Yay first story and song fiction! Disclaimer: I do not own Powerpuff Girls or 45 by Shinedown. Enjoy and don't forget to R&R please.

Buttercup's POV

Suicide, what a powerful word. Most people use it in a joke but that's not how I'm using it tonight. This is the last day of my life.

I'm (a) little tired, So I think I'm going to (s)leep. I hope you (u)nderstand that, Somet(i)mes it's hard to breathe, When my thoughts ra(c)e, Trapped (i)n my mind. It's time to say goo(d)night, Pl(e)ase don't forget, That you mea(n) everything. I'm sorry. I'm no go(o)d, Wi(t)h words but I love you, Please don't forg(e)t that.

Send away with a priceless gift

one not subtle, one not on the list

Send away for a perfect world

One not simply, so absurd

I put down the pencil and paper on the desk in our room and flew out the window like so many other times. Only this time there was a passenger in my pocket. I got to the tallest building in Townsville and sat on the edge.

In these times of doing what you're told

You keep these feelings, no one knows

I let my guest get some air and toke the .45 out of my pocket. I looked around and remembered all the times I had. Mostly the ones when we fought the Rowdyruff Boys. When we fought them that was the only time I was able to see my one true love, Butch.

What ever happened to the young man's heart

Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart

No one knew the pain I felt when sucker punching him. I never wanted to hurt him again, never. So when I felt pain again instead of happiness I put the .45 in front of my face and cocked it.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,

swimming through ashes of another life

No real reason to accept the way things have changed

Staring down the barrel of a 45

My last words and thoughts both knowing and both truthful "Butch, I know you would never love me. You're my counterpart and just for that fact alone means you'll never want me the way I want you. I love you Butch." When I said my last words I put my finger on the trigger and closed my eyes.

Send a message to the unborn child

Keep your eyes open for a while

In a box high up on the shelf, meant for you, no one else

There's a piece of a puzzle known as life

Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight

I didn't want to see this ugly ass world ever again! As my finger closed ever so slowly until something moved the barrel the other way and the shot fired... just not to me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing Buttercup?!" I heard a male voice scream. I opened my eyes to see a floating Butch in front of me, with a look of anger and concern.

What ever happened to the young man's heart

Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart

"Buttercup!" My counterpart yelled my name snapping me out of my trance and shock. Tears started to form at my eyes before I screamed "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVER STOP ME!?" I had hot tears going down my cheeks as my eyes were shut tight.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,

Swimming through the ashes of another life

No real reason to accept the way things have changed

Staring down the barrel of a 45

Butch cupped my face in his warm hands "Buttercup look at me please." I opened my eyes to see his nice welcoming eyes looking at my stupid face. "I would stop you because if you were to take that shot I would have to take the next, because I couldn't imagine life without such a beautiful face and heart."

Everyone's pointing their fingers

Always condemning me

And nobody knows what I believe

I believe

I opened my eyes wider in shock. "B-Butch, you a-actually want me to s-stay?" I was so shocked because my one and only who I thought hated my guts wanted me alive; even when no one else did.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,

Swimming through the ashes of another life

No real reason to accept the way things have changed

Staring down the barrel of a 45

Next thing I knew the boy I was in love with for so many years pressed his ruff, loving lips against my own.

And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,

Swimming through the ashes of another life

No real reason to accept the way things have changed

Staring down the barrel of a 45

After my shock ended I kissed him back. Once he needed breath my lover put me down on the roof and said "I've loved you for so many years Buttcup" I laughed and punched him softly. He giggled and continued "I could never imagine Townsville without you...So what do you say? Will you stay? For me, my love?"



Staring down the barrel of a 45

I laughed and hugged him with a single tear going down my stained cheek. "Yes. I will stay just for you. I love you Butch."

"I love you more Buttercup." He hugged me tighter and he brought me to his house for breakfast.

I flew off with him leaving the .45 under a box in case I have reason to use it for real... He may not have known but it was fully-loaded.

So that's my story. Not as good as I wished it to be but I hope you enjoy :). R&R please