuro." He snarled. Gyokuro stood up straight and looked to Issa with a smirk.

"Well you see, I was never part of your little plot, in fact I was against it, but I went I as means of gathering information and getting ready to cut you down, but you seem fine bound in those chains." Gyokuro said as Issa snarled as he struggled to break free. Tsukune knew what Gyokuro meant and also tried to break free.

"Do you know who I am? I am Issa Shuzen, the most powerful monster around! I demand you free me!" He yelled, this only caused Carmilla to start laughing again as she quickly composed herself.

"Oh please, you, the most powerful around?" Carmilla shot another stream of lightning at him as he howled in pain. She stopped and noticed another figure sitting next to the stone slabs, only he was chained with a simple pair of handcuffs.

"Well, well, I was not expecting to see you here, father" Carmilla said as she folded her arms again and looked to see Mathias (known to everyone else as the great devourer Alucard) with a small smile on his face.

"Hello, Carmilla, I thought I lost you when my home was burned down." Mathias replied.

"Oh please, like a little fire is going to stop me, I thought I lost you and pinky over there" Carmilla pointed to Akasha who recognized that nick-name.

"Carmilla!" Akasha hugged her old childhood friend who she believed dead, Carmilla returned the gesture and turned the woman and Zobek.

"Now the big question, why are we all here?" she asked. The woman sipped her tea before answering.

"Well, for starters, my name is Retsu Unohana, but all of you know me as God." She started as another group came by.

"So, you are God, this is… odd to say the least." Said a woman as she was with the small group.

"That is correct Shanoa, I see you four are curious as well as to what happened." Unohana asked as the woman nodded. Unohana smiled and replied.

While the threat of Satan and his forces did meet their end and humanity was saved, there were some… complications." Unohana waved her hand as a man appeared laying there on a chair with a large wound on his torso, one who Shanoa recognized.

"Victor!" she yelled as she ran up to him and placed her hand over the wound as she tried to heal it with magic, only for his hand to grab hers.

"I'm awake, I feel fine" he said as she hugged him and Victor got up from the chair and his wound vanished. He looked around and asked.

"Are we in heaven?" Unohana then corrected him.

""We are in purgatory, Victor Belmont. I would also like to say that you put your faith in the right man to stop Satan's emergence." Unohana said as she smiled at the man.

"He succeeded…" Victors muttered as he glanced down to the brotherhood insignia hanging off his belt and took it off.

"Now I believe you are familiar with your ancestry." Retsu said to Victor as another person appeared, the most striking feature about him was his red hair, besides the muscular build.

"Hello, Simon Belmont." Unohana said as Simon looked around before asking.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked/demanded. But was interrupted when a pair of arms arapped around him from behind.

"Teddy Bear, you're here." Simon knew of one person that called him that and turned to hug his wife, Selena.

"I believe your mother also wants to see her child." Simon noticed Sypha standing there and also hugged her as she finally got to see her son.

"If only your father could see you." Sypha said as she pulled away from her son. That's when Victor bowed to Simon, which caught the red-heads attention.

"It is an honor to meet my ancestor, I am Victor Belmont, the last of the Belmont line." He announced as Simon understood what he got at.

"Contrary to your knowledge, Victor, you are closer to your ancestors than you would think." Unohana said. This confused Victor as he asked.

"What do mean by that?" he asked the deity in front of him.

"What do you know of your parents?" she replied, Victor was silent for a bit and then spoke up.

"Not much, all I remember was hearing a woman's voice, then a dark aura attacked and then a blinding flash of light, after that I was in the care of the Brotherhood." He replied.

"That is good, now Simon, what were the last things you remembered before coming here." Retsu asked as Simon was thinking.

"I remember Selena was going into labor, and then Walter attacked, I was surrounded by a group of dark occultists', but when I managed to get through them I saw Walter standing there with Selena's head in his hand. I did not know what had happened to the child, but I fought Walter to the death, while I did manage to destroy him, the sneaky bastard stabbed me through the chest from behind. I remember praying that the child was safe before succumbing to my wounds." Simon said as he recounted his death. Unohana nodded and then created a small mirror as it played a vision.

