Elsa's POV

I can't believe I was doing this. I grabbed the cloak from where the maid left it. It was brown, boring and perfect for blending in. If Anna found out… She'd killed me for doing this without her. She wouldn't think that it was dangerous, or that she could get hurt. No, she would just think it was fun, a new adventure.

But I had to do it. I had been locked in my castle for thirteen years, only to foolishly reveal my power, run away, almost kill Anna and doom Arendelle in the eternal winter I had set, accidentally of course. Then, my sister, god bless her, had sacrificed herself for me and showed me I didn't have to be scared of my power. Now, I was back in the castle three years later and doing brain-crushingly boring paperwork. I needed to escape.

Anna was thrilled to have our long lost cousin coming over from Corona tomorrow morning, with her newly wed husband. Apparently, he had found her locked in a tower by a witch and had returned her to her parents, my aunt and uncle. They were coming over to attend something I was defiantly not looking forward to.

Which was, of course, my wedding which was in two weeks. Nothing to do with love of course, all to do about the future of my kingdom, or queendom as Anna liked called it. That was one thing I envied about her. Her freedom to marry whoever she wanted out of love, not duty, because she was the second princess, not the heir. Anna was super excited, saying how handsome Prince Frost was going to be, and how we would have so many children. I had winced at that. I didn't want to get married, no matter how handsome my betrothed was. I was only doing it because we needed their protection. Yes, Arendelle had many allies and traders, but not a very big army. I had told the council that I could make a snow army, but they had said it wasn't right, that other kingdoms would call her a witch wanting war and raise arms. I couldn't take the risk.

But I didn't have time to linger on my thoughts; I could hear the maid coming, hopefully with my hot chocolate.

I quickly threw the cloak under my bed and sat at my vanity table. When the maid left, I would change and leave. The maid came in, Elene her name was, and sat the hot chocolate on the vanity I was sitting at.

"There you are, your Majesty." She said, bobbing her head.

"Please," I said, smiling, "Call me Elsa."

She just nodded her head and scurried out the door. I sighed and quickly drunk my hot chocolate, scanning over the letters sent to me about the wedding. The hot liquid went down my throat, warming my cold insides. It was a strange sensation. I left the empty cup on the vanity and knelt down at the bed, retrieving the brown cloak. I draped it across my shoulders after I had changed into some clothes I stole from the laundry. I hoped they won't be missed. I snuffed out the candles in my room, so no one would be tempted to wake me and quietly left out the door, pulling the hood up.


Flynn's POV

I couldn't wait to get of the ship. I was standing at the bow, looking over the misty ocean and dark sky. It was chilling how quiet it was. Blondie was sleeping, knocked out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I wished I could fall asleep like that. But the past always keeps me up at night, and how hot it was in our room.

Blondie was super excited about meeting her cousins, but I wasn't so sure. Apparently, one of them set of an eternal winter and nearly killed her sister. I had heard the rumours, about the cold-hearted snow queen of Arendelle who froze her sister's heart. Blondie said that they were just rumours, but a man had his suspicions.

Blondie was great, but man was she tiring. She wanted to see this and see that and didn't know the idea that people need personal time, to themselves. But her over eagerness was probably because she had been locked away by that witch Gothel.

My thoughts were interrupted when there was a call from above. One of the men ran to go wake up the captain. I jumped onto the bowsprit, the pole coming out from the front of the ship, and blessed my thieving days for increasing my balance. Ah, thieving, a great hobby of mine. The only thing I had stolen after meeting Blondie was her crown and her heart, and I always gave it back. Not her heart of course, but her crown. My fingers had started getting itchy and my eyes were drawn to valuable things increasingly. If only I hadn't met Blondie, I'd be warm and sunny on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone, surrounded by enormous piles of money.

I nearly slipped of the pole and fell in, letting out a yell. I was breathing hard, gripping the pole and hanging upside down; horrified that I'd had that thought. I got a strange sense of Déjà vu. Last time I had been in a position like this was when I was racing against a demon spawn for the crown. That was just before I met a beautiful girl.

I smirked, maybe I'd meet another.

That time I did fall in. I had promised myself that I wouldn't think like that, how Flynn Rider would think. But it was becoming increasingly harder. It wasn't fair on Blondie. I loved her. And she loved me.

