After seeing Tobias this morning, I went back to my apartment to meet Christina and Marlene. Hopefully I would survive this, I'm assuming, nauseating girly day. Shopping wasn't really my forte, I mean it was kind of boring. I wasn't even quite sure why I was going. It was Christina and Marlene's persuasion basically. And plus, Tobias was busy for today, doing some sort of work thing in the control room.

I wasn't a girly girl at all. I'd much rather be training or doing something worthwhile with my time rather than shop hopping or going to the spa. After all, what really was the point of all that?

I slipped into the apartment, somehow hoping that they had gone without me, or grabbed someone else to go with them.

"TRIS!" Christina yelled as she waved me over to where her and Marlene were standing.

"You're late," she stated with a slight frown on her face.

I looked at the clock. Yep, I was.

"So crazy idea," I started off with a sly smile. "Why don't we…go get tattoos. Or go get something to eat. Or —"

"Nope. We're going shopping Tris," Christina cut me off with a grin.

"Yeah, you can't get out of this one," Marlene added playfully.

I groaned. Kill me now.
"Seriously? Can't even get out of it a little?" I said with a sigh.

They shook their heads simultaneously.

"Ooh and we've booked the spa," Christina said as she went over to the mirror and dabbed some lipgloss onto her lips.

"The spa?" I pursed my lips together. "Does Dauntless even have a spa? They do not seem like the type of faction too."

"Well, we do," Marlene said with a grin. "It's quite nice actually. We even have a massage place here."

I groaned once again. "Oh please tell me you didn't book that too."
They looked each other slyly with smiles creeping up their faces. Oh my God. What else did they book.

Christina leant over to Marlene and whispered audibly, "We'll tell her later."

Marlene grinned in return and whispered back with, "Should we tell her about the mud bath?"

My jaw dropped open. They had GOT to be kidding me. There was absolutely no way in hell that i was going to go to a massage place, and I was not getting into a mud bath with anyone.

"Please tell me you're joking," I said with a very serious look on my face.

"Ok fine, we're joking," Christina conceded with a grin.

"Thank God," I breathed with a sigh of relief. "Let's go get this day over with."

We headed to the shops first, to find some outfits. Christina was particularly excited about this because she had been busting to find some dress she saw the last time she went to the shops. Apparently it was "perfect for her" and that "Will would love it". So this should be fun.

We went into the first store, which was a clothing store. And we spent an inordinately long time looking at clothing.

Tell me please, what is so fascinating about a tank top? Chris and Marlene could probably answer that question in depth. Details about the straps, the cut, the fabric, the length and all that jazz. But to me it was so boring. Who cared? Not me.

"Tris," Christina waved me over. She held a dress out to me. "You have got to try this on! It's so you."

It was so not.

It was pink.


I honestly don't even understand why there was a pink dress in a Dauntless shop out of all things, it was ridiculous.

"Um how about no," I said matter of factly. "Number one, it's pink. Number two, no."

"Yeah pink is so rare in Dauntless! You'd be unique."

I stood firm. "Chris, there is no way I'm going to even try that on."

"Oh well, I didn't really expect anything different," Christina said with a laugh. "Which is why…"

She trailed off as she revealed what was in her other hand. A whole heap of dresses on hangers.
"More dresses? What for?" I asked.
"Didn't you know? There's a huge Dauntless party tomorrow. I'm sure I told you."

"Well I didn't know," I said. "When did you tell me?"

"This morning before I told you we were going shopping. You must've been day dreaming about Four or something," she said with a grin.

"Haha very funny." It was probably true though.

"Go try the dresses on," Christina said as she shooed me off into the changing room. "We have to find you something for the party!

I groaned as I complied, and went in. As I locked the door, I surveyed the choice of dresses that Christina gave me.

Not too bad.

Two were far too low cut, a few were far too short, and the others were kind of okay. But there was one that I really liked. It was black, not too low cut that it would be tasteless, and it had long sleeves that were mesh. It was short, but not slutty short at least. It was a good length.

