Hey been quiet a while since an update huh? ^.^ No matter. I didn't feel like updating this kinda story recently; but now I do. So hope you enjoy! Call of Duty: Omega Warfare will be updated next!...

Alpha and Omega

"Nothing's Forever"

Chapter 3 "The Month After"

Humphrey wakes up inside his den. He now had scares across his body from being here. He also managed to fortify the den so the monsters couldn't get to him while he slept. Humphrey stretched out inside his den and looked outside. It was already mid-day.

"The days keep getting shorter and shorter... Eventually it'll be nothing; but night..."

In the time Humphrey had gotten there he learned quiet a bit about the place he was at. He learned the creatures he first encounteted were at the bottom of the food chain. He now hunted some of them. No normal creature could survive here. He hunted the small ones. Ones like the Ripper, the one that chased him on night one, still were to dangerous to hunt...

Today he was going hunting and making some more traps. He used traps to harm the bigger ones that would get too close to his den. He walked out and sure enough all is traps were sprung. Some of them had blood in them, indicating they harmed them, while others... Look like they were mangled. Humphrey shuttered at the thought of it He ran off towards the area where the small creatures tend to be. After only 29 minutes he had caught for of them and was carrying them off towards his den. Whe he got inside he felt light headed; but he still had to get the supplies he needed to last the night. He ran out gathered some vines, pine needles, poison ivy, and a few other things to set up his traps...

By the time he finished it was already dusk which ment he had to hurry home; but his head was now killing him. He padded home rather slowly. He was surprised when none of the creatures tried to attack him. He was certain he could see some of them in the shadows watching him; but for sons reason they left him alone...

This went on for another week and a half before one night on his way home he just couldn't take it and he passed out...

Kate hahad do just woken up. She was excited to go search for Humohrey. She missed him already and was growing inpatient as she waited.

"Kate dear are you alright? You haven't even touched you'r Caribou yet." said her mother, Eve.

"No not really... I can't eat knowing Humphrey could be starving some where..." Replied Kate while putting her head on the foor.

"Kate dear I know you love him; but you won't be doing anyone any good if you go out on ab empty stomach." Said Eve with her caring smile.

"Yeah... I guess you're right..." Was all Kate said as she started picking at her caribou. Winston walked in a smile on his face. "Why are you happy?"

"Because most of the pack has volunteered to help you search for Humphrey! Hopefully we'll be abke to set off before sun set."

"Really Winston? How many?" Asked Eve

"About 30 or 40 wolves. It shouldn't take to long with this many paws and paw."

With that Kate quickly gobbled down the rest if her breakfast. "Wow Kate you sure are excited." Said Lilly.

She had come over for breakfast and to visit her parents. "Well of course Lilly! We can be outta here and looking for Humphrey soon!... Be safe Humphrey..." She thought the last part to herself...

Humphrey was now waking up from passing out. He was in a wooden room with a mud floor. He looked around scared. It was dark except for one of the lights over him that flickered every now and then. After about 5 minutes of silence, minus the swaying of the lamp, dark figures stepped out of the shadows around Humphrey. His eyes widened...

Ooooooohhhhh Cliff Hanger! Anyways I know it was short an all; but it's updates will be picking up soon K? Same for Call of Duty: Omega Warfare! Make sure ya review Cya! Sabere CommanderOut!