Somebody yelled "man overboard" and sailors ran to the bow.

"Eugene!" I heard Blondie yell. She rested her hands on the railing and leaned over, trying to see me. I smirked up at her. God, she was beautiful. Her kind green eyes looked concerned and her short brown hair looked as amazing as ever. Did I tell you I have a thing for brunettes?

"What are you doing?" she asked. Most of the sailors had left and were untying ropes on the portside.

"Taking a bath." I replied, winking at her. "Do you wanna join?"

"In your clothes?" she asked, shaking her head and hiding a smile.

"Doesn't have to be that way." I said, raising an eyebrow.

She looked horrified as she realised what I meant and looked around nervously. Nobody was in hearing range. Then her eyes widened.

"Get out Eugene." She said, slowly walking away. She could hear me complaining anyway.

"Stop grumbling, we're here."

I hauled myself up to the deck, again thanking my master thief abilities. I didn't really feel like going to meet the Queen and her sister, and I told Blondie so.

"It would be improper." She replied, handing me a towel.

"So would it be to wake up the Queen from her beauty sleep at three in the morning."

Her mouth made an "o" shape and her eyes widened.

"I didn't think of that." she said, looking up at the moon.

"Didn't think so," I said, draping my arm on her shoulder. She pulled away quickly. "You're wet!" she complained.

I just shrugged. We finally decided to bunk down at a nice inn, I didn't spend the night there however. I left as soon as Blondie fell asleep.

Elsa's POV

Elene's cloak was itchy but I ignored it. I hadn't run into any trouble as I exited the gates and into the town area. It was busier than usual, but that was because of my wedding and the lower lords wanting to flatter me and my sister before Prince Frost arrived. I could see why they did it, even though it annoyed me. There were many benefits about befriending a Queen.

I had no trouble in the matter of trusting someone too easily, but Anna was completely opposite. Yes, Hans' betrayal had helped, but after she got over it she was her happy-go-lucky self again. And I had Kristoff to thank for that.

Kristoff had come to me yesterday to ask for my blessing to marry Anna. I had gladly blessed it, because Kristoff was no Hans and it was obvious they were in love, and I wanted Anna to be happy.

This morning Anna had burst into my room screaming "I'm getting married!" I was kinda jealous. She got to be with the man she loved but I had to marry some stranger from another country. Luckily me and my betrothed would stay in Arendelle, which was part of the deal, because this was my kingdom and if he wanted to marry me we lived where I chose.

Anyway, back to the present. I was walking towards the docks when I heard feet slip and somebody, a man, yell. He fell right onto me. And he was going to pay.

Flynn's POV

I snuck out the window, after putting on a warm blue vest, the one I wore when I first met Blondie actually. I had climbed onto the roof and jumped to the next one. I laughed when I slipped on the tiles and almost fell down.

I hadn't felt this alive since I was catapulted into the air to land on Maximus, the demon-spawn horse to save Blondie. Not even when I married her. That was more a warm, comfy feeling like sitting in front of the fire with a hot drink. But this, jumping from roof to roof like I was a true shadow, was amazing. I hadn't realised how much I had missed it. Yes, I felt bad that I had sworn to never go back to Flynn Rider but this wasn't Flynn Rider, was it? I wasn't stealing anything. I was just having some fun.

That was, until I slipped and fell. I yelled and tried to catch a purchase on anything, until I caught myself on a sign. I used both hands to hoist myself up but overestimated how much strength I would need and fell again. I was just a tiny bit rusty. At least the fall wasn't as big and I thought I would be fine, until I landed on someone. They yelped in pain and I quickly rolled of them.

Shit, it was a girl.

"Jesus! Are you okay?" I asked, trying to take her hands to pull her up onto her feet.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed, pushing my hands away and getting up by herself. As she stood her hood fell off, revealing beautiful platinum blonde hair that could rival Blondie's old hair. Her pale skin brought out her gorgeous cobalt blue eyes that looked murderous right now.

I stood awkwardly, in front of this tall stunning woman who looked like she wanted to slit my throat and put my head on a spike. I had also noticed it had gotten colder and my breath came out in white puffs.

"So," I said, trying to break the ice, but only leaving a small dent in it. "quite cold here, isn't it?"