I decided to try that one first, hoping it would fit well on my somewhat awkward body. I slipped it on, smoothing out the skirt, and straightening the sleeves.

I surveyed myself in the mirror.

Once again, not too bad.

Kind of good really.

"Tris!" Christina called out from outside the changing room. "Come show when you've tried on one of the dresses!"

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I threw back as I stepped out of the changing room.

Christina's, for lack of a better phrase, jaw dropped.

"You look totally hot Tris!" she exclaimed.
"What you act like it's a surprise?" I teased her, knowing that it was a surprise, at least to me.

"No it's just like, it suits you so well! I'm so good at picking dresses!"

"Yes, yes you are," I agreed with her. I mean, she was! I looked pretty good.

"Okay now go try on the next one," Christina shooed me back into the change room.

I moved onto the next dress reluctantly, not wanting to change out of that one.

"Hey!" Marlene's head popped over.

I looked aghast. I was like half naked. What was she doing?

"Marlene what the hell," I snapped as I quickly tried to zip the dress up.

"Nothing," she said with a cheeky grin. "Just wanted to see how your dresses were going."

"They're going good," I replied. "If you just could um, like avert your eyes for a little bit so I can cover myself up with the dress you want to see…"
"Oh right yeah, sure," Marlene said as she closed her eyes.

I rolled mine in return and laughed a little. It was nice to be out with friends, even though some of them could be not very observant of boundaries.

But then again, maybe I needed to loosen up a little. They were my friends, so what if they saw me somewhat naked. Wasn't really a crime.

I zipped up and fixed the dress.

"You can open your eyes now," I said to Marlene, who to her credit still had her eyes shut.

She opened them and grinned.

"Tris looks smoking!" Marlene called out to Christina.

"Well then make her come out here and show me!" Christina yelled back. "There's no use shopping with friends unless you can ogle said friend and make sure she buys the dress!"

I popped out and quickly showed her, just to shut her up.
"Yes. You have to buy this one too Tris!" Christina said with a grin.

I looked in the mirror, at myself in the dress. I felt a little uneasy, I mean it was super short and pretty low cut. "I'm not sure…"

"Marlene get out here," Christina yelled.

Marlene's head popped out of her changing room. "I'm a little bit naked right now but hey Tris you look great!"

I laughed. This was how friendship was supposed to be. Easy, carefree not all stiff and awkward like I was so very used to.

"Okay, I'll get the dress. Can I go back and try the rest on now?"

"Yes you can," Christina said with a grin.

I went back into the changing room and started to take off the dress when suddenly Marlene's head popped up again near the ceiling.

"Okay, Marlene, this time a little privacy please," I laughed.

"Sorry," she said laughing as well as she popped back into her changing room.

We moved onto makeup next, after trawling a few more clothing stores. I ended up buying the two dresses that Christina and Marlene both really liked, and that I did too. And I ended up buying some makeup as well. Just a basic eyeshadow palette, and some mascara and eye liner, so I would have to stop borrowing Christina's all the time. And some pink lipstick, which was kind of out of my comfort zone but Marlene and Christina said I just had to have it. So I bought it.

And then we went to the spa.

The three of us

Oh my god, was I ever wrong about the spa. I used to think getting endlessly pampered and pricked and all that would be not fun, but I was wrong. It was so relaxing and nice.

The shopping still wasn't fun, but the spa kind of made up for it.

And I got my nails done.

Which was nice.

Maybe girls day out wasn't such a bad idea after all.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a few days late sorry. Not that that really matters I feel like no one even reads this fic anymore haha…which is why…

I posted a new Divergent story called "Together" a few days ago. It would mean the world if you all checked it out. Please review it with your thoughts!

YOU guys can decide the next chapter for this…review with your idea and I'm going to write one of them. It'll be up in a week (maybe earlier). Maybe I'll write two of the ideas, maybe I'll write a whole heap. So review with your ideas please! :)