Bucky and Natasha were out on a mission.

Doing, as Darcy had so eloquently put it, super secret Russian spy shit. Which was fine, Bucky had often gone out on missions without Steve before. The only problem with it this time, was that it left Steve to play nurse maid to Darcy. He loved Darcy, he did and he didn't mind having to take care of her; it's just that she wasn't the easiest person to look after. She was constantly trying to get her hands on her electronics so that she could get back to work and plotting daring escapes that would put Houdini to shame. Which was what he might have to start calling her… Houdini. As it was, he already had to rely on his super soldier skills to keep her in bed. To put it plainly, Darcy was the worst sick patient ever.

"Steve." Darcy whined wriggling around under the covers like a worm. They were sitting side by side on the bed watching another movie.

"No." He sighed. He didn't even have it in him to use his Captain America voice anymore. After four days of the same argument his patients was wearing a little thin.

"Please." She snivelled pathetically and coughed a few times.

"Darcy." Steve sighed leaning his head back against the headboard.

"I'm going through major Jane withdrawal." She huffed and pulled the covers up over her head.

"She came to see you two days ago." He replied evenly.

"Yeah but we text back and forth like a hundred times a day! This isn't fair. I'm being punished because I got sick. Which totally isn't even my fault." She let out a frustrated growl and poked her head above the blankets again. "I've even been talking those nasty horse pills you call vitamins, I swear!"

"I know baby, but if I let you have your phone you'll start working and that's not resting, it will take longer for you to get better." Said Steve turning to her and petting her hair.

"Just give me my laptop for an hour!" She pleaded "I'm so far behind and those three have the organizational skills of toddlers!"

"Darcy, Bucky said no work." He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Darcy, Bucky said no work." She mimicked him. It was childish, she knew, but she was at the end of her rope.

"That was uncalled for." Steve scolded her.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated!" She crossed her arms. "Bucky shouldn't even be giving the orders though, He's only a sergeant. You're a captain, so really if you say yes, you out rank him." She back-pedaled trying a new tactic.

"That's true, but that's not gonna happen." Steve laughed.

"Steve!" She whined again. "You're being such a hypocrite."

"Excuse me?" He sputtered.

"You are! You used to be sick all the time and never stopped you from getting in fights every two seconds. You never listened to Bucky before! Why are you listening now?" She knew she was hitting below the belt by bringing up skinny Steve but she didn't care.

"That was different." He said softly.

"Like hell it was, I'm not even asking to fight anyone or anything. I just want to lay in bed and go on the computer for an hour." She argued. Steve looked conflicted but when he didn't respond Darcy knew she had him.

"An hour, that's it." He caved.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Darcy squealed in an octave to high for her current vocal range causing her voice to give out. He raised an eyebrow at her, clearly rethinking his decision and Darcy smiled at him.

"You're lucky I love you." Steve groaned and got up. He moved to the closet and got her laptop down off the top shelf, where he had stashed it out of her reach.

"I love you SO much." Darcy said making grabby hands for her computer.

"You have one hour." He reiterated and gave it to her. Getting his sketch book out he settled himself in the chair by the window. He would sketch while she worked, at least that way he would be close by if she needed him…

God he was such a softie.

Thirty minutes later Bucky had come home to quietness. Thinking Steve and Darcy were probably taking a nap he moved in complete silence. Making his way to the bedroom he stopped at the sight before him.

"Damn it Steve, you had one job!" Bucky cursed as he entered the room causing Darcy to flip her laptop and Steve to wince and ruin his drawing.

"ONE JOB." He barked.

"Steve let me!" Darcy tattled, pointing to Steve quickly, both boys glared at her.

"At least she's still in bed." Steve put down his sketchbook and rubbed the back of his neck. Shame creeping into his facial features.

"Give me the laptop." Bucky demanded grabbing it and placing it back in its high altitude spot. "Work is not conducive to healing." He reprimanded them.

"Yeah… I'll remember that next time you're on medical leave." Darcy pouted. Bucky glared at Steve. "I'm going to shower… when I get out…" He shook a finger at them both. "One job." He muttered to himself as he left the room. He would not be leaving those two home alone together again.

At least not until Darcy was better.

A.N: I wrote this second chapter because I was asked but I don't see this story going any further, sorry. This is the end of this one.