"You see, the child, your son did survive the birthing process. However that was when Walter attacked." The mirror showed the birth of the boy as Selena was happy to hold her child, then the door exploded inwards as Walter Bernhard rushed in and started to kill the others in the room and Simon was knocked outside. Selena began chanting a spell as a light surrounded her son and caused him to vanish, but not before Selena slipped a note within the blanket. Then the scene changed to Simon beating down Walter before being stabbed through the heart with a rapier. Before Walter could react, Simon broke the blade off from his chest and stabbed it through Walter's face before sending a prayer for his child to be safe. Before falling over and drawing his final breath

"The spell your wife cast to save your son did work, in fact in transported him to the distant future, where he was found on the doorstep of an orphanage run by the brotherhood." Unohana said as a matron brought the boy inside and read the note, the words that stood out to Simon was the child's name.

Victor Belmont.

"So you see, Victor here is in fact your son, separated from his parents through death and time, now reunited." Unohana finished as Simon turned to Victor and approached him.

"My son…" Simon then hugged Victor with all his strength as Victor slowly returned the hug. Selena got her chance to hug her son and then Sypha noticed Zobek and asked Marie.

"Who is the man in the black suit?" asked the red-head. Zobek was about to introduce himself when a voice spoke out.

"Zobek is the Lord of the Dead, the Third Lord of Shadow, also known as Death, and the man behind Father's fall into darkness." Everyone turned to see a pale man standing there with a sword at his hip. Simon recognized him as the ally who helped him take down Dracula.

"Welcome Alucard, I was wondering when you would show up." The son of Dracula looked to Retsu and spoke.

"You must be God, seeing as you hold Zobek's leash." He said as Unohana giggled and Zobek glared at the vampire. Simon then spoke up.

"Good to see you, Alucard, I was wondering where you flew off to after the castle fell." Simon said as Alucard's eyes widened at seeing the familiar face, then he recognized the woman standing next to him.

"Sypha…" he whispered. Said woman was confused by his expression and asked.

"Have we met before?" that's when Retsu spoke up.

"You have to excuse his expression, Ms. Belmont, it has been a long time since he saw you, and in fact his last words to you were to take Simon to the forest if he didn't return by dawn on that day. Isn't that right, Trevor Belmont?" Unohana said as Sypha gasped before looking to her turned husband as he made his way to her.

"Trevor, is it really you?" she placed a hand on his cheek as he smiled.

"I'm here Sypha." He replied as he placed his hand over hers. Sypha hugged him as she started to tear up and Simon approached his parents.

"Dad, it's you..." Simon said as Sypha pulled back to let Simon in, what she didn't expect was for Simon to punch him in the gut, making him lean forward in pain before hugging him.

"You stubborn bastard! Why the hell didn't you tell me you were alive?" Simon said as he pulled back from his dad. Marie watched the interaction between her son and grandson and thought to herself.

'Why does this seem so familiar?' thought the woman as Alucard saw her and approached as he hugged her.

"It's so great to see you again, my son, if your father was here, this would be a family reunion." Marie said.

Unohana then cleared her throat to get everyone's attention as they all looked to her.

"Now that you are all here, I would like to start off by stating that all of you, well most of you, have something in common. But before I do that I believe this belongs to you, Simon." Unohana said as she held out a hand to Mikogami as he howled in pain and a familiar whip came out of his chest through a magical light. The whip was then passed to Simon who recognized it.

"This is my personal weapon. Before I fund your combat cross, Father." Simoon said as he held the tool, named the Beast Hunter, its current appearance changed back to when Simon had it and he noticed a few magical runes etched into the metal pommel.

"You see, Mikogami got his hands on it shortly after your death and used it to help spur his and Issa's master plan for their world." Retsu said as Simon looked to the priest with a glare. Carmilla sensed something familiar with Alucard's sword and asked.

"I am curious, Alucard, your sword has a unique… power to it." She said. Alucard simply drew the sword from its sheathe and held it in both hands.

"This is the Crissaegrim, this sword was forged from three weapons, the demonic broadsword created from the demon king Igneas power, the cursed rapier known as Glaciem, and the stake attachment of the Vampire Killer that father drove into your heart ages ago. It is my personal weapon after my transformation and one of the most powerful weapons ever created. It has the power to put father and those like him into a deep slumber, only by removing the sword, will they wake up." Alucard finished as he sheathed the sword and then Kokoa spoke up.

"Um, I'm confused? How exactly do we all have something in common?" asked the young vampire. Unohana then created a larger mirror and spoke.

"What do you know of the legend of Dracula and the Belmont lineage?"

First chapter/prologue done. I'm sure you can take guesses and try to speculate who is who, so who exactly is Gabriel and Marie? What connection do the R+V girls/family have in the story. Why are Issa and the others chained up? Please leave a review and or a PM if you have private questions as more will be revealed in the upcoming chapters.

Hell is Fun21 signing out.